Tuesday, April 16, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 18: Godspeed"

The 4 week wait was definitely worth it.

Nora's backstory was very sad and Jessica Parker Kennedy sold her performance, solidifying my claim that she has been the strong point of the season. Her interactions with Eobard were epic. Tom Cavanagh continues to impress with me with his portrayal of Eobard Thawne.

I was very disappointed with Godspeed. While the costume, lightning, and voice while underneath the mask was epic, the characterization sucked!!!! The comic version is so much better, and his motive's are really good.

Nora fighting Godspeed and Thawne helping her was so epic. The callback to episode 17 of season 1 was epic. Then when Nora found Barry's message to her before he disappeared was very sad.

Iris, not giving up on her daughter, gave her the chance to explain everything. After she did, Barry, behind the team's back, took her back to 2049 and warned her to never come back, saying he couldn't trust her anymore. Very selfish of Barry, and I hope Iris and the team chew him out and belittle him.

The final scene was arguably the best acting of the season. Barry came face to face with Eobard, by visiting him in his cell. Barry then taunted Thawne about how he, Eobard, would finally be dead soon, and that he was going to love it.

Eobard has a master plan in play, in my opinion. He is soon going to get out and and come for Barry. I love that they are building up something massive with Eobard. The writing for him has never been bad.

Overall, while Godspeed was disappointing, tonight's episode of the Flash was great and featured some excellent dialogue, clever callbacks to season 1, very emotional moments, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy and Tom Cavanagh.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

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