Saturday, April 20, 2019

My Review of "Gotham: Season 5 Episode 11: They Did What?"

Gotham once again did it, and delivered one of their best episodes of the series.

The firefight that they teased at the beginning of the season was excellent. Penguin's one liners were great. Bane taking matters into his own hands was well done as well.

Bruce and Selina, though she was reluctant, ended up blowing up Wayne Tower to stop Bane. As they were making their way back to the GCPD Bane attacked them. Selina managed to stab him and Bruce unleashed Bats on him. Love the foreshadowing with the Bats, and the fight scene was well done.

The battle between Gordon and Nyssa was well done also. Loved it when Barbara ended up stabbing her with the same knife she killed Ra's with. Although she did survive, she ends up stealing Penguin and Riddler's boat, angering the two.

The army ended up turning against Bane, and he was left with no other choice but to surrender. As they were celebrating there victory, Barbara named her baby Barbara Lee Gordon, to remind her of she can trust. Glad they named her Barbara, and I'm glad that Barbara Kean did not die.

The scene between Bruce and Selina on the steps of the GCPD was sad. A worried Bruce told Selina that he thought he was going to lose her, but Selina assures him that she is not going to leave him, and that she will be there whenever he needs her. Her laying on his arm was a sweet nod to her nickname. With this technically being their last scene together (because Camren Bicondova will not be playing Catwoman is the series finale) it shows that their chemistry was strong these past 5 seasons.

Jim Gordon ended up becoming commissioner. After years of waiting, he finally got the position that he earned, and the one fans had been waiting for since the showed air.

Penguin and Riddler then began plans of taking over Gotham. Robin Lord Taylor and Cory Michael Smith gave their best, and solidified themselves as the best people to ever play Penguin and Riddler.

The saddest part was when Bruce left Gotham. His goodbye to Alfred was a very sad one, but the true sad part was when he left Selina a note, and she tried to come to the airport to see him, but she was unable to talk to him before he left. Camren Bicondova's facial expressions spoke everything you needed to see, as she saw the boy she loved, leave her without giving her a proper goodbye, or even asking her to come with him.

Overall, Gotham delivered on this episode due to its strong emotional ending, well shot action scenes, setting the stage for Batman's rogue gallery, tying up some loose ends, and strong performances from Ben Mckenzie, Erin Richards, David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, Robin Lord Taylor, and Cory Michael Smith, to produce another awesome episode to the series.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

4 out of 4 stars

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