After this episode, you really cannot help but question everything that will happen on the show from now on, mainly if Eclipso is behind it all.
Yolanda leaving her Wildcat uniform outside of Courtney's house was very sad. Brec Bassinger's facial expressions nearly broke me as she just lost her best friend. When Yolanda (offscreen) rain the doorbell, I died laughing when Courtney looked worried, and Mike said Eclipso would probably not ring a doorbell.
Rick's teacher telling him that she might have some college opportunities for him was a neat scene. The scene however was quickly ruined by Rick's jerk of an uncle (What the heck is it with the parents/guardians of the JSA, other than Courtney, being so mean to their kids LOL) telling Rick that he will be in jail before he goes to college. Now I remember why I hated his uncle so much. Cameron Gellman did such a good job in this scene.
Rick bonding with Solomon Grundy was a great scene. I really have to give Cameron Gellman so much credit, he is just talking to CGI in this scene, and he completely sold his performance.
Dr. Charles McNider contacting Beth again was an interesting scene that raises a couple of questions. Charles mentioned that he is in the Shadowland, I believe that it is Eclipso's island. Charles also mentioned that he was worried that they spotted him, and he had to keep moving. Who spotted him? Could it be the victims that Eclipso has devoured, and they are now twisted forms of them? Should be interesting.
Eclipso making his next move by trying to torment and get Beth to quit was such a great sequence. While I was worried that they might try and place the race card a bit too much, I was glad they did a good job in kind of making it humorous. When Beth called Eclipso a racist, and he blew her into the closet, I laughed so hard.
While Milo Stein absolutely crushes it as Bruce Gordon/Eclipso, I was so glad when Nick Tarabay returned. Nick, despite only having one scene, absolutely crushed it. We have not seen the last of him!
Beth finding out that Eclipso was just casting an illusion and she was still at her home was a great scene. McNider then mentioned that the goggles help get rid of Eclipso's illusions. That explains why Eclipso was targeting her so much. He also had another reason for going after her which I will get to later.
Rick finding out that hunters were going to kill Solomon Grundy was interesting. But I could tell that something was off. When Rick found Grundy next to a dead body and ran after him, I wondered why the dress on the girl's body looked very familiar. When Pat and Courtney fished the body out, I then recognized the body, Rebecca McNider, Charles McNider's daughter. Then the body opened its eyes and disappeared. Eclipso was manipulating Rick the whole time! Eclipso is continuing to try and rip the team apart.
The true shocking scene was when Rick found Grundy and beat him up so badly, and then Courtney and Pat showed up and Courtney was forced to use the staff to knock him out. When Rick came to his senses, he realized that he had beaten his uncle to a pulp, and that his uncle was barely alive. Rick then destroyed the hourglass before he was arrested by the police. Eclipso continues to rip the team apart, and he has managed to get 2 of them to quit. Excellent writing!!!!
It was kind of sad when Grundy saw Rick being taken away and said "Friend." Grundy will help them take down Eclipso, and it wouldn't surprise me if he tries to break Rick out of prison. The CGI on Grundy was excellent as well.
The scene where Beth and her parents began to bond was a great scene. Her parents showed her true affection!!!! It is a miracle. I guess her parents are not too bad. Her excuse for wearing the goggles had me laughing so hard.
The final scene where Mike and Barbara talked about what happened was a sweat scene, mainly due to when Mike called Barbara "Mom." I love the chemistry between the actors.
What shocked me though, was when it started to snow outside the Dugan-Whitmore house and frost started to form on the roof. While they could be making it to where it is either Cameron Makhent or his grandmother, I really think that it is Eclipso continuing with his plan to rip the JSA apart, so he can feed off the souls of people a lot easier.
I wonder how Rick will fix his hourglass, and I wonder how the Cosmic staff (I absolutely loved it when Courtney named it Cosmo) will be fully repaired as well. I have a gut feeling Starman and McNider will fix it somehow. I could be wrong though.
On a quick note, it was so weird not seeing Yvette Monreal at all in this episode. Her presence was missed, but the episode did not need her luckily. It was also neat seeing the 2 most underrated members of the JSA get a lot of screen time and character development.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10