Monday, March 25, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 17: Inheritance"

Major Spoilers Ahead!

The true villain of this season of Arrow was revealed.

Team Arrow's story line was great, it felt so much like season 5. The team's dynamic and chemistry with each other was great. Stephen Amell returned, and his presence was heavily missed last week, and he delivered.

Felicity's story line was not that impressive. While Emily Bett Rickards was great as Felicity, the episode suffered from it's lack of plot advancement.

Emiko Queen's betrayl and reveal that she helped murder Robert, and that she planned on killing Oliver as well was jaw dropping. Sea Shimooka's performance was outstanding, and I'm glad that they decided to make her the main villain. The action scenes between her and team Arrow were well shot as well.

Laurel's past is coming back to haunt her, and her future is looking grim. Due to what I discovered for the next episode, she is going off the deep end. Katie Cassidy gave another great performance.

Overall, while Felicity's story line was weak, the episode delivered on it's huge plot twists, revealing the true villain of the season, setting up an epic final 5 episodes, well shot action scenes, and powerful performances from Stephen Amell and Sea Shimooka.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

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