My favorite evil couple returns, and the result is easily the best episode of the season.
The opening with Artemis Crock visiting her parents in prison was a very sad scene, mainly because I feel so bad for Artemis, due to the fact that she has absolutely no idea why her parents are in prison. I was dying of laughter when Artemis was telling her parents that the foster home she was living in serves her, what she and her parents consider, unhealthy food such as Mac & Cheese. Stella Smith absolutely sold her performance as Artemis, glad she is getting used more this season.
Sportsmaster and Tigress breaking out prison temporarily, and kidnapping Mike to get Pat to help them let him see Artemis at her football tryout was actually very well done. I loved the scene where Pat, Barbara, Sportsmaster, and Tigress were interacting at the Dugan house was so funny, I loved how the moms had a lot in common, and I loved how Larry really does like Pat. I also busted a gut when he began to tell Pat what Dragon King did to the Wizard, and how Pat would puke from it. I also died when he began to tell Pat about his hatred for the Shade, and how they mocked each other's outfits.
Cindy making her movie on Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler's son) was unsurprising. I knew she would make her move on him first. While they definitely left it ambiguous as to what happened to him, I really think that he will join her team, due to the fact that he literally has nobody left that truly loves him.
The team discussing Eclipso at the small diner in town was a neat scene. I loved seeing Yolanda working as a waitress, she actually looked good in the outfit. I died laughing when Rick told the team he had to feed the dog (Solomon Grundy), and asked Yolanda for 25 cheeseburgers. The look on Yolanda and Beth's face sealed it, as did the last line by Rick when asked by Beth what kind of dog he has, and Rick called it a big dog.
Courtney meeting the Shade at a bookstore was a great scene. I called it, the Shade is trying to get rid of Eclipso's diamond. As to why, he is hiding something, and I think that it will be something massive. Jonathan Cake gave another great performance as the Shade!
Artemis trying out for the football team was a great scene. I loved seeing her parents cheer her on. Of course Cindy had to ruin the moment by having Eclipso show Cindy a fake vision of her parents about to killed by a S.W.A.T. team, but it was really just Courtney and other members of her team. Dang you Cindy, dang you!
Artemis having to say goodbye to her parents was a surprisingly emotional scene. Stella Smith, Neil Hopkins, and Joy Osmanski have always had good chemistry, and this scene just proved it. I continue to feel so bad for Artemis, due to the fact that her parents are everything for her, and her foster mother hates her.
Artemis not joining the football team due to attacking Courtney was sad. I continue to feel for her character. Cindy approaching her at the end and asking her to join her new ISA team was interesting. I still think that Artemis will not join, due to the encouragement her parents gave her before they went back to prison, telling her to forge her own path and follow her dreams. Hope I am right.
Lots of conflict now between Courtney, Pat, and Barbara due to the fact that Pat is hiding a dark secret about something Eclipso did to the JSA. Courtney leaving at the end to find the Shade and get answers was very interesting. Love the continued conflict between Pat and Courtney.
The final scene with Beth talking to the goggles was a great scene, due to the reveal that Charles McNider is still alive, but he is trapped in some kind of Shadow world, which obviously has something to do with what the Shade did to him in the opening flashback to season 1. Hope we continue to get more answers!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
P.S. I will post the 2021 Blaster Tv show awards after Stargirl ends.