Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 13: Goldfaced"

Spoilers Ahead!

A great comeback, and a great way to make Cicada a huge threat again.

Sherloque's story line provided some great depth and heart to his character. It was funny finding out how Breacher will hunt him down if he does not pay his wives what he owes them. Once again, Tom Cavanagh showcases his brilliance as Sherloque.

It was nice to see Eobard reappear. The way he controles Nora is great, and Jessica Parker Kennedy gave another great performance as Nora. Tom Cavanagh, as usual, plays a great villain and shows why he is the best actor on the show.

Ralph and Barry's story line was funny, and I loved the references to the Matrix in this. The villain was cheesy, but unique at the same time. They have really been teasing Barry taking a dark turn and becoming like Green Arrow, I really hope that they do at some point in future seasons. The action scenes were unique and well shot as well. Grant Gustin and Hartley Sawyer's performances were great and their chemistry was great. They really need to have these two do more adventures together.

The return of Cicada, and his encounter with Iris was great. They have really made Cicada a big threat again, and now knowing who Iris is, is going to cause a lot of problems for Team Flash. Chris Klein's performance was incredible, and it reminded me of Michael Keaton's performance as the Vulture.

Overall, The only problem I hade with this episode was the underuse of Eobard, and Cisco not showing up, but it was easily forgettable thanks to its story lines for each of the characters, making Cicada a threat again, references to the Matrix, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Hartley Sawyer, Tom Cavanagh, and Chris Klein.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

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