Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 6 Episode 3: Dead Man Running"

Emotion, humor, suspense, and intrigue is what I felt while watching this episode.

Ralph's story line was very emotional, concerning his relationship with his mother, and what happened with his father. This was more background info that I needed on the character Ralph, and it delivered in every way. Hartley Sawyer gave one of his best performances in tonight's episode.

Bloodwork helping Flash and Killer Frost hunt down the Meta he created was a very suspenseful story line. I'm loving Bloodwork's characterization, and I cannot wait for him to go full evil. The reveal that he can control the Meta that he created was a huge twist, and I loved it. It is going to be very interesting as to what direction they take with Bloodwork.

Danielle Panabaker has been doing a great job this season. Her chemistry with Grant Gustin has been great this season, as has her one liners. Her and Barry taking the Meta was great, and their reactions when they overdosed it on Dark Matter and it blew up and got his gut's all over them was priceless.

The introduction to the new Wells in very intriguing. I have no idea what he is after, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the upcoming Crisis. Cisco and Iris' interactions with the new Wells were great, and the one liners were hilarious.

The only gripe I had with this episode was Allegra Garcia and her interactions with Iris. It felt forced and out of place, I hope it actually has something to do with the plot in the future.

Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash delivered on the emotion of Ralph's backstory, plenty of suspense, an intriguing story line for the new Wells, progressing Bloodwork's story line, continuing to set the stage for the upcoming Crisis, lots of well written humor, surprising plot twists, and strong performances from Sendhill Ramamurthy, Grant Gustin, Hartley Sawyer, and Danielle Panabaker to produce another great episode of the Flash.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

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