Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 4: Summer School: Chapter Four: Review

My favorite evil couple returns, and the result is easily the best episode of the season.

The opening with Artemis Crock visiting her parents in prison was a very sad scene, mainly because I feel so bad for Artemis, due to the fact that she has absolutely no idea why her parents are in prison. I was dying of laughter when Artemis was telling her parents that the foster home she was living in serves her, what she and her parents consider, unhealthy food such as Mac & Cheese. Stella Smith absolutely sold her performance as Artemis, glad she is getting used more this season.

Sportsmaster and Tigress breaking out prison temporarily, and kidnapping Mike to get Pat to help them let him see Artemis at her football tryout was actually very well done. I loved the scene where Pat, Barbara, Sportsmaster, and Tigress were interacting at the Dugan house was so funny, I loved how the moms had a lot in common, and I loved how Larry really does like Pat. I also busted a gut when he began to tell Pat what Dragon King did to the Wizard, and how Pat would puke from it. I also died when he began to tell Pat about his hatred for the Shade, and how they mocked each other's outfits.

Cindy making her movie on Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler's son) was unsurprising. I knew she would make her move on him first. While they definitely left it ambiguous as to what happened to him, I really think that he will join her team, due to the fact that he literally has nobody left that truly loves him. 

The team discussing Eclipso at the small diner in town was a neat scene. I loved seeing Yolanda working as a waitress, she actually looked good in the outfit. I died laughing when Rick told the team he had to feed the dog (Solomon Grundy), and asked Yolanda for 25 cheeseburgers. The look on Yolanda and Beth's face sealed it, as did the last line by Rick when asked by Beth what kind of dog he has, and Rick called it a big dog.

Courtney meeting the Shade at a bookstore was a great scene. I called it, the Shade is trying to get rid of Eclipso's diamond. As to why, he is hiding something, and I think that it will be something massive. Jonathan Cake gave another great performance as the Shade!

Artemis trying out for the football team was a great scene. I loved seeing her parents cheer her on. Of course Cindy had to ruin the moment by having Eclipso show Cindy a fake vision of her parents about to killed by a S.W.A.T. team, but it was really just Courtney and other members of her team. Dang you Cindy, dang you!

Artemis having to say goodbye to her parents was a surprisingly emotional scene. Stella Smith, Neil Hopkins, and Joy Osmanski have always had good chemistry, and this scene just proved it. I continue to feel so bad for Artemis, due to the fact that her parents are everything for her, and her foster mother hates her.

Artemis not joining the football team due to attacking Courtney was sad. I continue to feel for her character. Cindy approaching her at the end and asking her to join her new ISA team was interesting. I still think that Artemis will not join, due to the encouragement her parents gave her before they went back to prison, telling her to forge her own path and follow her dreams. Hope I am right.

Lots of conflict now between Courtney, Pat, and Barbara due to the fact that Pat is hiding a dark secret about something Eclipso did to the JSA. Courtney leaving at the end to find the Shade and get answers was very interesting. Love the continued conflict between Pat and Courtney.

The final scene with Beth talking to the goggles was a great scene, due to the reveal that Charles McNider is still alive, but he is trapped in some kind of Shadow world, which obviously has something to do with what the Shade did to him in the opening flashback to season 1. Hope we continue to get more answers!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

P.S. I will post the 2021 Blaster Tv show awards after Stargirl ends.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 3: Summer School: Chapter Three: Review

 The plot unravels in another excellent episode of Stargirl.

The opening flashback to Johnny Thunder was very unexpected. I loved seeing the original Johnny Thunder and Wildcat. I know that can not be the only episode that will feature a flashback. We need more!!

Mike's opening scene made me feel bad for him. Trae Romano once again delivered another great performance. I loved it when he found the pen and started making wishes!!!! Jim Gaffigan was hilarious as the voice of Thunderbolt. Waited so long to see the pen unleashed, and it finally happened, and it did not disappoint.

The shade showing up unexpectedly with Barbara at the place where they keep William Zarick's stuff was a very good scene. I was right about why the Shade was back in Blue Valley, he is looking for the diamond that contains Eclipso!!!!!!!! I called it, I called it!!!!

The school scene between Courtney and Yolanda talking about the Shade was a pivotal scene for 1 reason! Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler's son) overheard them talking about it!!! What will they do with him going forward!?!?!?!? I still think he will turn evil and/or hunt down Sportsmaster and Tigress as revenge for killing his mother.

The JSA and Mike working together to form a plan to ask the Thunderbolt to find Eclipso was a great scene. I love the dynamic between the team, and the chemistry between the actors. We need more scenes like this!

The scene between the JSA and the Shade was the best scene on the show so far! Jonathan Cake knocked it out of the park with his performance in this scene. I loved how he was mocking Icicle and calling him a lunatic. What really shocked me though, was when he may have hinted that Dr. Mid-Nite is still alive, and that he didn't kill him. So many theories that I have!!!

Mike trying to help the JSA capture The Shade was a good try, but it backfired. He really reminds me of Courtney when she first started out. Hope they continue to develop him and use him more.

The quick scene between Mike and Yolanda was an interaction that I didn't see coming. Yvette Monreal and Trae Romano have very good chemistry, hope they have more interactions like this in the future. I kind of laughed when Mike was describing how when he killed Icicle, it was an accident. Yolanda really needs someone to talk to, and I really feel like Rick is the one who she will open up to.

I felt so bad  for Mike when he accidentally wished the pen away. But what got me really excited, was when the pen went to Mike's friend Jakeem! Jakeem has a very sad life, and I am looking forward to seeing more development for his character, and how he will play a role in helping the JSA take down Eclipso.

The scene with Pat and Barbara talking about Mike was a very good scene. I love the chemistry between Luke Wilson and Amy Smart. What got me pumped up though, was when Barabara mentioned that Shade took a box that a diamond was in, and Pat realizing that Eclipso is what the Shade is after.

The scene where Beth told Rick that her parents getting a divorce was a good scene as well. Anjelika Washington and Cameron Gellman always have some neat kind of interaction, and this was no exception.

Dr. Mid-Nite's A.I. getting turned back on for a quick second, and warning Beth that Eclipso is coming was a great scene. The team now knows about Eclipso, and it should be interesting how they react to him.

The final scene made it more clear that my theory is 100% right. He is hunting the Shade, and trying to keep him from being unleashed. That final scene where he said to himself, "He is going to kill these children," got me even more excited. He will have to team up with the JSA to take down the Shade. 

Questions that I need answered after watching this episode: Did the Shade really kill Dr. Mid-Nite? Could Dr. Mid-Nite still be alive? Are the Shade and Dr. Mid-Nite working together to hunt down Shade? Did Eclipso target Dr. Mid-Nite's daughter in the opening scene in the first episode for a reason?  What destiny awaits young Isaac Bowin after he overheard Courtney and Yolanda talking about Shade? We shall see!!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 2: Summer School: Chapter Two: Review

 Episode 2 of Stargirl focuses on characterization, but it also delivers a spine chilling ending, and the arrival of the Shade.

Jenny's opening flashback was a very sad one. The lady who was watching over her was very mean to her. I really hope we see more of Jenny as the season goes on. Ysa Penarejo did an excellent job.

Courtney becoming jealous of Jade spending time with Pat was hilarious. Brec Bassinger did an excellent job at portraying a very jealous version of Stargirl was funny. 

The Shade arriving on the scene was so exciting. Jonathan Cake has already sold me, even though he has only appeared in two scenes. I know he is after the Eclipso diamond for a reason, but I think he is trying to destroy Eclipso. We shall see!

Jenny learning how to control the ring was a good story line. I know that she left to go and find her brother, and I hope they both reappear to help the JSA take down Eclipso. I am impressed with how they wrote Jenny, they got Green Lantern right!

I couldn't believe that ending! Eclipso talked Bobbie Burman into trying to kill her step-daughter, Cindy Burman. I felt so bad for Bobbie as she looked so happy when Cindy was gone, but she went back to being her usual sad self. I was stunned when Eclipso killed Bobbie. But the thing that stunned me the most, was that Cindy was angry at Eclipso for killing her. Interesting side of Cindy that we never saw before, I wonder how they will proceed going forward with her characterization

Eclipso reminds me of Venom, and it is pretty obvious that he does not want to serve Cindy, he is only using her as a vessel. But, he will get out, and I am willing to bet that he will possess either Yolanda, or her younger brother. Heck, it might even end up being Mike he gets.

On a quick note, I couldn't believe that Yolanda's parents made her go to summer school. Her parents are so mean to her. Wouldn't bother me at all if she moved away from them, or if they end up dying (But I think that is too extreme LOL).

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 15: Last Sons of Krypton: Review

Quick review, very tired.

While part of me wishes the final battle was a couple minutes longer, the season finale of Superman and Lois delivers on the emotion, strong performances from all of the cast, well done action scenes, excellent visual effects, having all of the characters get a happy ending (So glad Jonathan got with that girl, and that Sarah told Jordan she loved him), and a shocking ending that I totally did not see coming.

Should be interesting as to what they have planned for the 2nd season, hope the villain is either Brainiac, Zod, or Doomsday. Fingers crossed for Brainiac.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Friday, August 13, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 16: Kamino Lost: Review

 While the lack of action scenes was disappointing, having the whole Bad Batch together, Crosshairs playing a big role and having the best characterization and lines, and the set up for the creation of Snoke with the final scene more than make up for it. Should be interesting as to where the series goes from here.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 1: Summer School: Chapter One: Review

 Stargirl's long awaited return is worth the wait, and I am still geeking out over everything.

The opening scene was spine chilling, and it looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Eclipso's young child actor was very creepy. What really shocked me about the opening was that the girl that Eclipso attacked was Dr. Mid-Nite's daughter. Excellent opening for the season, on par, if not better, than the opening scene of season 1.

Courtney and the team searching for bad guys was an excellent present day opening. Brec Bassinger has not lost her charm as Stargirl, and the chemistry between the team is still strong.

The quick scene with Courtney up at 4:00 AM had me laughing due to Pat telling her about what happened to the other members of the ISA. Luke Wilson's chemistry with Brec has not lost its touch at all.

Yolanda's story line about her dealing with her guilt of killing Brainwave was very emotional. While I understand her guilt, she had no choice. Yvette Monreal absolutely crushed her performance. I really think that Eclipso is coming for her, and like I predicted, I think she will die at the end of the season, but she will be at peace. I hope I am wrong, I do not want her to die, she is one of my favorite characters on the show.

Artemis Crock's quick scene had me dying of laughter. Stella Smith's performance was really good, I see a lot of Sportsmaster and Tigress in her. Her insult to Courtney had me dying of laughter.

Courtney having to attend summer school, which put Pat's plans for a family vacation on indefinite hold was kind of funny, due to the fact that Mike Dugan, which Trae Romano absolutely crushed, will be happy. I love the dynamic between the Whitmore-Dugan family, and I hope the show doesn't loose that at all.

Green Lantern's daughter, Jade, arriving at the house to get the Green Lantern ring charger, or whatever it is called, had me laughing and geeking out as well. The fight between her and Courtney was very well shot and choregraphed, and the destruction they caused to the house had me dying of laughter. The visuals on the ring looked very real as well. Luke Wilson's one liner at the end has me in stitches.

Beth finding out her parents are getting a divorce was very sad. Beth is probably the character I feel most sorry for. Her parents don't interact with her much, and the fact that she can't fix the goggles properly makes me feel for her. Anjelika Washington sells her performance perfectly.

Rick looking for Solomon Grundy was an interesting story line. I wonder what kind of role Grundy will play this season, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up teaming with the JSA to take down Cindy and Eclipso.

Icicle's son Cameron returning was very interesting. I am kind of shocked that his grandparents did not tell him the truth about his father, but Cameron's grandfather probably respects his late son's wishes to keep the truth from him. Cameron's grandmother is wicked, and I wonder if she will tell Cameron the truth.

Zeek, the junkyard man from the first season, finding about Pat having the robot was hilarious, due to the fact that he was nonchalant about it. I am excited that he is going to install a flamethrower to Stripe. Should be very good.

Sylvester Pemberton/Starman's quick scene was very interesting. I am still questioning if that really is Starman. If it is, why is he now searching for Pat, and where has he been all these years. The reveal that the waitress waiting on him with Pat's ex wife stunned me. Hope this story line is interesting.

The quick name drop of Jakeem Thunder by Pat was great. Hope he gets the pen very soon.

The ending with Cindy returning to the high school was excellent. The reveal that she is going to try and recruit Isaac Bowen, Artemis Crock, and Cameron Makhent had me excited. But what really shocked me was the reveal that she is now going to try and recruit Mike Dugan to her new team. My jaw hit the floor at that reveal, should be interesting. Eclipso's voice at the end was very creepy, hope the show delivers on the potential that this villain has.

Looking forward to the Shade arriving next week. I truly believe that he is on the hunt of Eclipso. We shall see though.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 14: The Eradicator: Review

 A chilling ending is one of many things that shows why this show keeps being good every week.

The Cushings preparing to move out of Smallville was an emotional story line. While I understand why she was mad, Sarah went a little bit too far with what she said to her parents. Please tell me they are staying at the end of the season, they add so much to this series, and I love Sarah and Jordan's relationship.

Tal-Rho attacking Metropolis was an epic scene. I loved seeing Superman and John Henry Irons team up. The action scenes were very well done, and I loved it when John nailed Larr with his hammer before she could kill Lois.

Well it looks like Jonathan Kent finally found a girlfriend, so happy for his character as he deserves a happy ending due to what he has gone through since the show started. The show does a great job at making me really care for these characters.

General Lane arriving to take the boys into protective custody had me dying of laughter. Dylan Walsh has given an underrated performance, and I loved how badly he roasted the teenager who asked him what was going on.

Tal-Rho crashing the car that General Lane, Jordan, Jonathan, and Sarah were in was shocking. While I had a feeling that he would come after Superman and Lois' kids, I did not expect him to take Jordan. Lois' reaction showcased Elizabeth Tulloch's incredible acting ability. Jordan's last words to Sarah before Tal took him made me emotional.

I wonder what kind of role the Cushings will play in the season finale, as Sarah went to get her dad after Tal took Jordan. I am willing to bet that Kyle will do something that will cause him to stay in town.

Tal putting his father's conscious inside of Jordan had me shook. The series finale is going to be insane, and I am still wondering who will fight against who in the finale. 

I am also willing to bet that Sarah finds out about Jordan's powers in the finale. Should be interesting, please do not disappoint.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Friday, August 6, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 15: Return to Kamino: Review

 Bad Batch's 15th episode is no doubt their best due to the characterization of Crosshairs, reveal that the inhibitor chip is not inside of Crosshairs, returning to the most important planet in the prequel trilogy, and the final scene where they showed all of the old locations where the Clones were created, where they ate, and the war room (which made me feel emotional), right before the the planet was destroyed by the Empire. Excellent episode, that will thrill and make die hard fans of the Clone Wars tear up.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Sunday, August 1, 2021

My Top 10 Predictions For Stargirl Season 2

10. Brainwave, Icicle, and Dragon King will fight the Shade in a flashback episode

9. Isaac will use his parent's fiddle and fight Sportsmaster, Tigress, and their daughter Atremis

8. The Shade's goal in this season is to hunt down and destroy Eclipso, but his methods are questioned by the JSA

7. Yolanda Montez and Rick Tyler will become a couple midway through the season

6. Mike Dugan will fall in love with Artemis Crock, causing a sever conflict with their families

5. Cameron Mahkent's grandparents will die, causing his powers to fully awaken, and he will become evil

4. Artemis Crock will join the JSA, causing a lot of tension between her and her parents

3. Isaac will join a new ISA team with Cindy, and he will become the Music Meister or the new Fiddler

2. Sportsmaster and Tigress will team up with the JSA to help them take down Eclipso

1. Yolanda Montez/Wildcat will die at the end of the season by the hand of either Cindy or Eclipso

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...