Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 8: Unmasked"

Two of my main concerns were confirmed in tonight's episode, 1. It is going to be really hard for them to top the prison storyline. 2. Felicity's character has been destroyed.

The Oliver Queen storyline provided some great acting from Stephen Amell and some solid action scenes. However, it heavily suffered from Emily Bett Rickards' performance (And I have never had a problem with her acting since season 4), ruining the character Felicity, and potentially killing Oliver and Felicity's relationship.

The flashbacks were very boring. In my opinion, they have done nothing but ruin some characters, the pacing also sucks big time, and they leave too many questions unanswered in a vain attempt to set up future Arrow seasons!!! Arrow should have ended with season 3 in my opinion.

The A.R.G.U.S. part is the only thing I'm interested in right now. Mainly because I think some major plot twist is coming and I really wonder what they need Diaz for now.

Rene and Dinah's chemistry was good also. I hate the new mayor, but I think they want you to so I will not hold that against them. Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez are awesome in their roles as usual.

The reveal of the New Green Arrow was underwhelming as heck!!!!!!!!!!!! It should have been either Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, or William Queen (From the future). I hated it and think that it is one of the worst reveals ever.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow was surprisingly boring and the New Green Arrow reveal was the main cause of it, and did little to make me interested in Oliver's new storyline. Luckily, Stephen Amell, Juliana Harkavy, and Rick Gonzalez's performances, some solid action scenes, making the A.R.G.U.S. storyline very intriguing, and Dinah and Rene's awesome chemistry make it a somewhat watchable episode.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars.

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