Monday, May 6, 2019

My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 21: Living Proof"

Spoilers Ahead!

Arrow delivers good acting, but a poor progression for the story arc as the finale nears.

The hallucination of Tommy Merlyn was a mixed bad. While Colin Donnell and Stephen Amell's chemistry and performances were great, it has already been done, and it did not make me emotional at all. Now if it had been Prometheus, I would have loved it a whole lot more.

The team's attempt to save Oliver was very boring and predictable. The cast was great together, but Roy's guilt for murdering the cops was boring and has already been done.

When Oliver was rescued by the team, and he went after Emiko and killed her, I grinned so hard, until I realized it was just a hallucination. The fight scene between them was well done, but the hallucination was stupid.

Felicity and Alena's small story line was sadly the best part about the episode. Emily Bett Rickards and Kacey Rohl's chemistry was great, and there words with each other were great as well.

I am so mad with the flash forwards. They are boring, and lack excitement. I do not blame the actors, I blame the writing. In my opinion, the flash forwards really ruined this season for me in a lot of ways.

Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow suffers from poor story progression, predictable writing, and bad twists. However, it also featured some well put together action scenes, and strong performances from all of its cast. Still not a good episode though.

Based on what I saw in the trailer for the finale, hopefully the return of Black Canary and Bronze Tiger will help give this season a satisfying conclusion.

Out of 4 stars I would give it...

2 out of 4 stars

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