Monday, March 25, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 17: Inheritance"

Major Spoilers Ahead!

The true villain of this season of Arrow was revealed.

Team Arrow's story line was great, it felt so much like season 5. The team's dynamic and chemistry with each other was great. Stephen Amell returned, and his presence was heavily missed last week, and he delivered.

Felicity's story line was not that impressive. While Emily Bett Rickards was great as Felicity, the episode suffered from it's lack of plot advancement.

Emiko Queen's betrayl and reveal that she helped murder Robert, and that she planned on killing Oliver as well was jaw dropping. Sea Shimooka's performance was outstanding, and I'm glad that they decided to make her the main villain. The action scenes between her and team Arrow were well shot as well.

Laurel's past is coming back to haunt her, and her future is looking grim. Due to what I discovered for the next episode, she is going off the deep end. Katie Cassidy gave another great performance.

Overall, while Felicity's story line was weak, the episode delivered on it's huge plot twists, revealing the true villain of the season, setting up an epic final 5 episodes, well shot action scenes, and powerful performances from Stephen Amell and Sea Shimooka.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

Friday, March 22, 2019

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 10: I Am Bane"

Bane rises and puts the future of Gotham into chaos.

Bane made his official debut, and he delivered in every way. Shane West is a great Bane, and he surpassed Tom Hardy in just about every way. The fight scene between him, Alfred, and Selina was epic. I believe he killed Alfred, or he seriously wounded him.

It was neat to see Alfred and Selina bond with each other. Selina's cry after Bane slammed Alfred against the pole was heart breaking, shows that she really does care about him, despite their diferences.

Theresa Walker's identity was revealed. While I knew she was Ra's al Ghul's daughter, I had no idea that she was Nyssa. Great plot twist, Jaime Murray's performance was extrodinary.

Penguin, Riddler, Lee, and Barbara's story line was laugh out loud funny, and super intense. Barbara Kean has now given birth to Barbara Gordon. Riddler and Penguin's dialogue and facial expressions were classic. 

The General, because he has been brainwashed by Nyssa and Bane, ordered Gotham to be nuked. While I know that next week is not the series finale, it is really going to feel like it.

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham kept it's hot streak going and delivered on the story lines connecting with each other, it's brutal action scenes, shocking plot twists, a strong buildup for the next episode, and powerful performances from Shane West, David Mazouz , Jaime Murray, Ben Mckenzie, Erin Richards, Morena Baccarin, Robin Lord Taylor, and Cory Michael Smith, to produce what I feel is the best episode of Gotham, alongside "Ace Chemicals."

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 17: Time Bomb"

Spoilers Ahead!

Though the Time Bomb Metahuman was a waste, the Flash's Easter Eggs and humor were incredible.

The Grace and Orlin story line was a heartfelt and surprising one. Grace is already a better villain then Orlin was. Grace killing Orlin was so sad, not the way I wanted him to go out. Good acting between Chris Klein and Sarah Carter.

Ralph Dibny made his long awaited return tonight. His one liner's and scenes between Carlos Valdes were lough out loud hilarious. Ralph's presence has been missed.

Sherloque Wells doing his invertigation was the best plot line. The writing for Sherloque and Tom Cavanagh's acting were brilliantly executed.

The best part came when Sherloque spilled the beans on who Nora was working with. An angry Barry through her into the pipeline. Nora then broke down and began to cry as her world came crashing down onto her as she regretted lying to her parents and friends. Grant Gustin and Jessica Parker Kennedy's performances were excellent in just that one scene.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was a great one. Though the Grace getting revenge on the Meta who accidentally killed her parents was dumb and predictable, the episode featured some great writing, well done humor, its strong emotion between its heroes and villains, and powerful performances from Grant Gustin, Chris Klein, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Sarah Carter, Carlos Valdes, and Hartley Sawyer.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 16: Star City 2040"

Arrow shows it has plenty of fuel left in it's tank, but also shows that the show suffers without Stephen Amell.

The reveal that Nyssa was the one who trained and mentored Mia Smoak was cool, but sad becuase it all but confirms that Oliver is dead in the future. It was neat to see Nyssa again.

The reveal that Felicity was alive in the future made the episode for me. Emily Bett Rickards gave a great performance and her chemistry with the cast was outstanding as usual.

To see the team suit up was neat but not seeing Oliver with them made me very sad. The action scenes were well shot.

While the cast was outstanding, they were pale in comparison to Stephen Amell.

While a lot of questions in the future were answered, it still left way too many unanswered, mainly where the heck is Thea Queen and John Diggle.

Overall, while last night's episode Arrow lacked Stephen Amell's presence and it left too many questions unanswered, it featured some great action scenes, strong character development, and great performances from Katherine McNamara, Emily Bett Rickards, and Colton Haynes.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3 out of 4 stars

Monday, March 18, 2019

Arrow Episode

Review of the recent episode of Arrow is coming tomorrow. I'm very tired and I'm not ready to write a review tonight.


My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 9: The Trial of Jim Gordon"

Spoilers Ahead!

Gotham never failed to impress me in this episode that features some more twists and turns.

Jim Gordon gets shot while trying to establish a ceasefire with all the gangs in Gotham. He then hallucinates where he is on trial. What I loved most about the trial, besides Ben Mckenzie's incredible performance, was the fact that it was about Jim's greatest fear.

Meanwhile, Barbara is getting impatient with Penguin and Riddler's lack of progress on the building of the submarine. Barbara, in an effort to show Jim that she has changed, manages to get the gangs, due to threatening them, to lay down their arms. Robin Lord Taylor's one liners were hillarious, and Erin Richards gave a great performance as well.

Bruce and Selina, though she wasn't expecting it, went on a date. When Bruce tells Selina that he is considering leaving Gotham due to him felling that it is his fault that all the villains have arrived, and that the fact that he wants to keep her safe, she immediately tries to talk him out of it. Their date is cut short by the arrival of Ivy Pepper and the Mutant Leader. Ivy then brainwashes Bruce to follow her commands, while Selina is forced to defend herself.

The Mutant Leader coming back was a great twist. I also love the rivalry between Ivy and Selina, as Ivy is jealous that Bruce has always loved Selina more then her. Peyton List did a great job as Ivy as well.

Harvey Bullock manages to find out that Victor Zsaaz was the one who shot Gordon, and with the help of Alfred, they manage to catch him. They then realize that he has been brainwashed by Ivy. Anthony Carrigan did another great job as Zsaaz.

Ivy, who's plan it to make Gotham a place for plants, trues to finish off Gordon herself, but Lee manages to hold her off. Lee then performans CPR, as his heart rate went down to zero, on Gordon and manages to wake him up. Morena Baccarin and Ben Mckenzie's chemistry was outstanding in this scene.

Bruce then goes to a power plant, to poison the water supply in Gotham, and brainwashes Fox due to some spray that Ivy gave him. Selina then shows up and fights Bruce. She is then forced to fight the man she loves, and manages to knock him back to his senses, though she felt guilty after it, but Bruce assures her she did the right thing. She then hillariously knocks Lucis back to his senses and they manage to stop the water from being poisoned.

One month later, Jim and Lee finally get married in a ceremony performed by Harvey Bullock, the dialogue by Harvey was well written and funny.

Bruce, deciding not to leave Gotham, lets Selina nows he plans on staying by kissing her. David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova's chemistry in this episode was awesome, they play their roles so convincingly.

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham delivered on its well written story lines, well written humor, great dialogue, strong chemistry between David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova, and Morena Baccarin and Ben Mckenzie, and strong performances from Robin Lord Taylor, Erin Richards, Donal Logue, and Anothony Carrigan, to keep its hot streak going.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 8: Nothing's Shocking"

Major Spoilers Ahead

Gotham focused on character development tonight, and kept its hot streak going.

Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock's story line provided some neat details into Harvey's background and provided some great character development for him as well. The villain was interesting, and you really felt sorry for her, I would guess that she was supposed to be a mix of Clayface and Inque. Donal Logue and Ben Mckenzie once again excelled as Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon.

Penguin and Riddler's story line introduced a famous Batman villain, the Ventriloquist. Penguin's facial expressions and dialogue with Riddler and Ventriloquist were hillarious. Andrew Sellon's performance as Ventriloquist was neat, while it was disappointing that they killed him off, I knew why they had to. The reason is because they filmed this episode later and could not keep him around because it would have been a huge plot hole. Cory Michael Smith did a great job as the Riddler as well.

Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth investigated the sewers where Jeremiah's toxins were released. While they were searching for someone, I believe they had an encounter with Killer Croc. What made this story line so good, besides the chemistry between David Mazouz and Sean Pertwee, was the fact that Alfred felt like it was his fault that Wayne Manor was destroyed, but Bruce says it was not his fault, and that it was Jeremiah's and Jeremiah's alone.

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham delievered on its character development, great dialogue, well written humor, introducing new villains, and strong performances from Donal Logue, Robin Lord Taylor, Cory Michael Smith, and Andrew Sellon.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 7: Ace Chemicals"

Major Major Spoilers Ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotham finally answered the long standing question as to who the Joker is. Ironically, this episode aired almost exactly one year when they introduced Jerome Valeska.

Jeremiah Valeska returned and his plan was genius. He always has backup plans on his backup plans. The dinner scene between Jeremiah, Bruce, Alfred, and Thomas and Martha Wayne was brilliantly executed and the dialogue by Jeremiah was epic!!

While Jim and Lee are investigating bodies found in the Narrows, they happen to arrive at Ace Chemicals and are captured by none other the Mad Hatter and Ecco (Harley Quinn). Despite his small role, Benedict Samuel did a great job!!

While Selina planned on finding a way out of Gotham and then killing the Penguin, she couldn't let Jeremiah succeed in reenacting the death of Bruce's parents. She ultimately stopped Jeremiah from killing Jim and Lee. I loved the small redemption arc for Selina, and Camren Bicondova once again gave a great performance.

The ultimate showdown between Bruce and Jeremiah was the huge buildup, and it delivered in every way. Though how it happened was not how I predicted it, while punching Bruce and telling him how much they need each other, Bruce moved out of the way and Jeremiah slipped and fell into the vat of chemicals. Theory confirmed, Jeremiah Valeska is the Joker.

As to what happens with Lee and Jim, I have no idea. And I still don't know what she is mad at him for, but we will find out in the future.

It is then revealed that Jeremiah survived and is now brain dead, but we all know he will eventually wake up. Cameron Monaghan, in my opinion, has now surpassed Heath Ledger as the greatest actor to play the Joker.

Selina then apologizes to Bruce for not helping him the night his parents were murdered and that she has not done enough, but Bruce tells her that she has done more then enough. I'm glad they somewhat reconciled and their chemistry in just that one scene was great.

Meanwhile, Penguin, Riddler, and Barbara forged a uneasy alliance to escape Gotham by building a submarine. Riddler and Penguin's reaction to finding out that Barbara was pregnant was priceless.

Overall, Gotham continued its hot streak and delivered on the origins of the Joker, well shot action scenes, well written dialogue, great reveals, and strong performances from Cameron Monaghan and David Mazouz. Best episode of the entire series, no doubt in my mind.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 6: 13 Stitches"

Spoilers Ahead.

Gotham continues its hot streak this season with another awesome and satisfying episode that sets up for the main event next week.

Gordon's story line involving Bane, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Kean, Edward Nygma, and Lucius Fox was great. Cory Michael Smith's one liners were great, and it was nice to see Lee Thompkins return. Bane has finally been born, and as to who Walker is, I have heard rumors, but I'm not sold on who it is yet.

Selina and Penguin's story line was very unique and funny. Camren Bicondova and Robin Lord Taylor's performances were great. Magpie was a unique villain, but I'm glad that they did not make her one of those annoying villains who won't go away. While Camren's acting was good, her performance was not near as good as it is when she is with David Mazouz (Bruce Wayne). Should be interesting as to what Selina does involving her future.

My theory was confirmed, Barbara Kean is pregnant with Jim Gordon's daughter, Barbara Gordon (Batgirl or Oracle). Gordon and Bullock's reaction to finding out that she was pregnant was classic.

The best part came when Alfred was ambushed by Jeremiah. He then takes Alfred to what's left of Wayne Manor and taunts about how "Today's the big day". Cameron Monaghan once again showcases his brilliance as the Joker and shows why, in just this scene alone, he is the best actor on Gotham.

Overall, Gotham continues its hot streak and delivered a satisfying episode that delivered on its character development, setting up intriguing plot points and villains, well written humor, a huge tease for what's to come next week, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie, Shane West, Cory Michael Smith, Erin Richards, and Robin Lord Taylor.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 5: Pena Dura"

Spoilers Ahead!!!!

Gotham once again continues its hot streak!!

We are finally introduced to the man who will become Bane. Shane West did a great job at portraying a two face (pun intended) snake. Should be interesting as to who he is working with, I hope that it is the Court of Owl's.

The Riddler's story line was awesome. Cory Michael Smith's performance was outstanding. The reintroduction to Dr. Hugo Strange was awesome! I loved the reference to Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, regarding the chip in Edward's head.

What I was afraid of came to pass, Selina and Bruce hit another turning point in their relationship. While this was something I prepared for to come, I think she is going through what Bruce went through in season 4. I think she will finally come around when she realizes that Bruce is the only person who really cares about her. Once again, David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova delivered some outstanding performances.

The scene between Harvel Bullock and Bruce Wayne was perfect. I feel that was the push he needed to help him in the future when he becomes Batman. Donal Logue's performance was very good as well. Very rare scene between the two of them, hope we get more of it towards the end of this season.

The best part in the episode was the end! Jeremiah Valeska survived his attack by Selina, because of body armor. While Gotham's actors are awesome, this scene alone showed that Cameron Monaghan is the best actor on Gotham. His laugh was perfect as well. Looking forward to him embodying the Joker more. I'm ready for him to take the next step in his master plan! Gotham, please do not mess him up.

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham was another great one. The episode's highlights were the introduction to Bane, plenty of heart surounding it, setting up intriguing future story lines, and strong performances from Cameron Monaghan, Shane West, and Cory Michael Smith.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 4: Ruin"

Spoilers Ahead

Wow! Gotham deliveres another strike in this episode!

Jim Gordon and the Penguin teaming up was perfect. Ben Mckenzie and Robin Lord Taylor's chemistry was amazing as usual. The return of Victor Zsasz was surprising as well. The episode did a great job at revealing how corrupt the city of Gotham is, a great forshadowing to what will happen years later.

Oddly, Bruce, Alfred, and Selina how very little screen time. But their story line stood out because of the return of the best actor on the show, Cameron Monaghan! Monaghan once again showcases his incredible performance as Jeremiah Valeska, but was killed off by Selina. But we all know that he will return. He has everything planned out, and letting Selina think that she killed him, is all part of his master plan, this also showcases the writers of Gotham's brilliance as to how they are handling Jeremiah's character. I can't really review the performances from David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, and Sean Pertwee, but I hope that next week Alfred, Bruce, and Selina will have a lot more scenes between the three of them.

Cory Michael Smith returns as Edward Nygma, AKA the Riddler. His story line is really interesting. But one of the amusing parts is when Lucius Fox forces him to help him find out who bombed "Haven" in exchange for a file he is after. Chris Chalk and Cory Michael Smith's detective work was great, hope we see more of it before the show ends.

The big twist however, is that it was revealed who blew up "Haven" and possibly blew up the helicopter in the first episode of this season. (In terms of the helicopter, I am still not sold on who did it, but they hinted very strongly who blew it up.) The culprit who blew up "Haven" was non other then Edward Nygma! But the twist was, he was having another Jekyll and Hyde moment (Which means he doesn't remember doing it). Should be interesting as to how everyone reacts to finding out that it was Edward.

I did not expect it to be Edward who did it, I was honestly expecting it to be either Jeremiah or Bane, but I liked it nonetheless. Now in terms of the helicopter back in the first episode of this season, I think that Jeremiah or Bane could have possibly been the person who blew it up, but they hinted very strongly that it was Edward. I could be wrong, but we shall see.

Another interesting plot twist was finding out that the gang, in the second episode of this season, that was building tunnels was working for Jeremiah! Huge plot twist, never saw that one coming! Great job Gotham, great job!!!

At the end of this episode, Barbara surprisingly showed up to give Jim something. While he originally told her to leave, he eventually gave in and they ended up kissing. If my suspicions are correct, I think that Barbara Kean was just impregnated with Barbara Gordon, (Jim's future daughter and the future Batgirl). Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be very interesting, if she is pregnant, as to how everyone takes the news, particularly Harvey Bullock, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Lee Thompkins, and Alfred Pennnyworth!!!

Overall, Tonight's episode of Gotham benefited from its strong themes, stunning plot twists, hinting at future plot twists and reveals, the return of Jeremiah Valeska, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie, Robin Lord Taylor, Cory Michael Smith, and Cameron Monaghan.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 3: Penguin, Our Hero"


From its hilarious opening with the Penguin, to its spine chilling showdown between Ecco and Catwoman, and to the jaw dropping final scene, Gotham continues to show why it is arguably, the best superhero show.

Robin Lord Taylor's portrayal of the Penguin seems to be getting better as the seasons go on, his one liners as well are funny. Should be interesting when him and Gordon team up next week.

Jim Gordon's story line was a good one, but the ending blew me away. I have always said that Ben Mckenzie's performance as Jim Gordon is the best portrayal of Gordon is the best ever, and tonight's episode solidified my claim, in my opinion. Ben's acting is one of the strongest of the show, the way he can portray a optimistic depsite everything that is going on, proves he is a strong actor. Should be interesting when he and Penguin team up next week.

Bat and Cat finaly had another episode of just them, and David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova's chemistry was outstanding as usual, hope we get more of it next week. The fight I was most excited for was Bat and Cat against the Mutant Gang, and it did not disappoint. Camren Bicondova is doing a fine job at playing a playful and flirty Selina while around Bruce, but her acting picked up when she began playing Catwoman and showed how she is changing. David Mazouz did a great job showing how much he cares about Selina, and Bruce boldly pointed it out to her in this episode. David is slowly emodying the Batman personality, and he is doing a great job at it.

Harley Quinn (or Proto Harley) made her debut this episode, and Francesca Root-Dodson did a phenomenal job at it. In my opinion, that was the best version of Harley Quinn, Proto or not, she brought out the dark side of Quinn, and her fight scene with Selina was awesome as well. Looking forward to Jeremiah making his long awaited return next week!

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham was no doubt the best episode of the season so far. The episode heavily benefited from its jaw dropping ending, strong character development, well written dialogue, intense and well shot action scenes, strong chemistry between David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova, and powerful performances from Robin Lord Taylor and Ben Mckenzie.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 2: Tresspassers"

Spoilers ahead!!!!!!!

EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotham continues to impress me more and more.

Jim Gordon's story line was dark, creepy and well written. Thanks to its humor, memorable villains, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie and Donal Logue, this is definitely one of the more memorable Jim Gordon plot lines. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Mother.

Bruce Wayne's story line was a bittersweet one, while it was cool seeing Poison Ivy again and it is great that Selina is walking again, as Ivy warned Bruce, the plant that she ate will definitely start to turn her into Catwoman, which I'm worried about, in terms of how her, Camren Bicondova's,acting will be (Mainly because she has some large shoes to fill in that were set by Anne Hathaway, and Michelle Pfeiffer.) Nevertheless, it had a good overall premise, plenty of heart surrounding how much Bruce cares about Selina, and strong performances from David Mazouz and Peyton List.

The Riddler's story line is what is the most intriguing one in my opinion. Largely because I'm wondering what the Riddler wanted with that gang, and who killed them. Overall, Cory Michael Smith did a great job, and his one liners were great.

Overall, Tonight's episode of Gotham was another impressive one, largely due to its one liners, heart surrounding it, intriguing buildups with each characters story line, creepy villains, and strong performances from Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, and David Mazouz.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 1: Year Zero"

What a comeback!!! What a beginning, what a middle act, and what a finale act.

Jim Gordon's war with the Penguin and with the Sirens was cool. Robin Lord Taylor gave one of his best performances yet, and they finally got rid of one of the most annoying characters one the show, YESSS!!!!!!!! Watch out Penguin, Barbara is not the only one who is going to come after you because of what you did.

The battle between Gordon and Scarecrow was awesome. While Bruce's fight with the scarecrow's gang reminded me of Batman Begins a lot.

The Riddler's storyline is very intriguing as well, should be interesting as to what they end up doing with him. Cory Michael Smith does a good job at portraying a broken Riddler.

Selina Kyle's storyline is going to be a rough journey for me and a lot of people who heavily ship her and Bruce. Camren Bicondova once again shows why she is arguably one of the best actors on the show. Hopefully, they don't pull a late season 3 concerning her relationship with Bruce Wayne. Also, it should be interesting as too who the Witch is that the Nurse spoke of, I have my suspicions as to who it is, and I think that it is Poison Ivy.

The shot of Gordon looking at his map with the words hahahahahahaha written all over it was a great way to tease the reemergence of Jeremiah Valeska, AKA The Joker.

Overall, tonight's episode of Gotham was a satisfying episode that benefited from the emotion behind some of its characters, well shot fight scenes, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie, Robin Lord Taylor, Camren Bicondova, and David Mazouz.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 15: Training Day"

Arrow delivered and kept it's hot streak going.

The story line between the team and the SCPD was good, but the villains were very lackluster and were not a huge threat. Stephen Amell, Rick Gonzalez, Juliana Harkavy, Emily Bett Rickards, and David Ramsey's chemistry was great, and it felt like old times watching the team suit up.

The return of Ben Turner / Bronze Tiger was great. The reveal that his son is the future Connor Hawke was a great twist. It was also nice to see Katie Cassidy finally return. Hope that these two join the arrow team soon, or give them an arc of their own very soon.

The flash forwards are so bittersweet to me. While the acting is great, I hate the direction that they are going in, mainly due to the fact that Oliver has been blamed for Star City going into ruin. Ben Lewis and Katherine McNamara's chemistry was great, hope to see more of it in future episodes.

Overall, last night's episode of Arrow, while suffering from its villains, delivered on it returning to its season 5 roots, strong chemistry between team Arrow, well shot action scenes, return of a familiar plot, and strong buildups for the remainder of this season.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 14: Brothers & Sisters"

Major Spoilers Ahead!!!

Arrow's comeback did not disappoint and managed to impress me with some of their choices.

Felicity's story line and character development was great. It was also nice to see Katie Cassidy back and offer some words of advice to Felicity. Once again, Katie Cassidy and Emily Bett Rickards' performances and chemistry were great.

Oliver trying to bond with Emiko was huge karma for Oliver. Rene Ramirez being the voice of reason was funny. The action scene was actually pretty well shot as well. Stephen Amell gave another great performance as Oliver and Sea Shimooka impressed me with her performance.

The A.R.G.U.S. story line was awesome. It was neat to the Suicide Squad working together for the first time. Their action scenes were well shot also. Kirk Acevedo impressed me and I'm starting to really like Diaz as a villain. Overall, great story line and the acting by its cast, mainly Kirk Acevedo, was awesome.

Towards the end of the episode, Felicity finally told Oliver that she was pregnant. Their chemistry and his reaction was just icing on the cake. Their chemistry is unmatched.

The flashforwards managed to surprise me as well. The moments between Mia and William got me sad. My suspicions may have been confirmed, Oliver Queen is more then likely dead, which would explain why Mia doesn't know her father very well. I would rather Oliver be dead then him and Felicity getting divorced, sorry but that would just rip my heart up.

The episode came with two jaw dropping moments that I did not see coming. The first was finding out that Emiko was working with Dante, the enemy of A.R.G.U.S., that just blew me away in more ways then one. The second was when Diaz was transferred back to Slabside prison, while he was in his cell someone caused the shower heads to spray gasoline on him. Then someone threw a lighter at him and set him on fire.

I have no idea whether Diaz is alive or not, but personally, I really hope that he is not dead, simply because I'm now starting to like him.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow heavily delivered on its plot lines, well shot action scenes, teasing a dark future for Star City, introducing a great new threat, incredible action scenes, jaw dropping plot twists, and strong performances from Kirk Acevedo, Stephen Amell, and Emily Bett Rickards.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 13: Star City Slayer"

Major Major Spoilers Ahead!!!!

Bam! Another great episode of Arrow!!!! And the ending was terrific.

The story line between Diggle, Rene, Curtis, and Dinah felt like old times!!!! I have a feeling that Dinah lost her power's when the Star City Slayer slit her throat. Also loved the haunted house part, and Curtis and Rene's one liners were clever. The acting between the four of them was great and their chemistry was awesome as usual.

Echo Kellum, I was never big on the way they wrote your character, but I felt you did the best you could with what you had to work with. Thanks for your incredible performance in season 5, and good luck with your future.

Oliver, Felicity, and William's story line dragged a lot, mainly due to the drama surounding William. The best part was when they were confronted by the Star City Slayer. Despite me thinking there was no way that he was the Slayer, the villain was confirmed to be Stanley Dover, Oliver's prison mate who idolized him. I went nuts, I loved it!!!!!!!

Stephen Amell's acting was one of his best ever!!! Emily Bett Rickards' performance was great as usual, her chemistry with Stephen has always been a strong point with the series. Brendan Fletcher gave a dark and disturbing performance, as his origins were very twisted but well written.

The flash forwards were great. Some well shot action scenes, and a stuning reveal, I will get to that ahead. The acting by Colton Haynes and Juliana Harkavy was great, love their chemistry. One big reveal is that Felicity is not dead and that Blackstar is looking for her. The twist was when she revealed her real name!

The best twist was when Felicity got a call from the hospital after they ran a few tests on her to make sure she was not infected with anymore chemicals, the Doctor then called her and told her that they found something else. She is pregant!!!!!!!!

Her daughter is Blackstar and Blackstar's real name is Mia Smoke! I loved it, and can't wait to see Oliver's reaction as well as the reaction's by his teammates and his sisters Emiko and Thea.

The two questions about the flash forwards that really keep coming to my mind are: 1. Were is Oliver Queen? My theory is that he is either dead, or he is with Felicity (I really hope I'm right about him being alive.) My second qestion is this: Where is Thea Queen? My theory is that her and Roy broke up, again, and that she is dead and Roy is filled with so much guilt, which explains why he got very upset when William mentioned her back in episode 2? We shall see though!

Overall, despite the stupid drama surrounding William, tonight's episode of Arrow was awesome! Stanley was a great villain and I hope they decide to use him more. The episode benefited from its creepy tone, huge plot twists, giving the team an episode to show off their skills, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Brendan Fletcher, Rick Gonzalez, and Emily Bett Rickards.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 12: Emerald Archer"

Very different episode.

The documentary aspect of the film, while interesting, made me very sick due to the shaky camera. The highlight of the documentary were the cameos by Caity Lotz, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne, and Grant Gustin.

Seeing William back was not what I was hoping for. While Emily Bett Rickards and Jack Moore's performance was great, and Jack Moore's chemistry with Eliza Faria was awesome, I do not like how they are adding more drama to his character.

It was great to see Team Arrow back in action. Their chemistry with each other was great, and their action scene was awesome.

The villain was the huge let down in my opinion. While he had a great buildup, had some dark motives, and the scene with the masks that he keeps for trophies were great, his overall identity was disappointing. I was expecting him to be someone the team had encountered.

The flash forward scene was weird but compelling at the same time. I'm still not sold on these, mainly because I feel that they are a dumb attempt to keep the series going, but I'm willing to give them a shot, mainly due to Connor Hawke showing up.

Overall, while tonight's episode of Arrow heavily suffered from shaky camera movement and angles and a lackluster villain, the episode heavily benefited from its cameos, action scenes, strong character development, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Juliana Harkavy, Emily Bett Rickards, Jack Moore, and Eliza Faria.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 11: Past Sins"

This was the comeback that Arrow really needed.

Oliver's story line, while predictable, was a solid one, largely due to the character development for Oliver Queen. It is really cool to see him working with the SCPD. The villain was a bit cliche, but you did really feel for him. Stephen Amell is once again awesome as Oliver Queen, and Juliana Harkavy gave another great performance.

The A.R.G.U.S. story line had a great twist. The character of Ricardo Diaz actually impressed me in this episode and Kirk Acevedo's performace was outstanding. While I hope he doesn't become the main villain this season, I hope he sticks around as a supporting villain.

The standout story line in my opinion, was Laurel Lance's. It provided some much needed depth to her character, and featured a very heartfelt performance from Katie Cassidy. Katie and Emily Bett Rickards' chemistry was great, hope to see more of it in the future.

They just teased a new villain for this season who has an axe to grind with Oliver and his allies. Should be really interesting as to who it is, I have my hopes as to who it is, but I doubt I am correct.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow was the comeback that the show desperately needed in my opinion. While it did feature a cliche villain, and a predictable way he would be taken down, it was easily overshadowed by it character development for Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance, humor, well shot action scenes, a huge A.R.G.U.S. twist, teasing a new foe for Oliver and his allies, setting up some intriguing future story lines for A.R.G.U.S.,  and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, and Emily Bett Rickards.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 10: Shattered Lives"

Not so much to say about this episode.

They really underused Oliver and Felicity. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards' chemistry is outstanding as usual, but sadly, they heavily underused him, which is rare considering the title of the show is "Arrow".

In terms of the A.R.G.U.S. story line, the reintroduction of the Suicide Squad should be interesting. I hope though that this is not a poor attempt to make Ricardo Diaz the main villain of the season again. I don't blame Kirk Acevedo however, I blame the writing for Diaz.

The flashbacks are so back and forth for me. While they can be intriguing, I also think that they are a poor attempt to continue making future seasons of Arrow. The reveal that Rene has become corrupt in the future is very intriguing however. Once again good acting, in the flash forwards, by Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez.

I'm really concerned about the introduction of Emiko Queen for two reasons, 1. I have a feeling that she is going to be the replacement for Stephen Amell if they kill him off next season or in the future. 2. She is no Stephen Amell! Once again however, I do not blame the actress, Sea Shimooka, I blame the writing. Sea is doing the best with what she has to work with in my opinion.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow heavily suffered from poor writing, badly written dialogue for Emiko Queen, and lack of screen time for Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. However, it greatly benefited from some intriguing future story arcs, well shot action scenes, and story performances from Rick Gonzalez and Juliana Harkavy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 8: Unmasked"

Two of my main concerns were confirmed in tonight's episode, 1. It is going to be really hard for them to top the prison storyline. 2. Felicity's character has been destroyed.

The Oliver Queen storyline provided some great acting from Stephen Amell and some solid action scenes. However, it heavily suffered from Emily Bett Rickards' performance (And I have never had a problem with her acting since season 4), ruining the character Felicity, and potentially killing Oliver and Felicity's relationship.

The flashbacks were very boring. In my opinion, they have done nothing but ruin some characters, the pacing also sucks big time, and they leave too many questions unanswered in a vain attempt to set up future Arrow seasons!!! Arrow should have ended with season 3 in my opinion.

The A.R.G.U.S. part is the only thing I'm interested in right now. Mainly because I think some major plot twist is coming and I really wonder what they need Diaz for now.

Rene and Dinah's chemistry was good also. I hate the new mayor, but I think they want you to so I will not hold that against them. Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez are awesome in their roles as usual.

The reveal of the New Green Arrow was underwhelming as heck!!!!!!!!!!!! It should have been either Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, or William Queen (From the future). I hated it and think that it is one of the worst reveals ever.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow was surprisingly boring and the New Green Arrow reveal was the main cause of it, and did little to make me interested in Oliver's new storyline. Luckily, Stephen Amell, Juliana Harkavy, and Rick Gonzalez's performances, some solid action scenes, making the A.R.G.U.S. storyline very intriguing, and Dinah and Rene's awesome chemistry make it a somewhat watchable episode.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars.

My Review of “Arrow: Season 7 Episode 7: The Slabside Redemption”

A haunting beginning and an emotional ending. Tonight’s episode of Arrow benefited from its brutal action scenes, strong character development, setting up a potential season long villain, and powerful performances from Stephen Amell and Michael Jai White, as well as haunting and disturbing performances from Kirk Acevedo and Brendan Fletcher.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars 

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 6: Due Process"

What an epic episode!!!!!! That last scene between the New Green Arrow and Ricardo Diaz was incredible!!! It was also nice to see David Nykl reprise his role as Anatoli Knyazev (In what I think could be a good sendoff for is character).

 I always wondered if there was something up with Oliver's prison friend, and now my suspicions seem to have been confirmed due to that ending.

The flash forwards were interesting also, even if it somewhat worries me what they could end up doing to Felicity's character.

Overall, awesome episode and next week's episode is looking to possibly have the best action scenes ever.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 5: The Demon"

Last night’s episode of Arrow was one of the darkest and scariest episodes ever. The episode heavily benefited from its setting in the second level which was creepy, the return of a familiar face, awesome  action scenes, setting up some interesting future storylines for A.R.G.U.S., and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, and Echo Kellum.

Out of 4 stars I would give it....

4 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 4: Level Two"

Though the Oliver plotline is very boring and uninteresting, the episode benefits from its mysterious flashbacks, so many questions about the new Green Arrow, and strong performances from Rick Gonzalez, Katie Cassidy, Colton Haynes, and Juliana Harkavy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 3: Crossing Lines"

Tonight's episode of Arrow was the best one of the season, it heavily benefits from its brutal action scenes, strong performances from Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, and Michael Jai White, and advancing the plot better then the previous episode.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 2: The Longbow Hunters"

While it does little to advance Oliver's plotline, it advances on its flashforwards very well, and features some excellent action scenes, a great arc for Laurel, and strong performances from David Ramsey, Katie Cassidy, and Juliana Harkavy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4.

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 1: Inmate 4587"

While I was only going to give the premier 3.5, that twist ending was enough for me to give it four!!!!!!!! What an episode!!!!!!!!! So much potential with just this episode! The episode's main strengths are the ending, brutal action scenes, a mysterious premise, and strong performances from Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 16: Failure is an Orphan"

Major Spoilers Ahead!

Though it took a bit to get going, the plot twist at the end was worth it.

I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to right, mainly because it was one story line and that was it.

The chemistry between Jessica Parker Kennedy, Grant Gustin, and Candice Patton was great. Huge highlight of the season.

Orlin Dwyer reluctantly took the cure, but another Cicada showed up and owned Team Flash. Cicada then killed the doctor that was watching Grace, and then took Orlin. That whole scene was well shot, and the visuals were great.

The Cicada that took Orlin was revealed to be Grace from 2049. That was one of the best plot twists I have ever scene the Flash do!

I'm actually excited to see what they do with Cicada now, both Grace and Orlin. Great job Flash, you actually got me interested in the villain again.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash, while suffering from a boring first 30 minutes, heavily picked up and delivered a satisfying and jaw droping episode that benefited from it's heart surounding the episode, the huge Cicada twist, well shot acion scenes, great visuals, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Chris Klein.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

P.S. Much better then that pathetic excuse for an episode last week.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 15: Gorilla Grodd Vs King Shark"

There was a reason why I avoided righting this review last night. There were luckily only two story lines tonight.

The King Shark Vs Gorilla Grodd story line was heavily disappointing and dumb! Besides some good voice acting and strong performances from its live action cast, the story line sucked, the fight scene was horrible, and the amount of plot holes was ridiculous.

Joe West made his long awaited return in the episode. Jesse L. Martin did not disappoint, and his scenes with Iris were great and well written.

Overall, last night's episode of The Flash only benefited from its voice actors for Gorilla Grodd and King Shark, Joe West returning, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, and Carlos Valdes.

This was no doubt the worst and most useless episode of The Flash ever!!!

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

1.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 14: Cause and XS"

Spoiler Ahead

The Groundhog Day references were great!!!!!

Nora time traveling was great. I was stunned at how they were able to keep the time loops fresh. Grant Gustin was not in this episode due to him getting married, but Jessica Parker Kennedy was more then able to hold her own due.

Cisco's date was hilarious. I loved how whenever Ralph would give him advice, it always made the date worse. The humor in this story line was great, and Hartley Sawyer and Carlos Valdes gave some outstanding and hilarious performances.

Cicada was great! I loved how it took her 53 times to finally beat him, he is still a major threat, and Chris Klein gave another great performance, keep it up Chris!

The end scene with Barry and Nora was great. I loved the season 3 reference when Jay told Barry the consequences about time traveling, instead it Barry telling Nora the consequences. Grant Gustin and Jessica Parker Kennedy's chemistry was sweet as usual, it has been the strong point of the season in my opinion.

The final scene between Nora and Thawne was great. I wonder if Thawne is genuine about wanting to help Nora save her father (though I personally doubt it). Sherloque is getting closer to finding out that Nora is working with Thawne, and I am loving it. Tom Cavanagh gave another great dual performance as Sherloque and Eobard Thawne.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was arguably their best of the season. The episode's strong points were its humor, keeping the time loop fresh, well written humor, great character development for Nora, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy, Carlos Valdes, and Hartley Sawyer.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 13: Goldfaced"

Spoilers Ahead!

A great comeback, and a great way to make Cicada a huge threat again.

Sherloque's story line provided some great depth and heart to his character. It was funny finding out how Breacher will hunt him down if he does not pay his wives what he owes them. Once again, Tom Cavanagh showcases his brilliance as Sherloque.

It was nice to see Eobard reappear. The way he controles Nora is great, and Jessica Parker Kennedy gave another great performance as Nora. Tom Cavanagh, as usual, plays a great villain and shows why he is the best actor on the show.

Ralph and Barry's story line was funny, and I loved the references to the Matrix in this. The villain was cheesy, but unique at the same time. They have really been teasing Barry taking a dark turn and becoming like Green Arrow, I really hope that they do at some point in future seasons. The action scenes were unique and well shot as well. Grant Gustin and Hartley Sawyer's performances were great and their chemistry was great. They really need to have these two do more adventures together.

The return of Cicada, and his encounter with Iris was great. They have really made Cicada a big threat again, and now knowing who Iris is, is going to cause a lot of problems for Team Flash. Chris Klein's performance was incredible, and it reminded me of Michael Keaton's performance as the Vulture.

Overall, The only problem I hade with this episode was the underuse of Eobard, and Cisco not showing up, but it was easily forgettable thanks to its story lines for each of the characters, making Cicada a threat again, references to the Matrix, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Hartley Sawyer, Tom Cavanagh, and Chris Klein.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 12: Memorabilia"

Tonight's episode of The Flash had some great Easter Eggs, but they did little to make up for the lack of plot advancement.

The story line between Nora, Iris, and Barry was a decent but disappointing one. While it was great to see the cool Flash museum, it had some good character development for Nora (in terms of how she treated her mother), and the chemistry between Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Jessica Parker Kennedy was awesome as usual, it failed to advance any story line whatsoever.

Ralph and Cisco having an episode together was very unusual, and it surprisingly turned out to be super funny. The only thing that somewhat disappointed me was the new girl that Cisco has fell in love with. In all honesty, I wish he would get back with Gypsy or Golden Glider. Nevertheless, the plotline worked due to its humor and chemistry between Hartley Sawyer and Carlos Valdes.

Cicada's story line involving his Niece sucked! I hate that they are making Grace evil, it feels very forced. I am officialy done with Cicada, I feel that he is the worst villain of the show so far! Please bring back Eobard!

Sherloque now has an idea as to who Nora is in contact with, and I'm excited as to how the team will react to it. Barry Allen also is getting suspicious with Nora, should be interesting if he tells Iris or not.

Lastly, I think that they just revealed the villain for next season. While they were listening to a video in the Flash museum about Cicada, the police chief mentioned that Cicada had killed more people then Red Death. For those of you who don't know who he is, Red Death is Bruce Wayne from an alternate Earth who is a speedster. I doubt they would make it Bruce Wayne, but I would love to have him as the villain next season.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash, while featuring some great humor, cool Easter eggs, good character development, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy, Candice Patton, Grant Gustin, and Carlos Valdes, heavily suffered from a lack of plot advancement, lack of Eobard Thawne, and some forced material.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2 out of 4

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 11: Seeing Red"

Spoilers Ahead!

While not the best episode of the season, it was definitely a huge imrovement and more memorable episode then last week's episode, and other episodes this season.

When Nora gets seriously hurt, Barry begins to tap into his hatred, and at the same time delivers on a powerful performance from Grant Gustin. This episode once again gives us great chemistry between Grant Gustin, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Candice Patton, which has been the major highlight of this season.

Meanwhile, Sherloque Wells continues his investigation of Nora. What was pretty surprising was that Iris found out, and warned Sherloque to stop investigating. Sherloque eventually finds out that Nora is in contact with someone smarter then her. Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and the writers continue to do their new version of Wells justice.

Danielle Panabaker's dual performance as Caitlin and Killer Frost reminds me of Venom and Eddie Brock in a good way. Hartley Sawyer's acting and chemistry with Danielle Panabaker was a standout as well, it was also nice of the writers to finally give Ralph some screen time. I feel they have heavily underused him this season.

Cicada returned, but I was somewhat disappointed with the way they have written his character. He feels like a saturday morning cartoon villain, fights the hero, loses to the hero, comes back next week and the same thing happens. I feel that Chris Klein is doing very well with what he has to work with, but I'm ready for Eobard to return as the main villain.

It was very disappointing to not have Cisco around however, and not having the Reverse-Flash around this episode, please bring them back very quickly.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash heavily suffered from poor writing for Cicada, the lack of Cisco, and not having the Reverse Flash. However, it greatly benefited from its humor, heart surrounding Barry, Iris, and Nora, cool character development for Norvok, advancing Sherloque's story line very well, and strong performances from Danielle Panabaker, Grant Gustin, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Tom Cavanagh.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 10: The Flash & The Furious"

Not quite the comeback I was hoping for, but most 10th episodes of The Flash are pretty much the same. It did lay promising groundwork however for future episodes with Nora and Thawne.

Barry, Nora, and Iris' story line was predictable and disappointing, mainly due to its villains and the fact that Barry was heavily underused. However, the acting by the three leads, mainly Jessica Parker Kennedy,the humor regarding Barry being unable to quit phasing, and good character development for Nora West-Allen, was helpful in making it watchable.

Cisco and Caitlin's story line while funny and thought proving, reminded me way too much of when they found a cure in X-Men: The Last Stand. Luckily, Danielle Panabaker's dual performance and chemistry with Carlos Valdes make it watchable.

Nora and Eobard's story line is going to be a very interesting one. I wonder whether they are really going to go through with a redemption story-arc for Eobard Thawne. I'm hoping for the flashbacks to come quickly regarding why Nora is working with Thawne. I'm excited to see where this goes, as it is the story line that I am most interested in at the moment, (Unless Cicada gets more interesting in terms of his character).

Sherloque Wells doing his own investigation is intriguing and it will be funny. Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and at the same time reminds everyone why he is the best actor on the show. I'm interested to see whether Sherloque will reveal to Team Flash that Nora is working with the Reverse Flash before Nora confesses the truth to her parents and the team.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash suffered from a predictable story line, poor villains who do not standout at all (Which is why I'm excited for Cicada to return next week, because even though I'm worried that his character may have ran his course, I'm glad he is coming back because he is a standout villain and hopefully they start to show his more brutal villain side), and the lack of Barry Allen.

Luckily, the episode laid the foundation for promising future episodes, has a load of interesting and promising story lines for most of the supporting characters, well written humor, good chemistry between Danielle Panabaker and Carlos Valdes, good character development for Nora, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy and Tom Cavanagh, to make it a watchable episode.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 8: What's Past is Prologue"

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

Tonight's episode of The Flash takes us back to some good old times to remind us of why we love this show.

Barry decides that the only way to defeat Cicada is to go back in time and destroy his dagger. Nora then suggests that they go back to certain points in Barry's life to acquire certain discarded items from the past to get rid of Cicada's dagger instead and Barry agrees. He originally does not want to take Nora back in time, as he is afraid of her seeing certain things from his past, but Iris convinces him to to take her with him.

The chemistry between Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Jessica Parker Kennedy in this sequence is spectacular as usual.

Barry and Nora's first stop takes us to when Iris killed Savitar. They are not alone however when they go. The Time Wraith appears and forces them to act quickly. Nora then realizes who Savitar was (whether she knew that in the first place I have no idea), and luckily manages to get a piece of Savitar's suit before it disappears and before the Time Wraith gets the both of them. At the same time Nora shows off some new powers which are awesome and raise some questions as to how she learned that.

What was really disappointing about this whole scene is the fact that we did not get any new footage with Savitar. But the nostalgia and the Time Wraith more then made up for it.

Their second stop takes us back to when Zoom stole Barry's speed. Barry manages to get the device that Zoom used to steal his speed before Wells smashes it to pieces. Nora meanwhile gets to see an emotional moment between her parents' past self as Iris comforts Barry after he lost his speed and Caitlin to Zoom. As Barry and Nora are about to depart, Zoom shows up. He then chases after them but the time wraith gets him. Barry and Nora then accidentally break the device, and are thrown into the time when Barry and the team had to stop the Pied Piper, and when Barry time traveled, in season 2, to ask Thawne to help him stop Zoom.

I was somewhat disappointed. They could have used Zoom more and they should have given Teddy Sears more screen time, because you don't see him that often on The Flash, and I hope he comes back in future seasons as the Earth 1 Hunter Zolomon. But all in all, it was still awesome to see Zoom come back.

Their unintentional third stop is when the Pied Piper first showed up. Barry and Nora then see Eobard and ask him to fix the device. Eobard agrees after Barry threatens him. Eobard then sees Nora and asks if she is Jesse Chambers (A great Easter Egg). He then realizes that Nora is Barry's daughter and asks if her name is Dawn (a clever call back to the comics, but I am wondering if something is up with that. I will make a post about a theory of mine about it sometime this week or next week.) Eobard then fixes the device and Barry and Nora then take their leave.

This flashback was awesome. Tom Cavanagh once again shows why he is the best actor on the show and it also reminds us of why Reverse Flash is Barry's greatest nemesis.

Their fourth, and final, stop is the day Eobard Thawne activated the Particle Accelerator and created Barry and all the other Metahumans. Barry and Nora then break into S.T.A.R. Labs and have to avoid Eobard, Caitlin, Cisco, and Ronnie to reach the time vault. Barry and Nora then visit Gideon and ask her to get some dark matter into the device when the Accelerator is launched. Gideon then recognizes Nora and mentions she is part of a certain league (I will get to that part later.)

Eobard's dialogue in this scene was clever and the suspense around it was awesome. It also showcased some emotional acting between Nora and Barry as she realizes why Barry hates Eobard so much.

Before going back to the current timeline, Barry and Nora hide the device to stop Cicada in a pillar right outside the hospital.

Barry and the team then confront Cicada in the current timeline. Cicada then mentions that once he has killed every Meta, he himself will then die as well. Cicada then throws his dagger at Barry, but the device works and Cisco manages to teleport the dagger into space. But Cicada still manages to retrieve it and subdues the team's powers. Before he can kill Barry, Nora, Cisco, and Ralph, Killer Frost arrives and manages to defeat Cicada. Cicada then realizes he cannot take away KIller Frost's powers because she does not have dark matter in her. Cicada then flees and the team is unable to track him down.

I really thought they were going to kill Cicada in this episode, and I was shocked that they didn't. The episode did very little to advance his story line however.

Meanwhile, Sherloque steals Nora's book and manages to decipher some of the time language that she is writing, and realizes she is in contact with someone. He gives the book back to her and claims that he was just wondering what the book was for.

Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and the character Sherloque Wells once again shows why he is the world's greatest detective.

In the final scene, Nora, through Gideon, transfers the latest written part of her book to her contact. Nora then travels to the year 2049 and visits her contact while stating that they need to talk. Her contact in then revealed to be Eobard Thawne, who has the face of Dr. Wells.

Fans called it. She was working with the Reverse Flash. The league that Gideon mentions that Nora is a part of is the Legion of Doom, in my opinion. Why she is working with him I have no idea. But that is why I'm very excited for the rest of the season.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was nostalgic for fans of the series who have been watching it since it first started. While the Cicada story line felt weak, it was easily overshadowed by its humor, revisiting some familiar faces, clever written dialogue, plenty of heartfelt emotion, some shocking plot reveals, and powerful performances from Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Jessica Parker Kennedy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 7: O Come, All Ye Thanful"

Cicada's origin story is one that will make you sympathetic for him. Chris Klein does a great job at portraying a good father figure to his Niece, while at the same time, at the end of the episode he does an awesome job at portraying a level of rage. Chris Klein has the potential to be the best Flash villain since Zoom.

The humor was hilarious, especially when Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells tried to celebrate thankless, a different version of thanksgiving.

Finally, while I was originally not that satisfied with the Weather Witch and Weather Wizard storyline, I finally understood that it was meant to be a form of character development for Nora West-Allen. Also, the chemistry between Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Jessica Parker Kennedy, is perfect as usual.


Tonight's episode of The Flash was a great one. The main highlights were Cicada's origin story, hilarious humor, a powerful performance from Chris Klein, as well has humorous performances from Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, and Tom Cavanagh.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5: Episode 6: The Icicle Cometh"

While Danielle Nicolet's acting is very cheesy, the episode heavily benefits from the development of the character Caitlin Snow, introducing a new villain, explaining Cicada's powers more, and strong performances from Danielle Panabaker, Chris Klein, and Carlos Valdes.

The opening scene was awesome by the way!!!

Out of 4 stars I world give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 5: All Doll'd Up"

Tonight’s episode of The Flash does little to advance the Cicada storyline, but it is a huge improvement over the last episode due to its creepy villain, clever humor, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, and Tom Cavanagh.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 4: News Flash"

Tonight's episode of The Flash heavily benefits from its Ralph Dibny and Sherloque Wells storyline, some of its humor, and its strong performances from Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh, and Hartley Sawyer. However, the episode suffers from its choice of villain this week, and its decision to make Nora West-Allen a big fat JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2 out of 4 stars

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 3: The Death of Vibe"


Though the episode fails to deliver what the title of the episode suggested, tonight's episode of The Flash heavily benefits from its strong performances from Chris Klein, Tom Cavanagh, and Jessica Parker Kennedy, its introduction to the new Harrison Wells, developing the villain Cicada, and building up to something mysterious with Nora.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 2: Blocked"

Dang, what an episode!!! The episode heavily benefits from establishing Cicada as a major threat, and making Iris useful. It also features some epic dialogue, more sweet chemistry between Barry and his daughter Nora, great character developement, and strong performances from Chris Klein, Grant Gustin, Carlos Valdes, Hartley Sawyer, and Jessica Parker Kennedy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars.

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 1: Nora"

What a return for The Flash!!!!! Tonight's episode of The Flash was epic and awesome!!!!!! The episode benefits from Jessica Parker Kennedy and Grant Gustin's sweet chemistry, Carlos Valdes' one liners, and a strong buildup to a mysterious villain, and a great season story line!!!!

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars.

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...