Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Mandalorian: Season 3 Episode 5: The Pirate: Review

The Mandalorian's 5th episode this season delivers on the stellar space battles, the surprising cameo of Zeb from Star Wars: Rebels, outstanding visual effects, setting up the return of Moff Gideon, building up a potential war between the New Republic and the Mandalorians (Due to the fact that a piece of Beskar armor was found on the destroyed vessel that Moff Gideon escaped from), and building up the return of Sabine Wren and her mother, and Boba Fett.

Really loved this episode! Please do not disappoint!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10


Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 3: In Cold Blood: Review

The episode lives up to its title, literally!

Lois blowing off her treatment so she can investigate Bruno Manheim was hilarious! I loved how her dad Sam, Clark, and Chrissy were so mad at her for it. This episode totally sums up Lois' character, she is so stubborn to try and do the right thing, she doesn't concern herself with trying to help herself! Elizabeth Tulloch did an excellent job.

Kyle, after finding out from Sarah that John Henry Irons installed a new security system at Lana's house, trying to ask Lana about everything was another example as to why I have such a hard time with Lana. While she can be sweet sometimes, she needs to understand that Kyle has a right to know about the new security system, because it concerns his daughters. I really hated how Lana was trying to completely cut him off from the family. I really hope more people call out Lana for her hypocrisy!

Sarah and her mother lashing out at each other was a shocking scene. While Sarah was right to call her mom out on her attitude towards everyone, she took it too far when she said that her bossy attitude is probably why Kyle cheated on her. Sarah did deserve that slap for that remark, but Lana needed to get called out for her attitude. It should be interesting as to what happens, but I will get to that later.

Jonathan's truck getting stolen by Candice's dad was a story line that went better than I thought it would. I loved seeing the dynamic between Jonathan, Jordan, and Natalie. I also loved seeing Jordan and Natalie team up again, their team up at the end of the 2nd season was arguably one of the best moments of the season. It should be interesting to see what happens with Jonathan now.

Lois and Chrissy finding a warehouse that contained a huge amount of blood in bags was a shocking scene. While I thought the blood was going to end up being either Lex Luthor's blood, or some new character that we haven't heard of, I was shocked when General Lane told Lois and Clark that the blood belonged to Superman. It now makes sense as to how Henry Miller/Atom Smasher got powers! Love the story line this season so far!

Kyle and Chrissy bonding at the diner was a great scene. I loved the chemistry between Kyle and Chrissy, and I hope to see more of it.

Sarah, after her fight with her mom, arriving at the diner and hugging her dad makes me wonder if she is going to move in with him. I think Sarah knows what she said to her mom, regarding why Kyle cheated on her, was wrong, but it should be very interesting as to what happens between Sarah, Lana, and Kyle now. I really hope Sarah and Lana apologize and reconcile, and the main cause of it is because of Kyle talking to both of them, and getting them to work out their differences. Lana also needs to apologize to Kyle for the way she has been treating him, because all things considered, he has handled the divorce very well.

Natalie giving Lois a watch that belonged to her mom, that has a group of names engraved on it was a heart warming scene. Love the bond between the Kent family, and the Irons family. It is moments like this that remind me why this show is so special.

I have heard a rumor that Onomatopoeia is actually Dr. Irons, the sister of John Henry Irons on this Earth. And looking at it as a whole, it makes a whole lot of sense. I really hope that they make the reveal significant, and not some no name person. That would be a huge letdown. 

Candice mentioned to Natalie if she got that boy's number from the party continues to make it sound like this boy is more important than they made him out to be. I really believe that he is related to either Bruno, or Dr. Irons, or maybe even both! We shall see! Love this show so far!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 3: Under Pressure: Review

While the absence of the Court of Owls is a huge disappointment, Gotham Knight' third episode this season delivers on the chemistry between the team, well done humor, great character development, setting up Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face, and a hilarious performance from Olivia Rose Keegan as Duela.

Very impressed with the writing for this show!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10 

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 16: Plan 99: Review

 Wow! The Bad Batch's season 2 finale makes some surprising decisions!

I was stunned at the writer's decision to kill Tech. I didn't think they had the guts to kill any members of the Bad Batch. But they had to kill someone IMO, to show that nobody is safe.

I was not surprised that Cid betrayed the Bad Batch. This had been teased for a long time, and now I wonder if she will ever show up again, and if she does, what the Bad Batch will do to her.

The episode's ending sets up a third season very well, unlike the 1st season. When the 1st season ended, I had no idea where they would end up going from there. At least with this ending, the third season now has a sense of direction.

I really need to know what the Emperor wants the Kaminoans to do. While I am pretty certain that it has something to do with the cloning stuff involving Snoke and Palpatine that was in the Rise of Skywalker, I really hope that it is something different, just to be shocked.

I liked the reveal that one of the people at the research facility is another clone. Man this show has set up a potentially huge third season!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 15: The Summit: Review

The Bad Batch's penultimate episode shows that the series still has some surprises left up its sleeves, and delivers on the action scenes, surprising return of Saw Gerrera, and setting up the final episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 14: Tipping Point: Review

 Why can't every episode of Bad Batch be like this one! Loved the horror feeling of this one, and Crosshairs is always having the best scenes and episodes. Cannot believe that the finale is next week. Please do not screw it up. It has the potential to be so good! Please give it a third season also, so it can have more lore involved.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

The Mandalorian: Season 3 Episode 4: The Foundling: Review

While I was disappointed that Ahsoka wasn't in this episode, and that Hayden Christensen didn't return for the Order 66 flashbacks, the Mandalorian's fourth episode this season is an improvement over last week's episode due to its Order 66 flashbacks, Ahmed Best's surprising cameo as the Jedi that saved Grogu, hilarious training scenes with Grogu, stellar action scenes, great cinematography, and building up Bo-Katan going after that creature that was found in the mines of Mandalore!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 2: Scene of the Crime: Review

Okay wow! I am hooked! Love the dynamic between the team, Talon was so intense, and I am loving the mystery surrounding what is going on, and what secrets are being kept! Please keep this up! I am also loving Duela, her and Scott have good chemistry! The acting was a lot better in this episode! Love the Court of Owls!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 2: Uncontrollable Forces: Review

Superman & Lois' second episode reveals more plot information, while giving us the most emotional moments in the series so far.

Clark and Lois' story line involving them encountering the judge that let Atom Smasher go free was great. I loved how it teased how much power Bruno has in Metropolis, and who he has on his payroll. I really hope to see more of this in future episodes.

George Dean getting killed was something I totally saw coming. I really thought that he was in cahoots with Lex Luthor, but I'm very intrigued with the fact that he was somehow involved with Bruno. I am wondering if Bruno was either paying George money to either let him get access to X-Kryptonite, or if Dean wanted Bruno to help him cure one of his relatives who had cancer? I am very curious to see all of this unfold.

John Henry Irons and Lana trying to figure out what Dean was hiding was a neat dynamic. I was shocked when Onomatopoeia attacked them, and stole a hard drive that they found. I really want to know what was on that hard drive, and why Onomatopoeia and Bruno wanted it so badly. I know that John and Lana are together in the comics, so I am quite certain that they will have plenty of scenes together in future episodes.

Superman's scenes with Bruno Manheim were amazing. I love Bruno's motivation, and how he is trying to help the poor people of Metropolis. Bruno also mentioned that he has a disdain for Lex Luthor, so I am very curious as to what will happen when Lex Luthor and Bruno encounter each other. I really thought that these two would be working together, so I am very glad to be proven wrong, because it is not predictable, and it raises more questions.

Lois revealing to Clark, Jonathan, and Jordan that she has cancer was something I, and a lot of other people, saw coming. Elizabeth Tulloch knocked it out of the park with her performance, and it was very emotional. Tyler Hoechlin acted his butt off as well. I am very curious to see how Sarah, John Henry Irons, Lana, Kyle, Natalie, and Chrissy react to it as well.

The only part of this episode that I was not too fond of, was the story line between Jordan, Jonathan, Sarah, and Natalie. While I loved the chemistry between Jordan and Sarah, and I was really glad that she stood up for him, Jonathan's story line felt boring, and it feels like he is going to caught in a love triangle, which I quite frankly do not want to see.  I also just really hope that Jordan and Sarah reconcile. Otherwise what was the point of the first season? Plus they are so cute together.I read an interesting theory about that boy that Natalie really liked. The theory that he is Bruno's son makes a whole lot of sense. There was a line said by Sarah that mentioned Romeo and Juliet, and I really hope that wasn't just a coincidence!

Onomatopoeia telling Bruno that John Henry Irons is alive raises a few questions for me. Why did Bruno kill the John Henry Irons from this Earth, and what kind of illegal business was John Henry Irons supposedly involved in? 

Man, I love this show!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Monday, March 20, 2023

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 6: The Good, the Bad and the Lucky: Review

What a waste! Why put this kind of episode in the final season of the show?!?!?! At least Arrow had no filler episodes in its last season! What a waste!

Only good thing was Danielle Panabaker's performance!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

1 out of 10 

Worst episode ever!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot: Review

 While the pacing feels rushed, and some of the acting is not the best, Gotham Knights has a lot of potential due to the characterization of its main characters, building up an interesting story line with the Court of Owls, and strong performances from Olivia Rose Keegan as Duela (The Joker's daughter), and Misha Collins as Harvey Dent. 

I see potential, and I will finish the season!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6 out of 10

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 13: Pabu: Review

 While visually stunning, and I love the fact that the Bad Batch completely cut ties with Cid, the episode offers nothing new, and it feels like a filler.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

5 out of 10

The Mandalorian: Season 3 Episode 3: The Convert: Review

The story line involving Dr. Pershing and Elia Kane divided me. While I liked the development of Dr. Pershing, and the tease at the creation of Snoke, Plagueis, and the clone of Emperor Palpatine, I feel like this was not the best paced story line. I really feel like they should have waited to do this. But it could have been worse!

The scenes with Din Djarin and Bo-Katan were really good. I am curious to see how Bo-Katan and the Armorer end up getting along. I agree with a theory that the Armorer was a Mandalorian who sided with Maul after he took control of the Darksaber, and that Bo-Katan will end up fighting her. Should be interesting! I really liked the space fight scene with the TIE-Fighters also!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 1: Closer: Review

Superman & Lois' third season starts off with a bang and sets up plenty of intriguing story lines!

Lois' story line involving her thinking she is pregnant tells me all I need to know. Based on theories I read, it looks like she might actually have cancer. It would be a very emotional story line, and would bring out the best in these actors.

Jordan's story line this season is going to be good. I love how much stronger he is getting with his powers. In terms of his relationship with Sarah, I still think that they will reconcile towards, or at, the end of the season. I still want them to have a floating kiss, like what Clark and Lois did in the 1st season.

Jonathan is going to have a very interesting story line this season. Michael Bishop really impressed me with his performance. While I am going to miss Jordan Elsass as Jonathan, Michael is a great replacement!

I am still mixed on Lana. I am intrigued by her story line involving her trying to use funds to fix the school, and how the previous Mayor told her that those funds shouldn't be touched, and that she doesn't know what she is messing with. I have a feeling that money either connects to Bruno Manheim, or Lex Luthor. 

The thing I don't like with Lana is how she still divorced Kyle. Felt like that story line was a little forced, and that they only did it to add drama into the show. 

Kyle getting together with Chrissy Beppo was something that made me laugh. I am intrigued by their dynamic, and am looking forward to seeing how Sarah reacts to this. 

Sam Lane trying to bond with Natalie this season is going to be interesting. I love Dylan Walsh as Sam Lane, and I am looking forward to seeing how they develop his character this season. 

Superman's battle with Atom Man showcased the amazing budget that this show has. The visuals in this show always look amazing, and I am glad that they always out their best into those fights.

Atom Man getting killed by Onomatopoeia was a shock. I heard rumors that this character would show up, but I was not expecting it to be this early. I am not too familiar with this character, so I am looking forward to learning more about this character.

Lois, Chrissy, and Clark finding out that Atom Man got out of prison early because he had a brain tumor further proves the theory that Lois has some kind of cancer. What also proves that theory is the final scene which showed Bruno, Onomatopoeia, and a doctor putting some kind of liquid chemical (Which I think is X-Kryptonite) into Atom Man to try and revive him. 

I watched the trailer for next week's episode, and I am really thinking that Jordan, Jonathan, Sarah, and Natalie will be having their own story line where they are investigating a murder. As to who is the one who will end up getting murdered, I am predicting that it is former Mayor Dean. It makes too much sense!

So impressed with all the story lines they have set up so far, and I am looking forward to seeing what else they have up their sleeve!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 5: Mask of the Red Death, Part Two: Review

 The conclusion to the Red Death story line was satisfying. So glad that she didn't back down from her plan because of a speech by Barry. I really wish we could have had a longer fight between Red Death and Flash, and one final battle between the Rogues. But I'm just glad that she went out fighting.

This episode marks the departure of Joe West! I loved his character so much, and I am going to miss him so much! Jesse L. Martin never lost a step at any point in the show! 

Iris finding out she is pregnant was the best part of the episode. I love how it was Khione who spilled the beans, and I was glad that Iris didn't know until Khione said that. That was a moment of well done humor!

Allegra and Chester getting together was a long time coming! I loved Barry's reaction, and his facial expression!

Now that the Red Death's story line is done, I wonder what the next one will be? I know that the final story line this season will involve Cobalt Blue. I just really hope that there are no filler episodes at any point this season! Mainly because this is the last season!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 12: The Outpost: Review

 Wow! Every time Crosshairs shows up, we get some of the best episodes of the series. Loved the themes with this one, and I am very happy that Crosshairs returned! It was so satisfying also when Crosshairs killed the lieutenant at the end! Great job Dave Filoni!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

The Mandalorian: Season 3 Episode 2: The Mines of Mandalore: Review

While it felt like a weird way to end the episode, the Mandalorian's 2nd episode this season delivers on the new creatures that live on the planet of Mandalore, some great cinematography, exciting action scenes, and a great performance from Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan. 

I am really interested in finding out who Bo-Katan's father is. I feel like that is something that will be very important in the long run. I am also hoping to see Ahsoka and Bo-Katan reunite. I am also confident that something bigger than Luke Skywalker's cameo in the season 2 finale, is coming.

Love it so far!  

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 11: Metamorphosis: Review

 Finally! A sense of direction for this season, and setting up either the creation of Snoke, or using the Zilo Beast's power to help power the Death Star! Either way, great episode! Loved the Alien like feeling this episode had! Good job! Why can't every episode be like this one! Hopefully it also means that Crosshairs is coming back soon!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 4: Mask of the Red Death, Part One: Review

 The penultimate episode of the Red Death story line is amazing, thanks to its great characterization of the Red Death, a powerful performance from Javicia Leslie, plenty of callbacks to previous Batman movies and shows, and its heartfelt moments.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

The Mandalorian: Season 3 Episode 1: The Apostate: Review

 The Mandalorian's 3rd season starts off strong thanks to its compelling story line, continuing to world build in a great way, setting the stage for many surprises to come, well written humor, stellar action scenes, and some great dialogue.

I am not giving the episode a 10 because of what they did to Gina Carano.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...