Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 8: What's Past is Prologue"

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

Tonight's episode of The Flash takes us back to some good old times to remind us of why we love this show.

Barry decides that the only way to defeat Cicada is to go back in time and destroy his dagger. Nora then suggests that they go back to certain points in Barry's life to acquire certain discarded items from the past to get rid of Cicada's dagger instead and Barry agrees. He originally does not want to take Nora back in time, as he is afraid of her seeing certain things from his past, but Iris convinces him to to take her with him.

The chemistry between Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Jessica Parker Kennedy in this sequence is spectacular as usual.

Barry and Nora's first stop takes us to when Iris killed Savitar. They are not alone however when they go. The Time Wraith appears and forces them to act quickly. Nora then realizes who Savitar was (whether she knew that in the first place I have no idea), and luckily manages to get a piece of Savitar's suit before it disappears and before the Time Wraith gets the both of them. At the same time Nora shows off some new powers which are awesome and raise some questions as to how she learned that.

What was really disappointing about this whole scene is the fact that we did not get any new footage with Savitar. But the nostalgia and the Time Wraith more then made up for it.

Their second stop takes us back to when Zoom stole Barry's speed. Barry manages to get the device that Zoom used to steal his speed before Wells smashes it to pieces. Nora meanwhile gets to see an emotional moment between her parents' past self as Iris comforts Barry after he lost his speed and Caitlin to Zoom. As Barry and Nora are about to depart, Zoom shows up. He then chases after them but the time wraith gets him. Barry and Nora then accidentally break the device, and are thrown into the time when Barry and the team had to stop the Pied Piper, and when Barry time traveled, in season 2, to ask Thawne to help him stop Zoom.

I was somewhat disappointed. They could have used Zoom more and they should have given Teddy Sears more screen time, because you don't see him that often on The Flash, and I hope he comes back in future seasons as the Earth 1 Hunter Zolomon. But all in all, it was still awesome to see Zoom come back.

Their unintentional third stop is when the Pied Piper first showed up. Barry and Nora then see Eobard and ask him to fix the device. Eobard agrees after Barry threatens him. Eobard then sees Nora and asks if she is Jesse Chambers (A great Easter Egg). He then realizes that Nora is Barry's daughter and asks if her name is Dawn (a clever call back to the comics, but I am wondering if something is up with that. I will make a post about a theory of mine about it sometime this week or next week.) Eobard then fixes the device and Barry and Nora then take their leave.

This flashback was awesome. Tom Cavanagh once again shows why he is the best actor on the show and it also reminds us of why Reverse Flash is Barry's greatest nemesis.

Their fourth, and final, stop is the day Eobard Thawne activated the Particle Accelerator and created Barry and all the other Metahumans. Barry and Nora then break into S.T.A.R. Labs and have to avoid Eobard, Caitlin, Cisco, and Ronnie to reach the time vault. Barry and Nora then visit Gideon and ask her to get some dark matter into the device when the Accelerator is launched. Gideon then recognizes Nora and mentions she is part of a certain league (I will get to that part later.)

Eobard's dialogue in this scene was clever and the suspense around it was awesome. It also showcased some emotional acting between Nora and Barry as she realizes why Barry hates Eobard so much.

Before going back to the current timeline, Barry and Nora hide the device to stop Cicada in a pillar right outside the hospital.

Barry and the team then confront Cicada in the current timeline. Cicada then mentions that once he has killed every Meta, he himself will then die as well. Cicada then throws his dagger at Barry, but the device works and Cisco manages to teleport the dagger into space. But Cicada still manages to retrieve it and subdues the team's powers. Before he can kill Barry, Nora, Cisco, and Ralph, Killer Frost arrives and manages to defeat Cicada. Cicada then realizes he cannot take away KIller Frost's powers because she does not have dark matter in her. Cicada then flees and the team is unable to track him down.

I really thought they were going to kill Cicada in this episode, and I was shocked that they didn't. The episode did very little to advance his story line however.

Meanwhile, Sherloque steals Nora's book and manages to decipher some of the time language that she is writing, and realizes she is in contact with someone. He gives the book back to her and claims that he was just wondering what the book was for.

Tom Cavanagh once again showcases his brilliance as an actor, and the character Sherloque Wells once again shows why he is the world's greatest detective.

In the final scene, Nora, through Gideon, transfers the latest written part of her book to her contact. Nora then travels to the year 2049 and visits her contact while stating that they need to talk. Her contact in then revealed to be Eobard Thawne, who has the face of Dr. Wells.

Fans called it. She was working with the Reverse Flash. The league that Gideon mentions that Nora is a part of is the Legion of Doom, in my opinion. Why she is working with him I have no idea. But that is why I'm very excited for the rest of the season.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was nostalgic for fans of the series who have been watching it since it first started. While the Cicada story line felt weak, it was easily overshadowed by its humor, revisiting some familiar faces, clever written dialogue, plenty of heartfelt emotion, some shocking plot reveals, and powerful performances from Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Jessica Parker Kennedy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars.

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