Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 13: Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.: Review

 Stargirl's season finale ends on an excellent note.

The action scenes were incredible. My favorite fight scene was between Solomon Grundy and Hourman and S.T.R.I.P.E. I am really hoping that next season will have the same great fight scenes, and that the CGI will look good.

The way they killed Brainwave was something I actually predicted would happen, and while part of me wishes he would have gone out fighting, I'm glad that Yolanda was the one who did it.

As for Dragon King, this was something I also predicted would end up happening. Though I question whether or not he is actually dead. Personally I hope he isn't, because he is one of my favorite villains on this show, and I can see them doing so much more with him.

And as for Icicle, if he is dead, I could not have thought up a better and hilarious way for him to go out. Mike Dugan hitting him with the car and shattering him into tiny little ice cubes was brilliant writing. I do think there is a possibility that he comes back, but if not, I am totally fine with it.

Hourman letting Grundy go was great character development, and I am interested to see what happens with Hourman in the next season. The CGI on Grundy was perfect by the way.

I believe that Pat or Mike, or possibly both of them working together, will end up fixing Dr. Mid-Nite for Beth, as he is what makes her Dr. Mid-Nite.  

The scene with Courtney giving Pat the gift that she planned on giving to her dad 10 years ago was a very well written scene, and Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson sold it completely. I loved the character development on Courtney, and I am glad that she now sees Pat as her true dad.

The Shinning Knight leaving Blue Valley to find the Seven Soldiers of Victory is a nice buildup for next season, or even a spin-off focusing on this team. I hope that if some of them do appear, it will be in the third season.

The Shape arriving in Blue Valley at the end was the perfect buildup for next season. I am interested to see what caused him to betray Icicle, and I am very curious to see if they decide to make him the villain, or an ally to the Justice Society of America.

Cindy finding Eclipso in the Wizard's belongings towards the end was another great setup for a potential new villain arriving in season 2. As to who Eclipso ends up possessing, in my opinion, it will either be Cindy, Mike, or Yolanda.

The true shock of the episode though, was the reveal that Starman is alive and looking for Pat. I wonder whether or not that is the real Starman, but either way, it was a great question to leave unanswered.

Other questions that I need to be answered are, how did Icicle's son react to his father's death? What happened to Sportsmaster, Tigress, and their daughter Artemis? Will the Fiddler's son follow in his mother's footsteps and become a villain? Will Icicle's son follow in his father's footsteps and become a villain? What happened to the Gambler when he fled the scene? Will Wildcat take a dark path after killing Brainwave? Will Cameron and Courtney be a couple and then become enemies next season? Will Cindy become the leader of the new ISA? If Starman is really alive, will he want Courtney to give him the staff back? Will the show follow the comics and have Pat and Barbara give birth to Courtney and Mike's baby sister? Will someone ever use the pen, or the Green Lantern Ring?

Overall, Stargirl's season finale leaves the right amount of questions unanswered, sets up plenty of intrigue for the 2nd season, sets up the right villains for season 2, has strong emotions, plenty of well written humor, has some incredible CGI and action scenes, delivers on the character development, and has powerful performances from Brec Bassinger, Luke Wilson, Neil Jackson, Yvette Monreal, and Cameron Gellman to deliver a great finale, to a shockingly great season.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

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