Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 8 Episode 3: Leap of Faith"

Warning MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

A great second half and a last second plot twist is enough to save this episode.

The return of Thea Queen/Speedy was great. Willa Holland's prescence was greatly missed last season, so it was really great to see her return, her chemistry with Stephen Amell was a huge highlight of the first three seasons. 

The return of Talia Al Ghul was unexpected, but a welcome one. Lexa Doig is the best actress to play her, and tonight proved my case. The first half of her story line was dull and boring, but it really picked up in the second half. 

John Diggle and Lyla Michaels' story line was boring and it was so unnecessary. While David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson's performances were great, the action scenes were dull, and the outcome was boring. I really think that Lyla is going to die in the upcoming Crisis.

The flash forwards were really good again. I am loving the chemistry between new team Arrow. Katherine McNamara has Amell's facial expressions and mannerisms. Her heart to heart talk with William was sweet and their chemistry was great.

Their battle with the Deathstroke gang was amazing. And the death of Zoe Ramirez was shocking and about made me cry. 

But the real twist, which I absolutely loved and think is the best plot twist in the entire arrowverse history, was Oliver and his team in the bunker, and then they see Mia, William, and Connor arrive unexpectedly. This made my jaw drop, this is going to be interesting as to what they end up doing with this!!!

Overall, despite a boring first half, Arrow hit the right mark and delivered on the jaw dropping plot twist, the much needed return of Speedy, return of Talia Al Ghul, great flash forward sequences, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Willa Holland, and Katherine McNamara, to deliver an overall good episode that improves on last week's episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it... 

7.4 out of 10 

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 4: There Will Be Blood"

Flash keeps it hot streak alive, due to its halloween centered episodes.

The rise of Dr. Bloodwork was the best part of the episode. Sendhill Ramamurthy's performance was outstanding! Bloodwork is a really good villain, and I'm glad they decided to go with him. His hospital rampage was a great scene, and I'm loving the semi darker tone they are taking this season.

Barry and Cisco teaming up with Nash Wells was a good story line as well. I am really glad that Barry chose Cisco to replace him once he dies in the Crisis. Barry and Cisco's heart to heart was a very touching scene as well, great acting from Grant and Carlos.

As to what Nash Wells wants the device for is a huge mystery, and I love it. I wonder which Monitor he saw in his hologram, and if he is evil or not. For some reason, I do not know why, I really have a feeling that this new Wells is Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash, just a feeling though. Tom Cavangah's performance was outstanding, and he shows why he is the best actor on this show.

Barry and Joe's heart to heart at the end of the episode nearly made me cry. Jesse L. Martin is a very central part of the show, and tonight's episode proved me right. I have watched this show since episode 1, and Jesse L. Martin and Grant Gustin's acting between the two of them was no doubt there best.

Ralph's story line was solid, but somewhat unnecessary. Hartley Sawyer's performance was the best thing about it. How his friendship with Barry has grown since his first episode has been great, and the fact that Ralph sees Barry as a brother, just makes it sadder that Flash will die.

Overall, despite a somewhat unnecessary, but overall solid, Ralph story line, tonight's episode of the Flash delivered on the creepy and darker tone, showing why Bloodwork is a feared villain, plenty of heart, lots of intrigue, and strong performances from Sendhill Ramamurthy, Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Carlos Valdes, and Tom Cavanagh, to produce another great episode to this season.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.1 out of 10

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 8 Episode 2: Welcome To Hong Kong"

Episode 2 of Arrow lacks the excitment and nostalgia of last week's episode.

The callback to season 3, concerning the Alpha-Omega virus was lackluster and lacked the nostalgia that last week's episode had. While China White and Tatsu Yamashiro's reurn was a welcomed one, the story line started out slow, but the final battle and Stephen Amell's acting was strong.

The flash forwards were surprisingly really good. The backstory concerning how Connor Hawke and John Diggle Junior's rivalry started was very well written. The acting between Joseph David-Jones and Charlie Barnett was very good as well. The reveal that they were after William Clayton was a great plot twist, hope the fash forwards continue to stay this good.

Laurel Lance dealing with the loss of her Earth showed off her acting skills, and may have confirmed that Harry Wells and Jesse Quick are dead, I hope they are not. The story line was not too emotional, I did not feel Laurel's loss, as I did not have time to get to know the characters.

The Monitor's task's are very odd. I wonder what they are building up to. The reveal that Lyla Michaels is working with the Monitor was a great twist. They are building up to Lyla becoming Harbinger, and I am loving it.

Overall, while lacking excitement, emotion, and the sense of nostalgia that last week's episode had, tonight's episode of Arrow did however deliver on the well written flash forwards, the twist between Lyla and the Monitor, return of Tatsu Yamashiro and China White, a great final battle between team Arrow and China White's group, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, Joseph David-Jones, and Charlie Bennett, to produce an average episode of Arrow.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6.8 out of 10

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 3: Dead Man Running"

Emotion, humor, suspense, and intrigue is what I felt while watching this episode.

Ralph's story line was very emotional, concerning his relationship with his mother, and what happened with his father. This was more background info that I needed on the character Ralph, and it delivered in every way. Hartley Sawyer gave one of his best performances in tonight's episode.

Bloodwork helping Flash and Killer Frost hunt down the Meta he created was a very suspenseful story line. I'm loving Bloodwork's characterization, and I cannot wait for him to go full evil. The reveal that he can control the Meta that he created was a huge twist, and I loved it. It is going to be very interesting as to what direction they take with Bloodwork.

Danielle Panabaker has been doing a great job this season. Her chemistry with Grant Gustin has been great this season, as has her one liners. Her and Barry taking the Meta was great, and their reactions when they overdosed it on Dark Matter and it blew up and got his gut's all over them was priceless.

The introduction to the new Wells in very intriguing. I have no idea what he is after, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the upcoming Crisis. Cisco and Iris' interactions with the new Wells were great, and the one liners were hilarious.

The only gripe I had with this episode was Allegra Garcia and her interactions with Iris. It felt forced and out of place, I hope it actually has something to do with the plot in the future.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash delivered on the emotion of Ralph's backstory, plenty of suspense, an intriguing story line for the new Wells, progressing Bloodwork's story line, continuing to set the stage for the upcoming Crisis, lots of well written humor, surprising plot twists, and strong performances from Sendhill Ramamurthy, Grant Gustin, Hartley Sawyer, and Danielle Panabaker to produce another great episode of the Flash.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 8 Episode 1: Starling City"

Arrow returns with an incredible callback to its best season.

Oliver going to Earth 2 was a huge surprise to me. While I knew that he was on a different Earth, I did not expect it to be Earth 2. The reveal that his mother his married to Malcolm Merlyn on Earth 2 was a great plot twist.

All the different things on this Earth and the callbacks to the first season were great. Tommy being the Dark Archer to avenge the death of Thea, John Diggle showing up from Earth 1 to protect Oliver and acting like he did in the first season season, Dinah Drake and Rene Ramirez being evil, Adrian Chase being the Green Arrow, the final fight between Oliver and Tommy being similar to the fight between Oliver and Malcolm in the season one final, and all the others I did not mention were incredible.

The flash forward sequences were boring. I am really starting to consider the possibility that this is either an alternate future, or an alternate Earth. If that is the case, I will love them a lot more. The acting is fine, it is just the story that is boring. Katherine McNamara is the standout actor in these flash forwards, as she has the looks of her mother Felicity, and the attitude of her father Oliver, perfect casting decision.

As to what the Monitor sent Oliver to get, I have no idea what it is for, but it is going to be interesting as to other stuff he needs to collect.

The action scenes in the present were well shot as well, haven't seen a one on one fight that good since season 5. Oliver fighting Chase was a great callback to season 5, and the final fight between him and Tommy was also an exciting one as well. Oliver beating up Rene and Dinah so easily was perfect, and his quote to them was great.

The ending was odd. I'm guessing that Earth 2 was destroyed, but we shall wait and see. 

And as to whether Oliver will die or not, I'm hoping that he doesn't, but I think he will. We shall see though, I have been wrong before.

Overall, the premier of Arrow was an incredible episode. Despite some boring future sequences, the episode delivered on the callbacks to the first season, plenty of emotion, return of some of the best characters, well shot action scenes, plenty of intrigue in terms of how they are preparing for the Crisis, and strong performances from Stephen Amell, Colin Donnell, Katie Cassidy, Katherine McNamara, Josh Segarra, and David Ramsey, to produce a great season premier.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.3 out of 10

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 2: A Flash of the Lightning"

The intriguing plot line is getting more and more interesting.

Barry looking into the future to see all the different outcomes reminded me a lot of Avengers: Infinity War, but I feel like the Flash did it better. Grant Gustin's acting at seeing Central City be destroyed was incredible. I love how they are writing Iris this season, she is not as annoying as she was the first and third season of the show, and Candice Patton's acting is also getting better and better.

Killer Frost's story line had me dying of laughter. I cannot believe that she wants to be an artist, that was the last thing I expected her to want to be. Killer Frost and Ralph Dibny going to Cisco's girlfriend's art gallery had me dead, that was just perfect, her judgement on paintings is also how I feel about certain paintings.

The Meta story line was better than last week's, but I was not a fan of the villain. The final confrontation between Barry and the villain was okay. I was glad that Gideon is back as well. Acting was solid in this story line, but I hope that the villains get better over time. I really feel that they need to get Bloodwork more involved and show why he is a threat. While I was not a fan of the villain Cicada, and while I was mixed on the Thinker, at least they got them going from the first episode.

Bloodwork's story line was very interesting, but odd at the same time. I still do not get what his powers do, but it is going to be interesting when they flesh them out more. I still think that he is going to play a huge role in the upcoming Crisis.

The return of Jay Garrick was great, love his character so much. The introduction to his wife, Joan Williams, was a great idea as well. I really hope that nothing happens to Garrick or Joan during the Crisis, as I love having him as the mentor to Barry.

If Barry does end up dying, I am going to predict that he will return as The Black Flash, that would be the perfect way to do it, in my opinion.

Overall, despite a week villain and underusing Bloodwork, tonight's episode of The Flash is a improvement over last week's due to its humor, return of Jay Garrick, emotional depth, intriguing buildup to the Crisis, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, John Wesley Shipp, Candice Patton, and Danielle Panabaker.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.4 out of 10

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 1: Into the Void"

While predictable, Flash opens it's sixth season with plenty of intrigue.

Barry and Iris' struggle with losing Nora was emotional, and Grant Gustin and Candice Patton's acting was excellent. I really believe that Iris will end up getting pregnant with twins, that would be great.

The story line with Caitlin and Killer Frost was funny. Her interactions with Ralph were hillarious, and when he suggested that she get a new name, as Killer was not a normal name, had me dying of laughter. Danielle Panabaker and Hartley Sawyer's chemistry was great as usual, hope that they continue with it this season.

The introduction to the villain of the first half of the season, Ramsey Rosso / Bloodwork was excellent. The actor that they chose to play Bloodwork was the perfect casting decision. It is going to be interesting as to when the team encounters him, and if he plays on Barry's emotions, due to Nora's death. I am also going to predict that Bloodwork will play an important role in the upcomming Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The black hole story line was super boring and predictable. It did not excite me at all, and personally, I would have prefered the story line being Barry going head to head with the real Godspeed, because the opening with Barry chasing Godspeed 4.0 was excellent.

In terms of who the villain will be in the second half of this season, I am going to say that it will either be Godspeed or Red Death (If it is Red Death, I doubt that it will be Bruce Wayne). I also hope that it will be be the Reverse Flash (With Matt Letscher playing him, not Tom Cavanagh), but I think that they will set him up as the season 7 villain. 

The ending with the Monitor showing up was great, and it reminded me of the season finale of Arrow season 7, should be intresting as to what Barry sees when he travels to the future in the next episodes.

The opening was incredible as well. I wonder what the heck is going on with all the different Godspeeds, part of me thinks that it has something to do with the Crisis, great opening, lots of intrigue.

Overall, while the black hole ploting was boring and predictable, The sixth season of the Flash opens with plenty of emtion, plenty of intrigue for Bloodwork and the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths, well written humor, great chemistry between Hartley Sawyer and Danielle Panabaker, plenty of clever one liners, an incredible opening with a different version of Godspeed, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Sendhil Ramamurthy, to make it a strong premier.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.5 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...