Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Ahsoka: Season 1 Episode 1: Master And Apprentice: Review

First off, it feels good to be back to doing TV Show reviews!

Wow! This series starts off with a bang! Loved the callbacks to Rebels! I cannot believe that Clancy Brown came back to play the character he voiced in Rebels! So happy that they brought him back!

The lightsaber fights were amazing! The last fight between Sabine and that female Sith was great. 

I am wondering who that one Sith who had the mask was? If I had to make a bet, I would say that it is either Barriss Offee (Ahsoka's old friend from the Clone Wars who became evil), or Galen Marek/Starkiller (Vader's secret apprentice). I lean more towards Barriss, but I could be wrong.

I really believe that the World Between Worlds is going to come into play here. And that Baylan Skoll is going to go back in time and try to kill Anakin before he becomes Darth Vader. That would be a perfect story line, plus it would explain why Hayden Christensen is coming back as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Please continue to be this good!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

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