Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 1: Into the Void"

While predictable, Flash opens it's sixth season with plenty of intrigue.

Barry and Iris' struggle with losing Nora was emotional, and Grant Gustin and Candice Patton's acting was excellent. I really believe that Iris will end up getting pregnant with twins, that would be great.

The story line with Caitlin and Killer Frost was funny. Her interactions with Ralph were hillarious, and when he suggested that she get a new name, as Killer was not a normal name, had me dying of laughter. Danielle Panabaker and Hartley Sawyer's chemistry was great as usual, hope that they continue with it this season.

The introduction to the villain of the first half of the season, Ramsey Rosso / Bloodwork was excellent. The actor that they chose to play Bloodwork was the perfect casting decision. It is going to be interesting as to when the team encounters him, and if he plays on Barry's emotions, due to Nora's death. I am also going to predict that Bloodwork will play an important role in the upcomming Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The black hole story line was super boring and predictable. It did not excite me at all, and personally, I would have prefered the story line being Barry going head to head with the real Godspeed, because the opening with Barry chasing Godspeed 4.0 was excellent.

In terms of who the villain will be in the second half of this season, I am going to say that it will either be Godspeed or Red Death (If it is Red Death, I doubt that it will be Bruce Wayne). I also hope that it will be be the Reverse Flash (With Matt Letscher playing him, not Tom Cavanagh), but I think that they will set him up as the season 7 villain. 

The ending with the Monitor showing up was great, and it reminded me of the season finale of Arrow season 7, should be intresting as to what Barry sees when he travels to the future in the next episodes.

The opening was incredible as well. I wonder what the heck is going on with all the different Godspeeds, part of me thinks that it has something to do with the Crisis, great opening, lots of intrigue.

Overall, while the black hole ploting was boring and predictable, The sixth season of the Flash opens with plenty of emtion, plenty of intrigue for Bloodwork and the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths, well written humor, great chemistry between Hartley Sawyer and Danielle Panabaker, plenty of clever one liners, an incredible opening with a different version of Godspeed, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Sendhil Ramamurthy, to make it a strong premier.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.5 out of 10

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