A Lex Luthor centered episode that works so perfectly, while advancing the story line so well!
Candice coming to Smallville to see Jonathan was such a stressful episode. I really thought she was going to break up with Jonathan, and then he would try to get her back, similar to what happened with Jordan and Sarah in season 2. But I am so glad that they did not go that route, but I was shocked that Jordan told her the truth. But I'm glad she understood, and reconciled with him. Jordan is being a hero in his own way!
Lex Luthor's flashbacks were so good! Loved that they showed that he really did try to be a good father to Elizabeth in the past. I'm glad they did humanize him also, and it was heartbreaking to see that final scene in the flashbacks when it showed him dropping his daughter off at school before he was arrested. Love that Superman was the one who took him in, now it really makes sense as to why he hates Superman also! Love it!
Elizabeth Luthor making her debut and reuniting with Lex was such good writing! Loved the conflict in both of them. While it was sad to see Lex choose revenge over getting to be involved in his daughter's (and future grandson's) life, it didn't surprise me in the slightest! That is just who Lex is, he values revenge over family! Elizabeth Henstridge did a great job as Elizabeth Luthor, and I doubt we have seen the last of her!
Lois confronting Bizarro/Doomsday was something I did not see coming at all! I kept wondering time, and time again how they would get rid of Doomsday, and this was absolutely perfect! They made him Bizarro for a reason, and now we know why! Lex's reaction to Doomsday being gone from the base was perfect! Loved seeing Lois drinking on her patio and telling Clark what happened! She was so proud of herself!
Lex Luthor will be out for blood next episode! I know he is going to target Lana & Sarah soon! It wouldn't surprise me if Sarah gets kidnapped by Lex's goons, and that is what draws Jordan to start using his powers again! And if that is the case, I hope Jordan saves Sarah, and they share a kiss and reconcile! Perfect way to get them back together!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
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