Tuesday, May 7, 2019

My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 21: The Girl With the Red Lightning"

Spoilers Ahead!

An excellent last second plot twist and third act is not enough to help this lackluster episode.

Nora comes up with a way to stop Cicada 2.0 but it requires her to allow Grace to try and have Nora tap into the Negative Force. The story line between the West-Allen family, while featuring some great acting between the three of them, lacked good drama, and even the dialogue was bad.

Sherloque Wells is not willing to let his girlfriend Renee Adler die, and he offers her the cure, but she refuses it. He the sends her to his Earth so she can be safe. Good acting from Tom Cavanagh, but overall a very unnecessary and boring story line.

Joe and Cecile invite every Meta in Central City to the CCPD to get the cure to protect themselves from Cicada. Once again, Jesse L. Martin gave a great performance, but this was very boring and it lacked something, I can't put my finger on what it is at the moment.

Cicada arrives at the CCPD and Team Flash is ready and they fight her. The fight ends with Cisco destroying the machine, and getting rid of the dagger. Really well done action scenes, and Barry throwing Cicada around like a rag doll was satisfying as heck! However, Cicada did not impress me, and the whole Cicada story line was a huge let down. Hopefully something will change my mind about in the season finale.

Ralph, meanwhile, began an investigation into what Thawne has been planning. He then wonders what Cicada's dagger does in the future, and tries to tell Barry and Iris about it, but they rebuke him and continue with their goal to bring down Cicada. I loved the character development for Ralph, and the fact that they are turning him into a detective like he is in the comics, was great.

As Cisco prepares to get rid of the dagger by sending it into an unknown place where it can never be found, Ralph realizes that the dagger is what is preventing Thawne for using his powers in the future. He then remembers his encounter with him in the future, and realizes the dagger is inside of Thawne, and if it disappears, Thawne will get his powers back and prevent his execution. Mind blowing plot twist, definitely did not see this one coming. The writing for Thawne has never been a let down, and this season proved my case.

Eobard prepares for his execution and and they prepare to erase him from existence. Eobard then smiles as the final phase of his plan will now begin, now with the dagger gone, he will kill the guards at the prison and come after Barry and his family. Tom Cavanagh sold his performance as Eobard, and continues to impress me with his abilities to play so many different characters, and be so good at it.

Overall, despite a great third act, strong character development for Ralph Dibny, a jaw dropping plot twist, and incredible performances from Tom Cavanagh and Hartley Sawyer, tonight's episode of the Flash suffers from a lack of excitement, poor pacing, a poor villain story line, and lack of good drama.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2.5 out of 4 stars

Season finale next week, Flash has been doing better recently, hopefully it delivers a great finale. So far, I have never been disappointed in any of the Flash season finales.

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