The season finale has me super excited for a third season!
The opening scene showing the Balrog was a great intro! I was shocked that King Durin III died, but I love that he went out in style! I do not think we have seen the last of the Balrog, and I really hope I'm right!
Celebrimbor's death scene was so sad. I knew he was going to die, but I was shocked at how brutal it was. I am going to miss his character, but I know that this is what needed to happen to move the story line forward.
Adar's death was so shocking! I knew he would die, but I did not expect the Orcs to turn on him so quickly. Looking back though, you could see the buildup to this happening! Sauron made sure Adar died the same way Adar tried killing him, poetic justice for Sauron!
The Stranger meeting the Dark Wizard was a great conclusion to his story line this season! I am curious as to where Nori and Poppy's story line will go from here, but I am looking forward to it! Loved that the Stranger was officially confirmed to be Gandalf, and that he got his staff! I am all but convinced at this point that the Dark Wizard is Saruman.
Elendil being forced to flee as anyone allied with the former Queen is accused of working with Sauron was not what I expected! I am looking forward to seeing Elendil eventually reunite with his son, Isildur, next season, and I really hope they get rid of the new ruler of their land! Loved that Elendil got the sword of Kings that Aragorn will use in the sequel!
Galadriel and Sauron's long awaited encounter was perfect! I loved the dialogue between them, and I am so glad that Sauron got the 9 rings for Men. The only question now is, who will Sauron give the rings to? Looking forward to seeing Sauron work the Orcs next season, and I really hope he gets his armor next season also. He should be forging his ring pretty soon also!
The final scene with Galadriel, Elrond, Gil-galad, and Arondir resolving to fight Sauron again was a perfect ending! It showed that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope, and strength! It sums up the entire franchise as well! Looking forward to season 3!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
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