Sunday, August 1, 2021

My Top 10 Predictions For Stargirl Season 2

10. Brainwave, Icicle, and Dragon King will fight the Shade in a flashback episode

9. Isaac will use his parent's fiddle and fight Sportsmaster, Tigress, and their daughter Atremis

8. The Shade's goal in this season is to hunt down and destroy Eclipso, but his methods are questioned by the JSA

7. Yolanda Montez and Rick Tyler will become a couple midway through the season

6. Mike Dugan will fall in love with Artemis Crock, causing a sever conflict with their families

5. Cameron Mahkent's grandparents will die, causing his powers to fully awaken, and he will become evil

4. Artemis Crock will join the JSA, causing a lot of tension between her and her parents

3. Isaac will join a new ISA team with Cindy, and he will become the Music Meister or the new Fiddler

2. Sportsmaster and Tigress will team up with the JSA to help them take down Eclipso

1. Yolanda Montez/Wildcat will die at the end of the season by the hand of either Cindy or Eclipso

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