Wow! Gotham deliveres another strike in this episode!
Jim Gordon and the Penguin teaming up was perfect. Ben Mckenzie and Robin Lord Taylor's chemistry was amazing as usual. The return of Victor Zsasz was surprising as well. The episode did a great job at revealing how corrupt the city of Gotham is, a great forshadowing to what will happen years later.
Oddly, Bruce, Alfred, and Selina how very little screen time. But their story line stood out because of the return of the best actor on the show, Cameron Monaghan! Monaghan once again showcases his incredible performance as Jeremiah Valeska, but was killed off by Selina. But we all know that he will return. He has everything planned out, and letting Selina think that she killed him, is all part of his master plan, this also showcases the writers of Gotham's brilliance as to how they are handling Jeremiah's character. I can't really review the performances from David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, and Sean Pertwee, but I hope that next week Alfred, Bruce, and Selina will have a lot more scenes between the three of them.
Cory Michael Smith returns as Edward Nygma, AKA the Riddler. His story line is really interesting. But one of the amusing parts is when Lucius Fox forces him to help him find out who bombed "Haven" in exchange for a file he is after. Chris Chalk and Cory Michael Smith's detective work was great, hope we see more of it before the show ends.
The big twist however, is that it was revealed who blew up "Haven" and possibly blew up the helicopter in the first episode of this season. (In terms of the helicopter, I am still not sold on who did it, but they hinted very strongly who blew it up.) The culprit who blew up "Haven" was non other then Edward Nygma! But the twist was, he was having another Jekyll and Hyde moment (Which means he doesn't remember doing it). Should be interesting as to how everyone reacts to finding out that it was Edward.
I did not expect it to be Edward who did it, I was honestly expecting it to be either Jeremiah or Bane, but I liked it nonetheless. Now in terms of the helicopter back in the first episode of this season, I think that Jeremiah or Bane could have possibly been the person who blew it up, but they hinted very strongly that it was Edward. I could be wrong, but we shall see.
Another interesting plot twist was finding out that the gang, in the second episode of this season, that was building tunnels was working for Jeremiah! Huge plot twist, never saw that one coming! Great job Gotham, great job!!!
At the end of this episode, Barbara surprisingly showed up to give Jim something. While he originally told her to leave, he eventually gave in and they ended up kissing. If my suspicions are correct, I think that Barbara Kean was just impregnated with Barbara Gordon, (Jim's future daughter and the future Batgirl). Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be very interesting, if she is pregnant, as to how everyone takes the news, particularly Harvey Bullock, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Lee Thompkins, and Alfred Pennnyworth!!!
Overall, Tonight's episode of Gotham benefited from its strong themes, stunning plot twists, hinting at future plot twists and reveals, the return of Jeremiah Valeska, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie, Robin Lord Taylor, Cory Michael Smith, and Cameron Monaghan.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
4 out of 4 stars
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