The plot unravels in another excellent episode of Stargirl.
The opening flashback to Johnny Thunder was very unexpected. I loved seeing the original Johnny Thunder and Wildcat. I know that can not be the only episode that will feature a flashback. We need more!!
Mike's opening scene made me feel bad for him. Trae Romano once again delivered another great performance. I loved it when he found the pen and started making wishes!!!! Jim Gaffigan was hilarious as the voice of Thunderbolt. Waited so long to see the pen unleashed, and it finally happened, and it did not disappoint.
The shade showing up unexpectedly with Barbara at the place where they keep William Zarick's stuff was a very good scene. I was right about why the Shade was back in Blue Valley, he is looking for the diamond that contains Eclipso!!!!!!!! I called it, I called it!!!!
The school scene between Courtney and Yolanda talking about the Shade was a pivotal scene for 1 reason! Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler's son) overheard them talking about it!!! What will they do with him going forward!?!?!?!? I still think he will turn evil and/or hunt down Sportsmaster and Tigress as revenge for killing his mother.
The JSA and Mike working together to form a plan to ask the Thunderbolt to find Eclipso was a great scene. I love the dynamic between the team, and the chemistry between the actors. We need more scenes like this!
The scene between the JSA and the Shade was the best scene on the show so far! Jonathan Cake knocked it out of the park with his performance in this scene. I loved how he was mocking Icicle and calling him a lunatic. What really shocked me though, was when he may have hinted that Dr. Mid-Nite is still alive, and that he didn't kill him. So many theories that I have!!!
Mike trying to help the JSA capture The Shade was a good try, but it backfired. He really reminds me of Courtney when she first started out. Hope they continue to develop him and use him more.
The quick scene between Mike and Yolanda was an interaction that I didn't see coming. Yvette Monreal and Trae Romano have very good chemistry, hope they have more interactions like this in the future. I kind of laughed when Mike was describing how when he killed Icicle, it was an accident. Yolanda really needs someone to talk to, and I really feel like Rick is the one who she will open up to.
I felt so bad for Mike when he accidentally wished the pen away. But what got me really excited, was when the pen went to Mike's friend Jakeem! Jakeem has a very sad life, and I am looking forward to seeing more development for his character, and how he will play a role in helping the JSA take down Eclipso.
The scene with Pat and Barbara talking about Mike was a very good scene. I love the chemistry between Luke Wilson and Amy Smart. What got me pumped up though, was when Barabara mentioned that Shade took a box that a diamond was in, and Pat realizing that Eclipso is what the Shade is after.
The scene where Beth told Rick that her parents getting a divorce was a good scene as well. Anjelika Washington and Cameron Gellman always have some neat kind of interaction, and this was no exception.
Dr. Mid-Nite's A.I. getting turned back on for a quick second, and warning Beth that Eclipso is coming was a great scene. The team now knows about Eclipso, and it should be interesting how they react to him.
The final scene made it more clear that my theory is 100% right. He is hunting the Shade, and trying to keep him from being unleashed. That final scene where he said to himself, "He is going to kill these children," got me even more excited. He will have to team up with the JSA to take down the Shade.
Questions that I need answered after watching this episode: Did the Shade really kill Dr. Mid-Nite? Could Dr. Mid-Nite still be alive? Are the Shade and Dr. Mid-Nite working together to hunt down Shade? Did Eclipso target Dr. Mid-Nite's daughter in the opening scene in the first episode for a reason? What destiny awaits young Isaac Bowin after he overheard Courtney and Yolanda talking about Shade? We shall see!!!!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
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