Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 5: Break the Cycle: Review

A Lex Luthor centered episode that works so perfectly, while advancing the story line so well!

Candice coming to Smallville to see Jonathan was such a stressful episode. I really thought she was going to break up with Jonathan, and then he would try to get her back, similar to what happened with Jordan and Sarah in season 2. But I am so glad that they did not go that route, but I was shocked that Jordan told her the truth. But I'm glad she understood, and reconciled with him. Jordan is being a hero in his own way!

Lex Luthor's flashbacks were so good! Loved that they showed that he really did try to be a good father to Elizabeth in the past. I'm glad they did humanize him also, and it was heartbreaking to see that final scene in the flashbacks when it showed him dropping his daughter off at school before he was arrested. Love that Superman was the one who took him in, now it really makes sense as to why he hates Superman also! Love it!

Elizabeth Luthor making her debut and reuniting with Lex was such good writing! Loved the conflict in both of them. While it was sad to see Lex choose revenge over getting to be involved in his daughter's (and future grandson's) life, it didn't surprise me in the slightest! That is just who Lex is, he values revenge over family! Elizabeth Henstridge did a great job as Elizabeth Luthor, and I doubt we have seen the last of her!

Lois confronting Bizarro/Doomsday was something I did not see coming at all! I kept wondering time, and time again how they would get rid of Doomsday, and this was absolutely perfect! They made him Bizarro for a reason, and now we know why! Lex's reaction to Doomsday being gone from the base was perfect! Loved seeing Lois drinking on her patio and telling Clark what happened! She was so proud of herself!

Lex Luthor will be out for blood next episode! I know he is going to target Lana & Sarah soon! It wouldn't surprise me if Sarah gets kidnapped by Lex's goons, and that is what draws Jordan to start using his powers again! And if that is the case, I hope Jordan saves Sarah, and they share a kiss and reconcile! Perfect way to get them back together!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 4: A Perfectly Good Wedding: Review

 A filler episode that actually works so well!

Kyle & Chrissy planning their wedding was so funny. That diner scene between Kyle and Chrissy's mom was so awkward, that remark she made about Chrissy almost being the same age as Sarah was so classless, but funny at the same time. I have a gut feeling that Kyle & Chrissy will get married at the end of the season, after she gives birth.

Clark returning was so unexpected. I did not think he would come back until episode 6 at the earliest. His reunion with his family was so emotional, kind of wish we could've seen Lana and the Irons family's reaction. I am glad that they showed that Clark isn't 100% yet, good job on the writers for not making it so easy. Loved the scene where Clark was training Jonathan, and Jonathan (Unlike Jordan) understood the Star Wars reference Clark made.

Jordan's story line was well done. I absolutely loved his conversation with Sarah, I knew she would help him overcome the confidence problem he was having. It was also nice seeing them on friendly terms, compared to how they were at the end of last season. Jordan giving Jonathan his suit was a touching scene, love the dynamic between those 2. 

The end with everyone just dancing inside of the barn was a great scene. Perfect song for that scene, and I loved seeing how happy everyone was. I was surprised to see how tall Sophie has gotten, the girl was even taller than Sarah now LOL. Loved seeing Sarah and Jordan dance together also (I still think they will reconcile by the end of the season), and it was charming to see Jonathan dancing with Sophie, since they have a special bond that was shown last season.

I have a gut feeling that the show will now get very serious. Lex will now send Doomsday after Clark and the family again. They need to find a way to kill Doomsday, and to do it soon! So looking forward to it! Love this show!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, October 21, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 3: Always My Hero: Review

 Quick review because I've been so busy lately.

The 3rd episode of the final season of Superman & Lois changes the game in so many ways!! 

I did not expect Sam to die the way he did, but he went out like a true hero. 

I was so shocked to see Jonathan get powers! I really feel bad for Jordan though, he feels like everything is his fault, and Luthor didn't help things either with that video recording LOL.

So looking forward to seeing how this season concludes. Only a matter of time before Superman comes back into the fold!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, October 7, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 2: A World Without: Review

Another amazing episode!!!

Lex Luthor is now my favorite villain of the franchise! Cold, a man of his word, and extremely dangerous!

I have no idea where they go from here! I could totally see either Jordan giving up his heart to save his dad, or Tal-Rho returning and giving up his heart to save Superman. Should be interesting!

Lana and Sarah better be careful, Lex is now after them!

I am so curious as to what Lex has planned for Smallville. He is buying up property, and he obviously plans on taking it over. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries destroying the town at this point.

Lex also looking for his daughter is an interesting story line. I am curious what her role will be in all this, and how she might end up helping them take him down.

Love this show! 

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 1: The End & The Beginning: Review

Holy cow!!!!! The premier of the final season of Superman & Lois is easily the best premier of the series! 

I have 2 episodes to write, so I am going to make it shorter. Wow! Lex Luthor might already be my favorite villain of the series. Michael Cudlitz has dominated every scene that he has been in! Those 2 scenes with him & Lois, and the one with him and the boys were amazing scenes!

Superman's death was so much more brutal than I was expecting! They pulled an adaptation of "The Death of Superman", which I called back in the 3rd season! Wonder how they are going to bring him back? 

Wow! Great episode!!!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2 Episode 8: Shadow and Flame: Review

 The season finale has me super excited for a third season!

The opening scene showing the Balrog was a great intro! I was shocked that King Durin III died, but I love that he went out in style! I do not think we have seen the last of the Balrog, and I really hope I'm right!

Celebrimbor's death scene was so sad. I knew he was going to die, but I was shocked at how brutal it was. I am going to miss his character, but I know that this is what needed to happen to move the story line forward.

Adar's death was so shocking! I knew he would die, but I did not expect the Orcs to turn on him so quickly. Looking back though, you could see the buildup to this happening! Sauron made sure Adar died the same way Adar tried killing him, poetic justice for Sauron!

The Stranger meeting the Dark Wizard was a great conclusion to his story line this season! I am curious as to where Nori and Poppy's story line will go from here, but I am looking forward to it! Loved that the Stranger was officially confirmed to be Gandalf, and that he got his staff! I am all but convinced at this point that the Dark Wizard is Saruman.

Elendil being forced to flee as anyone allied with the former Queen is accused of working with Sauron was not what I expected! I am looking forward to seeing Elendil eventually reunite with his son, Isildur, next season, and I really hope they get rid of the new ruler of their land! Loved that Elendil got the sword of Kings that Aragorn will use in the sequel!

Galadriel and Sauron's long awaited encounter was perfect! I loved the dialogue between them, and I am so glad that Sauron got the 9 rings for Men. The only question now is, who will Sauron give the rings to? Looking forward to seeing Sauron work the Orcs next season, and I really hope he gets his armor next season also. He should be forging his ring pretty soon also! 

The final scene with Galadriel, Elrond, Gil-galad, and Arondir resolving to fight Sauron again was a perfect ending! It showed that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope, and strength! It sums up the entire franchise as well! Looking forward to season 3!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...