Thursday, October 20, 2022

Top 10 Things I Want To See in Superman & Lois: Season 3

Honorable Mentions

Jordan and Lana have more scenes together that involve him reassuring Lana that he will protect Sarah with his life, and that he will love her deeply.

Jordan's anxiety coming back with a vengeance this season, due to his powers getting stronger.

Sarah realizing how dangerous it is to be a superhero, thus making her respect Clark, Jordan, John Henry Irons, and Natalie Irons even more.

Sarah gets hurt while helping Jordan, Jonathan, and Natalie investigate Bruno, which leads to her and her mother having a serious argument about her involvement with Jordan.

10. Jordan and Sarah fully reconcile, and share a floating kiss.

9. Jordan gets his own arch-enemy.

8. Jon Cryer returns as Lex Luthor 

7. Jonathan and Natalie have more screen time together, and become a major duo. 

6. Jordan, Sarah, Jonathan, and Natalie have scenes where they try and do their own investigation and try to help take down the villain, and then get yelled at by their parents.

5. Jordan, after not heading his parents' advice, is seriously beaten and badly injured by a villain, and goes to Lana's house, so as to avoid suffering his parents' wrath (Mainly his mother's) and is taken care of by Lana and Sarah

4. Tal-Rho gets more scenes with the twins, and with Lana.

3. Clark gets to be a reporter more, which plays a part in the discovery of what Bruno Mannheim is doing.

2. Superman doing more street level hero saving this season, like the montages we got in the first season.

1. Bruno Mannheim reveals that the one giving him alien weaponry is Darkseid, thus setting the stage for Darkseid to be the main villain in season 4, and the season ends with a scene on Darkseid's home world, Apokolips, with a shot of Darkseid, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, and a legion of Parademons.

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