Monday, March 18, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 13: Star City Slayer"

Major Major Spoilers Ahead!!!!

Bam! Another great episode of Arrow!!!! And the ending was terrific.

The story line between Diggle, Rene, Curtis, and Dinah felt like old times!!!! I have a feeling that Dinah lost her power's when the Star City Slayer slit her throat. Also loved the haunted house part, and Curtis and Rene's one liners were clever. The acting between the four of them was great and their chemistry was awesome as usual.

Echo Kellum, I was never big on the way they wrote your character, but I felt you did the best you could with what you had to work with. Thanks for your incredible performance in season 5, and good luck with your future.

Oliver, Felicity, and William's story line dragged a lot, mainly due to the drama surounding William. The best part was when they were confronted by the Star City Slayer. Despite me thinking there was no way that he was the Slayer, the villain was confirmed to be Stanley Dover, Oliver's prison mate who idolized him. I went nuts, I loved it!!!!!!!

Stephen Amell's acting was one of his best ever!!! Emily Bett Rickards' performance was great as usual, her chemistry with Stephen has always been a strong point with the series. Brendan Fletcher gave a dark and disturbing performance, as his origins were very twisted but well written.

The flash forwards were great. Some well shot action scenes, and a stuning reveal, I will get to that ahead. The acting by Colton Haynes and Juliana Harkavy was great, love their chemistry. One big reveal is that Felicity is not dead and that Blackstar is looking for her. The twist was when she revealed her real name!

The best twist was when Felicity got a call from the hospital after they ran a few tests on her to make sure she was not infected with anymore chemicals, the Doctor then called her and told her that they found something else. She is pregant!!!!!!!!

Her daughter is Blackstar and Blackstar's real name is Mia Smoke! I loved it, and can't wait to see Oliver's reaction as well as the reaction's by his teammates and his sisters Emiko and Thea.

The two questions about the flash forwards that really keep coming to my mind are: 1. Were is Oliver Queen? My theory is that he is either dead, or he is with Felicity (I really hope I'm right about him being alive.) My second qestion is this: Where is Thea Queen? My theory is that her and Roy broke up, again, and that she is dead and Roy is filled with so much guilt, which explains why he got very upset when William mentioned her back in episode 2? We shall see though!

Overall, despite the stupid drama surrounding William, tonight's episode of Arrow was awesome! Stanley was a great villain and I hope they decide to use him more. The episode benefited from its creepy tone, huge plot twists, giving the team an episode to show off their skills, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Brendan Fletcher, Rick Gonzalez, and Emily Bett Rickards.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

3.5 out of 4 stars

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