Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 10: Shattered Lives"

Not so much to say about this episode.

They really underused Oliver and Felicity. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards' chemistry is outstanding as usual, but sadly, they heavily underused him, which is rare considering the title of the show is "Arrow".

In terms of the A.R.G.U.S. story line, the reintroduction of the Suicide Squad should be interesting. I hope though that this is not a poor attempt to make Ricardo Diaz the main villain of the season again. I don't blame Kirk Acevedo however, I blame the writing for Diaz.

The flashbacks are so back and forth for me. While they can be intriguing, I also think that they are a poor attempt to continue making future seasons of Arrow. The reveal that Rene has become corrupt in the future is very intriguing however. Once again good acting, in the flash forwards, by Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez.

I'm really concerned about the introduction of Emiko Queen for two reasons, 1. I have a feeling that she is going to be the replacement for Stephen Amell if they kill him off next season or in the future. 2. She is no Stephen Amell! Once again however, I do not blame the actress, Sea Shimooka, I blame the writing. Sea is doing the best with what she has to work with in my opinion.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow heavily suffered from poor writing, badly written dialogue for Emiko Queen, and lack of screen time for Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. However, it greatly benefited from some intriguing future story arcs, well shot action scenes, and story performances from Rick Gonzalez and Juliana Harkavy.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars

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