After an action packed episode last week, episode 7 goes for a more sobering episode that works.
Yolanda's story line was a very sobering and sad one. Yvette Monreal knocked it out of the park with her performance. In one way I understand her guilt (due to her having a belief in God), but she did what she needed to do. If she hadn't, Brainwave would have slaughtered everyone.
Courtney continues to get closer to Cameron. It is only a matter of time before he finds out who his father really was, and that Courtney played a part in his death. Personally, I think he will be angry at first, but he will come to his senses and save Courtney and her team from Eclipso.
Mike and Pat trying to repair S.T.R.I.P.E. was a hilarious scene. Luke Wilson and Trae Romano have such excellent chemistry together. What stunned me though, was when Mike found the pieces of the Black Diamond in the shop. Obviously, Pat played a hand in stopping Eclipso by trapping him in the diamond, but how? Hope we find out soon.
Yolanda opening up to the team about killing Brainwave was an interesting scene. I was glad that Rick tried to comfort her, but I was stunned when Beth didn't know what to say. While I get Beth is not one for violence, and that she does not really fight people, she could have still tried to help comfort Yolanda. Yolanda then telling the team that she is going to have to kill Eclipso showcased Yvette Monreal's incredible acting ability.
The scenes with Yolanda being attacked by Brainwave, and being tormented by her guilt for not forgiving Henry Jr. before he died was a great scene. While it was probably an illusion by Eclipso (I think this due to the fact that the staff helped Yolanda wake up, and the staff can clearly hurt Eclipso, and we saw Eclipso looking at Yolanda), seeing Christopher James Baker return as Brainwave was a real treat. Baker is still the best actor in this series in my opinion. While I know bringing him back would ruin Yolanda's arch, I hope they can find a way to have him return.
Barbara seeing something shady liquid like substance in her office, and hearing the Shade say help me was interesting. I wonder where the Shade is? Hope he returns soon.
Yolanda quitting the JSA over her guilt was one of the saddest scenes in the series. I also felt bad for Yolanda's co worker who really liked her. And the scene with Yolanda's mother telling Courtney to never call her again, and blaming her for corrupting her further proved my point, Yolanda has the worst parents in the show!! Yes, worse than Beth's parents, Dragon King, and Brainwave.
Courtney talking to her family about Yolanda quitting the team was a good scene. We rarely get scenes with just them, and this was a much needed scene. Interesting to see Mike feel a little guilt over killing Icicle, but that was justified as well. I have a gut feeling that Eclipso will come for Mike soon.
The ending with Eclipso standing outside of Beth's house confirmed my theory. Eclipso is the one casting the illusions on Yolanda, and now he is targeting Beth. He is going to try and rip the JSA apart, so that he can easily destroy them, and so no one can stop him. Excellent writing.
We are now halfway through the season, and there are still a lot of questions that need answering. My main questions though is when the Thunderbolt will show up again? Well, the season should answer most of my questions before the end, while still leaving certain questions unanswered. Man I love this show!!!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
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