Arrow Season 7 was a step down from season 6, but it had some great moments.
The prison story arc for Oliver was the best part of the season. The setting was intense, and the performance from Stephen Amell was powerful. Unfortunately, this was the only real consistent story arc the season.
The team getting back together started out strong, but it was easily bogged down towards the end as it got predictable and boring.
The season also had some major villain problems as well. They went from Ricardo Diaz, to Dante, to Emiko Queen. The best one was Ricardo Diaz, and they killed him just as he was becoming an interesting villain.
The introduction to Emiko Queen was a huge problem. At first, I thought she would be the replacement for Stephen Amell, after Oliver was killed off, but then we find out she was the villain. Sea Shimooka's acting was hit or miss.
The flash forwards were overall disappointing. They lacked suspense, emotion, depth, and excitement. Luckily, the actors did the best they could with what they had to work with.
The action scenes, for the most part, were well done. The prison fight scenes were awesome, but the final fight scenes were pretty lackluster later in the season.
The acting was strong as usual, but sometimes it was pretty bad. The best actors this season who stayed consistent were Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards, and their chemistry was awesome as usual.
The buildup with the Crises on Infinite Earths next season is going to be sad, as Oliver will die, but it could be a strong season as well, considering it will only have 10 episodes.
The emotion in this season, concerning the final episode, almost brought me to tears, and I have never cried while watching a tv show before.
Overall, despite some huge villain problems, a somewhat lackluster finish, and disappointing flash forwards, Arrow Season 7 delivered on the prison story line, powerful emotion, well shot prison action scenes, setting up an intriguing and emotional series finale next season, and strong performances from Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards to add another great season to Arrow's resume.
Out of 100% I would give it...
80% out of 100%
I will write Reviews of recent Tv show episodes that I have watched and write them here. Visit to see my reviews of Movies I have recently seen. I also do my own version of the Oscars on the Actionawards blog spot as well. Check out my Flashback review website by going here as well
Thursday, May 16, 2019
My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 22: Legacy"
Flash has never failed on its finales, and tonight was proof of it.
The team manages to convince young Grace to take the cure, and she does, but Cicada 2.0, manages to break free from her prison and comes after Nora.
The team, despite their hesitation, destroy the dagger to protect Nora, and in the process end up freeing Eobard Thawne.
Barry and Nora then went to the future to stop Thawne, and he explained how he has had everything planned from the beginning. Tom Cavangah showcases his brilliance as Eobard Thawne, and also solidifies himself as the best actor on the show, and arguably the best actor in the Arrowverse.
The fight scene between Barry, Nora, and Thawne was awesome. Great visuals and great nostalgia.
Team Flash showing up to help Barry and Nora was awesome. Thawne meeting up with everyone again was awesome. Great dialogue.
The team then stops Eobard, and Nora then realizes that she is going to be erased from existence. Though the team has the opportunity to save her, through the Negative Speed Force, Nora tells them not to and she then embraces her fate and thanks them both for showing her she is a hero.
Thawne then tells Barry he is looking forward to seeing him again very soon.
Jessica Parker Kennedy's acting was awesome, and she showed why she was the best addition to this season. Her chemistry with Grant Gustin, and Candice Patton was awesome.
In the aftermath of everything, Cisco takes the cure to be with his girlfriend, he also leaves Killer Frost with a new outfit to where. Joe is promoted to Captain by David Singh, who is promoted to Chief of the Police Force. Before he leaves, he informs Barry that he always knew that he was the Flash. Meanwhile, Sherloque returns to his Earth to be with Renee.
Loved the montage here. Best one of the series.
Barry and Iris then find a recording Nora left for them, in case she ended up dying. She the thanks them for being her parents, and showing her what it is truly like to be a hero. I almost cried, great acting and facial expressions from the West-Allen family.
In a post credit scene, the newspaper article then changes the date from 2024, to 2019. Psyched for the Crises on Infinite Earths later this year.
Overall, the finale of the Flash delivered on the emotion, return of the Reverse Flash, awesome visuals, great ending montage, setting up an exciting season 6, and strong performances form Jessica Parker Kennedy, Grant Gustin, and Tom Cavanagh, to deliver an awesome episode to a great season.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
4 out of 4 stars
The team manages to convince young Grace to take the cure, and she does, but Cicada 2.0, manages to break free from her prison and comes after Nora.
The team, despite their hesitation, destroy the dagger to protect Nora, and in the process end up freeing Eobard Thawne.
Barry and Nora then went to the future to stop Thawne, and he explained how he has had everything planned from the beginning. Tom Cavangah showcases his brilliance as Eobard Thawne, and also solidifies himself as the best actor on the show, and arguably the best actor in the Arrowverse.
The fight scene between Barry, Nora, and Thawne was awesome. Great visuals and great nostalgia.
Team Flash showing up to help Barry and Nora was awesome. Thawne meeting up with everyone again was awesome. Great dialogue.
The team then stops Eobard, and Nora then realizes that she is going to be erased from existence. Though the team has the opportunity to save her, through the Negative Speed Force, Nora tells them not to and she then embraces her fate and thanks them both for showing her she is a hero.
Thawne then tells Barry he is looking forward to seeing him again very soon.
Jessica Parker Kennedy's acting was awesome, and she showed why she was the best addition to this season. Her chemistry with Grant Gustin, and Candice Patton was awesome.
In the aftermath of everything, Cisco takes the cure to be with his girlfriend, he also leaves Killer Frost with a new outfit to where. Joe is promoted to Captain by David Singh, who is promoted to Chief of the Police Force. Before he leaves, he informs Barry that he always knew that he was the Flash. Meanwhile, Sherloque returns to his Earth to be with Renee.
Loved the montage here. Best one of the series.
Barry and Iris then find a recording Nora left for them, in case she ended up dying. She the thanks them for being her parents, and showing her what it is truly like to be a hero. I almost cried, great acting and facial expressions from the West-Allen family.
In a post credit scene, the newspaper article then changes the date from 2024, to 2019. Psyched for the Crises on Infinite Earths later this year.
Overall, the finale of the Flash delivered on the emotion, return of the Reverse Flash, awesome visuals, great ending montage, setting up an exciting season 6, and strong performances form Jessica Parker Kennedy, Grant Gustin, and Tom Cavanagh, to deliver an awesome episode to a great season.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
4 out of 4 stars
My Review of "The Flash: Season 5"
Flash delivered on so many levels to keep their hot streak going.
The overall story arc with Cicada was hit or miss. The pacing was also a huge factor, as it took time to get going. While he started out strong, he easily went downhill, I do not blame that on Chris Klein, I blame it on the writers.
The introduction to Cicada 2.0 later in the series almost felt forced, but the actress did a dang good job at playing a twisted Grace. Overall, the Cicada's were no doubt the weakest villains of the show.
The overall story arc with Cicada was hit or miss. The pacing was also a huge factor, as it took time to get going. While he started out strong, he easily went downhill, I do not blame that on Chris Klein, I blame it on the writers.
The introduction to Cicada 2.0 later in the series almost felt forced, but the actress did a dang good job at playing a twisted Grace. Overall, the Cicada's were no doubt the weakest villains of the show.
The highlight of the season was the introduction of Nora West-Allen. Jessica Parker Kennedy's acting and chemistry with Candice Patton and Grant Gustin were awesome. Sherloque Wells was an interesting new character. He was not the best, but he was certainly one of the better ones.
The return of the Reverse Flash was better then the whole Cicada story line. The writing and Tom Cavanagh's acting were perfectly done, as we await to see what he has in store for the next time they meet.
The acting was strong as well. When it comes down to who were the standouts, they were no doubt Jessica Parker Kennedy, Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Candice Patton. Unfortunately, while the supporting cast was good also, they were not given very good plot points some times.
The buildup for next season is going to be awesome. With Crises on Infinite Earths coming soon, and the reason Nora being erased from existence being teased with the emergence of the Tornado Twins, next season has the possibility to be their best season.
Overall, while season 5 of The Flash suffered from poor writing for its villains, bad side stories for the supporting characters, and poor pacing, it was easily overshadowed by the strong chemistry between the West-Allen family, the reemergence of the Reverse Flash, setting up an exciting season 6, well done humor, awesome visuals, and strong performances from Jessica Parker Kennedy, Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Candice Patton, to add another great season to this awesome series.
Out of 100% I would give it...
82% out of 100%
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Flash and Arrow Update
Hi Everyone
The Flash: Season 5 Episode 22 Review is coming tomorrow
The Flash: Season 5 Review is coming tomorrow
Arrow: Season 7 Review is coming tomorrow
Have a great evening
The Flash: Season 5 Episode 22 Review is coming tomorrow
The Flash: Season 5 Review is coming tomorrow
Arrow: Season 7 Review is coming tomorrow
Have a great evening
Monday, May 13, 2019
My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 22: You Have Saved This City"
Major Spoilers Ahead
A gut punching final act is enough to redeem the last 4 or 5 episodes.
The team suiting up for the end was incredible, and the return of Bronze Tiger was the icing on the cake. Felt like something straight out of a Justice League story line.
The final showdown between Oliver and Emiko was very anti-climatic. While Stephen Amell and Sea Shimooka gave outstanding performances, the final battle was boring, and the Ninth Circle did not impress me this season at all.
Emiko dying was sad, and the writers did a great job at making me sad about it.
Oliver and Felicity leave Starling City to protect their unborn baby. The feels and dialogue between him and the team was so sad, and well written. Oliver and Felicity's final conversation with John Diggle was hard to watch, as you recall all the things that they went through these past 7 seasons.
Watching Oliver and Felicity raise Mia was so hard to watch. It was great to actually see Stephen Amell portray Oliver as a father figure.
The Monitor arrives in the end telling Oliver that it is time to fulfill the deal he made with him in the crossover. The Monitor then tells Oliver that he, Oliver, will die during the crises. I knew this is what was going to happen, but it still hit me in the feels.
Oliver's goodbye with Felicity was the must gun wrenching thing I have ever had to watch on Arrow. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards arguably gave their best performances in just the last scene between them.
In the future, Future Team Arrow assembles and manages to take down the ARCHER program. Very anti-climatic, but the actors did great jobs at selling their performances.
The final scene between Felicity was a great sendoff for her character, as we know Emily Bett Rickards will not be a season regular next season. Her final conversation with Mia and William was gut punching.
Felicity then meets with the Monitor, and the Monitor then asks if she is ready to did this, and that there is no turning back from this. Felicity then says that she is ready to see Oliver again, they then enter a portal and she disappears.
Two theories on what happened. 1. Oliver somehow survived the Crises and is hiding on another Earth. 2. Oliver is in a heaven like place, and Felicity is going to join him in this heaven like place. Either way, this may have been the most emotional episode of Arrow ever.
Overall, despite a lackluster ending for the major story lines in the present and in the future, tonight's episode of Arrow delivers on the gut wrenching emotion, setting up an intriguing and emotional 8th and final season of Arrow, a great sendoff for Felicity, decently done action scenes, and powerful performances from Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, and Sea Shimooka, to deliver a satisfying ending to an overall great season.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
3 out of 4 stars
A gut punching final act is enough to redeem the last 4 or 5 episodes.
The team suiting up for the end was incredible, and the return of Bronze Tiger was the icing on the cake. Felt like something straight out of a Justice League story line.
The final showdown between Oliver and Emiko was very anti-climatic. While Stephen Amell and Sea Shimooka gave outstanding performances, the final battle was boring, and the Ninth Circle did not impress me this season at all.
Emiko dying was sad, and the writers did a great job at making me sad about it.
Oliver and Felicity leave Starling City to protect their unborn baby. The feels and dialogue between him and the team was so sad, and well written. Oliver and Felicity's final conversation with John Diggle was hard to watch, as you recall all the things that they went through these past 7 seasons.
Watching Oliver and Felicity raise Mia was so hard to watch. It was great to actually see Stephen Amell portray Oliver as a father figure.
The Monitor arrives in the end telling Oliver that it is time to fulfill the deal he made with him in the crossover. The Monitor then tells Oliver that he, Oliver, will die during the crises. I knew this is what was going to happen, but it still hit me in the feels.
Oliver's goodbye with Felicity was the must gun wrenching thing I have ever had to watch on Arrow. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards arguably gave their best performances in just the last scene between them.
In the future, Future Team Arrow assembles and manages to take down the ARCHER program. Very anti-climatic, but the actors did great jobs at selling their performances.
The final scene between Felicity was a great sendoff for her character, as we know Emily Bett Rickards will not be a season regular next season. Her final conversation with Mia and William was gut punching.
Felicity then meets with the Monitor, and the Monitor then asks if she is ready to did this, and that there is no turning back from this. Felicity then says that she is ready to see Oliver again, they then enter a portal and she disappears.
Two theories on what happened. 1. Oliver somehow survived the Crises and is hiding on another Earth. 2. Oliver is in a heaven like place, and Felicity is going to join him in this heaven like place. Either way, this may have been the most emotional episode of Arrow ever.
Overall, despite a lackluster ending for the major story lines in the present and in the future, tonight's episode of Arrow delivers on the gut wrenching emotion, setting up an intriguing and emotional 8th and final season of Arrow, a great sendoff for Felicity, decently done action scenes, and powerful performances from Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, and Sea Shimooka, to deliver a satisfying ending to an overall great season.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
3 out of 4 stars
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
My Review of "The Flash: Season 5 Episode 21: The Girl With the Red Lightning"
Spoilers Ahead!
An excellent last second plot twist and third act is not enough to help this lackluster episode.
Nora comes up with a way to stop Cicada 2.0 but it requires her to allow Grace to try and have Nora tap into the Negative Force. The story line between the West-Allen family, while featuring some great acting between the three of them, lacked good drama, and even the dialogue was bad.
Sherloque Wells is not willing to let his girlfriend Renee Adler die, and he offers her the cure, but she refuses it. He the sends her to his Earth so she can be safe. Good acting from Tom Cavanagh, but overall a very unnecessary and boring story line.
Joe and Cecile invite every Meta in Central City to the CCPD to get the cure to protect themselves from Cicada. Once again, Jesse L. Martin gave a great performance, but this was very boring and it lacked something, I can't put my finger on what it is at the moment.
Cicada arrives at the CCPD and Team Flash is ready and they fight her. The fight ends with Cisco destroying the machine, and getting rid of the dagger. Really well done action scenes, and Barry throwing Cicada around like a rag doll was satisfying as heck! However, Cicada did not impress me, and the whole Cicada story line was a huge let down. Hopefully something will change my mind about in the season finale.
Ralph, meanwhile, began an investigation into what Thawne has been planning. He then wonders what Cicada's dagger does in the future, and tries to tell Barry and Iris about it, but they rebuke him and continue with their goal to bring down Cicada. I loved the character development for Ralph, and the fact that they are turning him into a detective like he is in the comics, was great.
As Cisco prepares to get rid of the dagger by sending it into an unknown place where it can never be found, Ralph realizes that the dagger is what is preventing Thawne for using his powers in the future. He then remembers his encounter with him in the future, and realizes the dagger is inside of Thawne, and if it disappears, Thawne will get his powers back and prevent his execution. Mind blowing plot twist, definitely did not see this one coming. The writing for Thawne has never been a let down, and this season proved my case.
Eobard prepares for his execution and and they prepare to erase him from existence. Eobard then smiles as the final phase of his plan will now begin, now with the dagger gone, he will kill the guards at the prison and come after Barry and his family. Tom Cavanagh sold his performance as Eobard, and continues to impress me with his abilities to play so many different characters, and be so good at it.
Overall, despite a great third act, strong character development for Ralph Dibny, a jaw dropping plot twist, and incredible performances from Tom Cavanagh and Hartley Sawyer, tonight's episode of the Flash suffers from a lack of excitement, poor pacing, a poor villain story line, and lack of good drama.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
2.5 out of 4 stars
Season finale next week, Flash has been doing better recently, hopefully it delivers a great finale. So far, I have never been disappointed in any of the Flash season finales.
An excellent last second plot twist and third act is not enough to help this lackluster episode.
Nora comes up with a way to stop Cicada 2.0 but it requires her to allow Grace to try and have Nora tap into the Negative Force. The story line between the West-Allen family, while featuring some great acting between the three of them, lacked good drama, and even the dialogue was bad.
Sherloque Wells is not willing to let his girlfriend Renee Adler die, and he offers her the cure, but she refuses it. He the sends her to his Earth so she can be safe. Good acting from Tom Cavanagh, but overall a very unnecessary and boring story line.
Joe and Cecile invite every Meta in Central City to the CCPD to get the cure to protect themselves from Cicada. Once again, Jesse L. Martin gave a great performance, but this was very boring and it lacked something, I can't put my finger on what it is at the moment.
Cicada arrives at the CCPD and Team Flash is ready and they fight her. The fight ends with Cisco destroying the machine, and getting rid of the dagger. Really well done action scenes, and Barry throwing Cicada around like a rag doll was satisfying as heck! However, Cicada did not impress me, and the whole Cicada story line was a huge let down. Hopefully something will change my mind about in the season finale.
Ralph, meanwhile, began an investigation into what Thawne has been planning. He then wonders what Cicada's dagger does in the future, and tries to tell Barry and Iris about it, but they rebuke him and continue with their goal to bring down Cicada. I loved the character development for Ralph, and the fact that they are turning him into a detective like he is in the comics, was great.
As Cisco prepares to get rid of the dagger by sending it into an unknown place where it can never be found, Ralph realizes that the dagger is what is preventing Thawne for using his powers in the future. He then remembers his encounter with him in the future, and realizes the dagger is inside of Thawne, and if it disappears, Thawne will get his powers back and prevent his execution. Mind blowing plot twist, definitely did not see this one coming. The writing for Thawne has never been a let down, and this season proved my case.
Eobard prepares for his execution and and they prepare to erase him from existence. Eobard then smiles as the final phase of his plan will now begin, now with the dagger gone, he will kill the guards at the prison and come after Barry and his family. Tom Cavanagh sold his performance as Eobard, and continues to impress me with his abilities to play so many different characters, and be so good at it.
Overall, despite a great third act, strong character development for Ralph Dibny, a jaw dropping plot twist, and incredible performances from Tom Cavanagh and Hartley Sawyer, tonight's episode of the Flash suffers from a lack of excitement, poor pacing, a poor villain story line, and lack of good drama.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
2.5 out of 4 stars
Season finale next week, Flash has been doing better recently, hopefully it delivers a great finale. So far, I have never been disappointed in any of the Flash season finales.
Monday, May 6, 2019
My Review of "Arrow: Season 7 Episode 21: Living Proof"
Spoilers Ahead!
Arrow delivers good acting, but a poor progression for the story arc as the finale nears.
The hallucination of Tommy Merlyn was a mixed bad. While Colin Donnell and Stephen Amell's chemistry and performances were great, it has already been done, and it did not make me emotional at all. Now if it had been Prometheus, I would have loved it a whole lot more.
The team's attempt to save Oliver was very boring and predictable. The cast was great together, but Roy's guilt for murdering the cops was boring and has already been done.
When Oliver was rescued by the team, and he went after Emiko and killed her, I grinned so hard, until I realized it was just a hallucination. The fight scene between them was well done, but the hallucination was stupid.
Felicity and Alena's small story line was sadly the best part about the episode. Emily Bett Rickards and Kacey Rohl's chemistry was great, and there words with each other were great as well.
I am so mad with the flash forwards. They are boring, and lack excitement. I do not blame the actors, I blame the writing. In my opinion, the flash forwards really ruined this season for me in a lot of ways.
Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow suffers from poor story progression, predictable writing, and bad twists. However, it also featured some well put together action scenes, and strong performances from all of its cast. Still not a good episode though.
Based on what I saw in the trailer for the finale, hopefully the return of Black Canary and Bronze Tiger will help give this season a satisfying conclusion.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
2 out of 4 stars
Arrow delivers good acting, but a poor progression for the story arc as the finale nears.
The hallucination of Tommy Merlyn was a mixed bad. While Colin Donnell and Stephen Amell's chemistry and performances were great, it has already been done, and it did not make me emotional at all. Now if it had been Prometheus, I would have loved it a whole lot more.
The team's attempt to save Oliver was very boring and predictable. The cast was great together, but Roy's guilt for murdering the cops was boring and has already been done.
When Oliver was rescued by the team, and he went after Emiko and killed her, I grinned so hard, until I realized it was just a hallucination. The fight scene between them was well done, but the hallucination was stupid.
Felicity and Alena's small story line was sadly the best part about the episode. Emily Bett Rickards and Kacey Rohl's chemistry was great, and there words with each other were great as well.
I am so mad with the flash forwards. They are boring, and lack excitement. I do not blame the actors, I blame the writing. In my opinion, the flash forwards really ruined this season for me in a lot of ways.
Overall, tonight's episode of Arrow suffers from poor story progression, predictable writing, and bad twists. However, it also featured some well put together action scenes, and strong performances from all of its cast. Still not a good episode though.
Based on what I saw in the trailer for the finale, hopefully the return of Black Canary and Bronze Tiger will help give this season a satisfying conclusion.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
2 out of 4 stars
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Upcoming Top 10s
Hello Everyone
My upcoming top 10s will be on Gotham. But there is something I would like to point out, I have not watched any episodes of season 1, season 2, or season 3. I have only seen the 3 last episodes of season 4, and I watched all of season 5. I just did extensive research before watching it, and I watched clips from the past seasons,
Anyway, here is a list of all the upcoming top 10s I plan on doing;
Top 10 Best Episodes of Gotham Season 5
Top 10 Best Episodes of Gotham (Again, I have only watched the last 3 episodes of season 4, and all of season 5)
Top 10 Moments From Gotham: Season 5
Top 10 Best Actors on Gotham
Top 10 Best Villains on Gotham
Have a great day everyone
My upcoming top 10s will be on Gotham. But there is something I would like to point out, I have not watched any episodes of season 1, season 2, or season 3. I have only seen the 3 last episodes of season 4, and I watched all of season 5. I just did extensive research before watching it, and I watched clips from the past seasons,
Anyway, here is a list of all the upcoming top 10s I plan on doing;
Top 10 Best Episodes of Gotham Season 5
Top 10 Best Episodes of Gotham (Again, I have only watched the last 3 episodes of season 4, and all of season 5)
Top 10 Moments From Gotham: Season 5
Top 10 Best Actors on Gotham
Top 10 Best Villains on Gotham
Have a great day everyone
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