Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 10: The Flash & The Furious"

Not quite the comeback I was hoping for, but most 10th episodes of The Flash are pretty much the same. It did lay promising groundwork however for future episodes with Nora and Thawne.

Barry, Nora, and Iris' story line was predictable and disappointing, mainly due to its villains and the fact that Barry was heavily underused. However, the acting by the three leads, mainly Jessica Parker Kennedy,the humor regarding Barry being unable to quit phasing, and good character development for Nora West-Allen, was helpful in making it watchable.

Cisco and Caitlin's story line while funny and thought proving, reminded me way too much of when they found a cure in X-Men: The Last Stand. Luckily, Danielle Panabaker's dual performance and chemistry with Carlos Valdes make it watchable.

Nora and Eobard's story line is going to be a very interesting one. I wonder whether they are really going to go through with a redemption story-arc for Eobard Thawne. I'm hoping for the flashbacks to come quickly regarding why Nora is working with Thawne. I'm excited to see where this goes, as it is the story line that I am most interested in at the moment, (Unless Cicada gets more interesting in terms of his character).

Sherloque Wells doing his own investigation is intriguing and it will be funny. Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and at the same time reminds everyone why he is the best actor on the show. I'm interested to see whether Sherloque will reveal to Team Flash that Nora is working with the Reverse Flash before Nora confesses the truth to her parents and the team.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash suffered from a predictable story line, poor villains who do not standout at all (Which is why I'm excited for Cicada to return next week, because even though I'm worried that his character may have ran his course, I'm glad he is coming back because he is a standout villain and hopefully they start to show his more brutal villain side), and the lack of Barry Allen.

Luckily, the episode laid the foundation for promising future episodes, has a load of interesting and promising story lines for most of the supporting characters, well written humor, good chemistry between Danielle Panabaker and Carlos Valdes, good character development for Nora, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy and Tom Cavanagh, to make it a watchable episode.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars

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