Monday, April 15, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 18: Lost Canary"

Spoilers Ahead!

Before I write my review I would just like to say, it feels good to be back to writing TV show reviews again.

Arrow does well when focusing on friendship tonight, but fails to advance the main story arc and fails tonight's episode miserably.

Laurel Lance going back to evil was predictable and almost disappointing, largely due to Shadow Thief, who just fells like a ripoff of Catwoman. Luckily, it featured the return of Sara Lance, and strong chemistry between the four female leads to help somewhat redeem it .

Oliver and John's story line was so dull and weak. The dialogue and performances felt so out of place. Stephen Amell and David Ramsey did not give their best and it showed. The reveal that Dante was the one who hired the Longbow hunters to kill Emiko's mother was predictable as well.

The flash forwards were dull as well. They did nothing to advance the plot, and the only good thing about it was them revealing that Laurel is still around to help them in the future. The cast did not do great either, and the action scenes were badly shot and performed.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow failed miserably due to the lack of plot advancement for the main story arc, a horrible ripoff of Catwoman, badly shot action scenes, and poor performances from Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Katherine McNamara, and Carmel Amit.

The only redeeming qualities were the return of Sara Lance and the chemistry between Emily Bett Rickards, Juliana Harkavy, Katie Cassidy, and Caity Lotz.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

1.5 out of 4 stars/

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