Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 8 Episode 3: Leap of Faith"

Warning MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

A great second half and a last second plot twist is enough to save this episode.

The return of Thea Queen/Speedy was great. Willa Holland's prescence was greatly missed last season, so it was really great to see her return, her chemistry with Stephen Amell was a huge highlight of the first three seasons. 

The return of Talia Al Ghul was unexpected, but a welcome one. Lexa Doig is the best actress to play her, and tonight proved my case. The first half of her story line was dull and boring, but it really picked up in the second half. 

John Diggle and Lyla Michaels' story line was boring and it was so unnecessary. While David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson's performances were great, the action scenes were dull, and the outcome was boring. I really think that Lyla is going to die in the upcoming Crisis.

The flash forwards were really good again. I am loving the chemistry between new team Arrow. Katherine McNamara has Amell's facial expressions and mannerisms. Her heart to heart talk with William was sweet and their chemistry was great.

Their battle with the Deathstroke gang was amazing. And the death of Zoe Ramirez was shocking and about made me cry. 

But the real twist, which I absolutely loved and think is the best plot twist in the entire arrowverse history, was Oliver and his team in the bunker, and then they see Mia, William, and Connor arrive unexpectedly. This made my jaw drop, this is going to be interesting as to what they end up doing with this!!!

Overall, despite a boring first half, Arrow hit the right mark and delivered on the jaw dropping plot twist, the much needed return of Speedy, return of Talia Al Ghul, great flash forward sequences, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Willa Holland, and Katherine McNamara, to deliver an overall good episode that improves on last week's episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it... 

7.4 out of 10 

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