While not the best episode of the season, it was definitely a huge imrovement and more memorable episode then last week's episode, and other episodes this season.
When Nora gets seriously hurt, Barry begins to tap into his hatred, and at the same time delivers on a powerful performance from Grant Gustin. This episode once again gives us great chemistry between Grant Gustin, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Candice Patton, which has been the major highlight of this season.
Meanwhile, Sherloque Wells continues his investigation of Nora. What was pretty surprising was that Iris found out, and warned Sherloque to stop investigating. Sherloque eventually finds out that Nora is in contact with someone smarter then her. Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and the writers continue to do their new version of Wells justice.
Danielle Panabaker's dual performance as Caitlin and Killer Frost reminds me of Venom and Eddie Brock in a good way. Hartley Sawyer's acting and chemistry with Danielle Panabaker was a standout as well, it was also nice of the writers to finally give Ralph some screen time. I feel they have heavily underused him this season.
Cicada returned, but I was somewhat disappointed with the way they have written his character. He feels like a saturday morning cartoon villain, fights the hero, loses to the hero, comes back next week and the same thing happens. I feel that Chris Klein is doing very well with what he has to work with, but I'm ready for Eobard to return as the main villain.
It was very disappointing to not have Cisco around however, and not having the Reverse-Flash around this episode, please bring them back very quickly.
Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash heavily suffered from poor writing for Cicada, the lack of Cisco, and not having the Reverse Flash. However, it greatly benefited from its humor, heart surrounding Barry, Iris, and Nora, cool character development for Norvok, advancing Sherloque's story line very well, and strong performances from Danielle Panabaker, Grant Gustin, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Tom Cavanagh.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
3 out of 4 stars
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