The episode lives up to its title, literally!
Lois blowing off her treatment so she can investigate Bruno Manheim was hilarious! I loved how her dad Sam, Clark, and Chrissy were so mad at her for it. This episode totally sums up Lois' character, she is so stubborn to try and do the right thing, she doesn't concern herself with trying to help herself! Elizabeth Tulloch did an excellent job.
Kyle, after finding out from Sarah that John Henry Irons installed a new security system at Lana's house, trying to ask Lana about everything was another example as to why I have such a hard time with Lana. While she can be sweet sometimes, she needs to understand that Kyle has a right to know about the new security system, because it concerns his daughters. I really hated how Lana was trying to completely cut him off from the family. I really hope more people call out Lana for her hypocrisy!
Sarah and her mother lashing out at each other was a shocking scene. While Sarah was right to call her mom out on her attitude towards everyone, she took it too far when she said that her bossy attitude is probably why Kyle cheated on her. Sarah did deserve that slap for that remark, but Lana needed to get called out for her attitude. It should be interesting as to what happens, but I will get to that later.
Jonathan's truck getting stolen by Candice's dad was a story line that went better than I thought it would. I loved seeing the dynamic between Jonathan, Jordan, and Natalie. I also loved seeing Jordan and Natalie team up again, their team up at the end of the 2nd season was arguably one of the best moments of the season. It should be interesting to see what happens with Jonathan now.
Lois and Chrissy finding a warehouse that contained a huge amount of blood in bags was a shocking scene. While I thought the blood was going to end up being either Lex Luthor's blood, or some new character that we haven't heard of, I was shocked when General Lane told Lois and Clark that the blood belonged to Superman. It now makes sense as to how Henry Miller/Atom Smasher got powers! Love the story line this season so far!
Kyle and Chrissy bonding at the diner was a great scene. I loved the chemistry between Kyle and Chrissy, and I hope to see more of it.
Sarah, after her fight with her mom, arriving at the diner and hugging her dad makes me wonder if she is going to move in with him. I think Sarah knows what she said to her mom, regarding why Kyle cheated on her, was wrong, but it should be very interesting as to what happens between Sarah, Lana, and Kyle now. I really hope Sarah and Lana apologize and reconcile, and the main cause of it is because of Kyle talking to both of them, and getting them to work out their differences. Lana also needs to apologize to Kyle for the way she has been treating him, because all things considered, he has handled the divorce very well.
Natalie giving Lois a watch that belonged to her mom, that has a group of names engraved on it was a heart warming scene. Love the bond between the Kent family, and the Irons family. It is moments like this that remind me why this show is so special.
I have heard a rumor that Onomatopoeia is actually Dr. Irons, the sister of John Henry Irons on this Earth. And looking at it as a whole, it makes a whole lot of sense. I really hope that they make the reveal significant, and not some no name person. That would be a huge letdown.
Candice mentioned to Natalie if she got that boy's number from the party continues to make it sound like this boy is more important than they made him out to be. I really believe that he is related to either Bruno, or Dr. Irons, or maybe even both! We shall see! Love this show so far!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
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