Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 9: Summer School: Chapter Nine: Review

 Pat's dark secret comes to light, while flashbacks reveal the dark truth and mystery of Eclipso.

The opening flashback that featured older Bruce Gordon and Eclipso revealed so much. Eclipso has major influence due to the power that he has, and he reminds me of the Emperor from Star Wars, and a much more evil Venom. The reveal that Gordon was in love with Dr. McNider's wife, and revealing that Eclipso killed McNider's daughter to have her fall back in love with him was twisted, but was an excellent twist. Nick Tarabay (even though it was just him voice acting for the most part) once again knocked it out of the park with his performance.

Eclipso going after Barbara was a great scene, mostly due to the return of Neil Jackson as Icicle. Neil Jackson absolutely knocked it out of the park with his performance, even though it was a just Eclipso making Barbara see what he wanted her to see. What shocked me though, was when the Shade somehow helped Barbara overcome the vision. Where is the Shade? I think he is probably still trying to heal himself somehow.

Eclipso targeting Mike's guilt over the role he played in Icicle's death was a great scene that actually had me question for a second if Cameron was actually there! Even though it was just a vision, Hunter Sansone showed that he can really bring out a dark side to his character. Hope he is used more either towards the end of this season, or next season.

Eclipso reminding Pat of how they stopped him in the past was a great overall story line. John Wesley Shipp making his debut on Stargirl as Jay Garrick/The Flash was so satisfying, as was seeing the original Wildcat, the original Hourman, and Starman. The Shade revealing that the only way to stop Eclipso is to kill Bruce Gordon revealed the dark secret that Pat was keeping from Courtney. Starman and the JSA killed a human being, something they vowed they wouldn't do. 

Pat opening up to Courtney about what the JSA did, and how it tore their team apart and they went there separate way, due to their guilt over killing a person was a very well acted scene by Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson. The reveal that the only reason the ISA defeated the JSA all those years ago, was because they still struggled with their guilt over killing a human being, just confirmed what the first season had always hinted at, the ISA can never win because they cannot get along. 

Courtney lashing out at Pat and Barbara was a scene where I understood both sides. I understand that Pat is just trying to protect Courtney, and doesn't want her to know that the JSA broke their rules. But I also side with Courtney as well because Pat hid very useful information, in terms of how to stop Eclipso, and because Mike killed Icicle (Albeit accidentally) and they didn't care, and also because they could have helped Yolanda with her grief more. In the end, I ultimately side with Courtney, because Pat was kind of being a hypocrite in terms of keeping secrets.

The end with Eclipso looking outside the Whitmore-Dugan house, and having a smug smile on his face was so agitating. Like Dr. Wells told Zoom, I hope they wipe that smug expression clean off of his face. I hate Eclipso more than any of the other villains from season 1.

It was weird not seeing Rick, Beth, and Yolanda at the same time. This was the first time since the first 3 episodes where they did not play a huge role. We need to get the team back together soon, because I miss the chemistry between all of the actors. The one character I am especially missing though, is Yolanda.

The Thunderbolt should be returning soon, as should Sportsmaster, Tigress, Artemis, Green Lantern, and Cindy (I know she is not dead). And I hope they have a vicious showdown with Eclipso soon.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10  

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