Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 5: Kiss Kiss Breach Breach"

Spoilers Ahead!

Cisco is able to hold his own in a episode that barely features the show's title character.

Cisco's story line involving him and Breacher hunting down Echo, the man who killed Cynthia/Gypsy, was full of emotion and plenty of twists and turns. The reveal that Echo was an evil version of Cisco from another Earth was a great plot twist as that was the last thing I expected. Carlos Valdes, Danny Trejo, and Victoria Park's performances were great as well. My only problem with it was that I cannot believe that they killed Gypsy off screen, I really liked her character and felt that she was Cisco's best love interest.

Killer Frost's story line of her hunting down Bloodwork was okay. It wasn't even important at all, but Sendhil Ramamurthy's performance as Bloodwork was great as usual, and I love the motives of his character. I am also hoping that when he finally does have his showdown with the team before the Crisis, his battle with Barry will not be a letdown or lackluster. Danielle Panabaker's dual performance was great as usual.

Joe West and Harrison Dash Wells' story line was intriguing. Tom Cavanagh's chemistry with Jesse L. Martin was really good. As to what Wells wants with the Monitor is very interesting, and the fact that he is trying to save Barry is very intriguing as well.

Overall, while it was not the right to way to send off Cynthia's character, and despite not advancing Bloodwork's story line very well, tonight's episode of the Flash heavily delivered on the emotion, great twists and turns, adding more and more intrigue to Dash Wells' story line, well written humor, and strong performances from Carlos Valdes, Victoria Park, and Danny Trejo to deliver another great episode to this season.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.1 out of 10

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