Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 14: Cause and XS"

Spoiler Ahead

The Groundhog Day references were great!!!!!

Nora time traveling was great. I was stunned at how they were able to keep the time loops fresh. Grant Gustin was not in this episode due to him getting married, but Jessica Parker Kennedy was more then able to hold her own due.

Cisco's date was hilarious. I loved how whenever Ralph would give him advice, it always made the date worse. The humor in this story line was great, and Hartley Sawyer and Carlos Valdes gave some outstanding and hilarious performances.

Cicada was great! I loved how it took her 53 times to finally beat him, he is still a major threat, and Chris Klein gave another great performance, keep it up Chris!

The end scene with Barry and Nora was great. I loved the season 3 reference when Jay told Barry the consequences about time traveling, instead it Barry telling Nora the consequences. Grant Gustin and Jessica Parker Kennedy's chemistry was sweet as usual, it has been the strong point of the season in my opinion.

The final scene between Nora and Thawne was great. I wonder if Thawne is genuine about wanting to help Nora save her father (though I personally doubt it). Sherloque is getting closer to finding out that Nora is working with Thawne, and I am loving it. Tom Cavanagh gave another great dual performance as Sherloque and Eobard Thawne.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was arguably their best of the season. The episode's strong points were its humor, keeping the time loop fresh, well written humor, great character development for Nora, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy, Carlos Valdes, and Hartley Sawyer.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

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