Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 17: Time Bomb"

Spoilers Ahead!

Though the Time Bomb Metahuman was a waste, the Flash's Easter Eggs and humor were incredible.

The Grace and Orlin story line was a heartfelt and surprising one. Grace is already a better villain then Orlin was. Grace killing Orlin was so sad, not the way I wanted him to go out. Good acting between Chris Klein and Sarah Carter.

Ralph Dibny made his long awaited return tonight. His one liner's and scenes between Carlos Valdes were lough out loud hilarious. Ralph's presence has been missed.

Sherloque Wells doing his invertigation was the best plot line. The writing for Sherloque and Tom Cavanagh's acting were brilliantly executed.

The best part came when Sherloque spilled the beans on who Nora was working with. An angry Barry through her into the pipeline. Nora then broke down and began to cry as her world came crashing down onto her as she regretted lying to her parents and friends. Grant Gustin and Jessica Parker Kennedy's performances were excellent in just that one scene.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash was a great one. Though the Grace getting revenge on the Meta who accidentally killed her parents was dumb and predictable, the episode featured some great writing, well done humor, its strong emotion between its heroes and villains, and powerful performances from Grant Gustin, Chris Klein, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Sarah Carter, Carlos Valdes, and Hartley Sawyer.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

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