Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 8 Episode 4: Present Tense"

Past meets future in tonight's episode.

Oliver and the team's reaction to meeting their future kids and teammates was a fan service right there. Stephen Amell's acting and chemistry with Ben Lewis was great. Can't wait for him to get more screen time with Katherine McNamara next week.

The team's reaction to finding what happens to Star City, John Diggle Jr., and Zoe showcased plenty of great acting. I hope that the upcomming spin-off show is them changing the future.

The new Deathstroke sucked! Terrible writing, and I really cannot say much about Jamie Andrew Cutler's acting, due to his limited amount of screen time. The action scenes in this episode sucked as well. Hope they get better with their villains this season.

The Monitor revealing himself to Laurel Lance was a huge twist. Him telling her that if she betrays Oliver, he will restore her Earth was a huge surprise. I hope that she does not do it, and I doubt that she will, because she has too much respect for Oliver and cannot due that to the team.

Rene's story line about his campaign to become Mayor was worth it, because of his speech at the end of the episode. Rick Gonzalez has always done a great job as Rene, and I hope that they continue to use him for the remainder of this season of Arrow and the upcomming spin-off.

Overall, despite bad writing for the new Deathstroke and some horrible action scenes, tonight's episode deliveres on the interactions between present Team Arrow and future Team Arrow, plenty of heart surrounding the characters, strong character development, plenty of intrigue as to what the Monitor is up to, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, Ben Lewis, Katherine McNamara, Rick Gonzalez, and Juliana Harkavy, to deliver another solid episode to this season.

Out of a 10 I would give it..

7.2 out of 10

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