Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 12: Summer School: Chapter 12: Review

 Saw Dune, and watched this episode, so I will make this a quick review again. Next week's episode will be a long review.

Episode 12 of Stargirl once again manages to deliver in everyway possible. Eclipso's master plan involving Courtney, Pat going to extreme lengths to protect Rick, Yolanda making her long awaited return (Loved seeing her again, the show has really missed her), Cindy and Yolanda's long awaited confrontation (Which was an excellent scene), Jakeem and Mike teaming up, and the dynamic between the whole team was just so good!

I think Starman will end up helping them take down Eclipso also. As to who Yolanda called, I am 100% sure it was Artemis! They will have Sportmaster, Tigress, and Artemis teaming up with the JSA in the finale! The Shade is not dead either, I really think he will return and help take down Eclipso as well. Looking forward to it!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 11: Summer School: Chapter 11: Review

Quick review, very tired!

Episode 11 sets the stage for the final 2 episodes, due to Cindy and Dr. McNider escaping from the Shadowlands (along with Courtney), Eclipso continuing to taunt the JSA, and the Shade sacrificing himself to save Courtney, Dr. McNider, and Cindy. Not the Shade!!!! I really wanted him to stick around, I loved his character so much! But, I have to give the show credit, they are not afraid to kill anyone off. 

Cindy's alliance with Courtney has only 2 outcomes. 1. Once they destroy Eclipso, she immediately turns on the JSA and tries to kill Courtney next season. 2. She sacrifices herself in the end to save Courtney, and dies in peace!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 10: Summer School: Chapter 10: Review

 More twists are revealed, while the ending will make you anxious for next week.

The opening flashback between Starman and Pat, after the JSA had killed Bruce Gordon, was an excellent way to open the episode. It was really heartwarming so see a scene where Starman was being nice to Pat, and it was great to see a true bond between them. Joel McHale gave his best performance in this scene, of course this was probably the longest scene he has ever been in LOL.

The Whitmore-Dugan family argument being interrupted by the Shade was kind of hilarious. I loved how the Shade offered his services to the team, and told them the only way to defeat Eclipso, was to rebuilt the diamond that Eclipso was imprisoned in, by using the light, aka Courtney's staff. Jonathan Cake's presence adds so much to the series, and he still continues to be the best part of this season.

The quick scene with Rick in prison, and being given apples by Solomon Grundy was a heartwarming scene. Though I will be honest, I totally forgot about Rick LOL. With everything that has been going on this season, it was very easy to forget about him though.

Pat and Courtney deciding to go and find Jenny, so she can rebuild the diamond with her father's ring, made me laugh when Pat turned on the radio, and it made their trip even more awkward. Courtney also telling Pat that the reason why she is mad at him, was because he could have tried to help Yolanda with her grief is why I partially side with her. But again, Pat made my sympathize with him when he told Courtney why he did it.

Beth's quick scene with her parents was hysterical. They would always never tell her anything, now she will not tell them anything. Anjelika Washington knocked it out of the park with her performance in this scene, and I am really loving her character development this season.

Beth getting into contact with Dr. McNider and finding out that the Shade saved him was very interesting. If the Shade did save him though, why is he stuck in some kind of Shadowland? We really need more clarification on this. I still love how they are doing Shade as a good and bad guy.

Dr. McNider also revealing the origins of the Shade was an excellent scene. I feel bad for the Shade, due to how he got his powers. I was not expecting to get an origin story for the Shade at all. Loved it!

The Shade telling Barbara about his sister was a sad scene. The Shade has a very tragic backstory, and Jonathan Cake continues to sell his performance.

Pat and Courtney finding Jenny while she was looking for her brother, Todd, clearly set up a story line that will come in season 3. Someone had mentioned that it had something to do with a character called Mr. Bones (I have absolutely no idea who this character is), and I am interested at what they are doing with Todd. Should be interesting when we find out next season.

Mike trying to fix S.T.R.I.P.E. and finding out that the Thunderbolt is nearby was a great scene. The Candy Land stuff the Thunderbolt had put around a candy house had me dying of laughter. Looking forward to seeing the Thunderbolt return soon.

Beth finding out that fixing the diamond will not trap Eclipso, but will instead heal the Shade and give him his powers back, as well as summoning Shade was a big jaw dropping plot twist. I cannot believe that the Shade did this to them. 

Jenny fixing the diamond and Eclipso arriving on the scene shocked me so much. Eclipso was having a hard time defeating Jenny, but he still managed to. What shocked me the most though, was when he did the same thing to Courtney as he did to Cindy Burman, he tossed her into the shadowlands, while all Pat could do was watch.

I cannot believe that the Shade betrayed the JSA! I know that he needed his powers back, but how could he not at least try and save Courtney? The JSA will never trust him again! I hope that the Shade will help them defeat Eclipso, but then the JSA warn him to never come back. 

What has happened to Courtney will undoubtedly motivate Yolanda to rejoin the team. I am looking forward to seeing her return soon. As to how Rick will help them, I do not know how? Especially after he destroyed the source of his powers. Should be interesting when the whole gang reunites, the one I am especially looking forward to is Courtney and Yolanda, as their friendship is on the best parts about this show.

Courtney will be finding Cindy very soon, and they will team up to try and escape this prison that they are being held in. Hope Cindy is able to play a huge role in stopping Eclipso, same as Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis! We need a big huge epic battle between the JSA and Eclipso, please do not mess this up!

While I could be wrong, I do not see Cameron Makhent playing too big of a role in helping them take down Eclipso. I think he will find out who his father really is by the end of the season, and who played a part in his death. But I think they will save his character's main story arch for next season, which I personally think is a very good idea.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 9: Summer School: Chapter Nine: Review

 Pat's dark secret comes to light, while flashbacks reveal the dark truth and mystery of Eclipso.

The opening flashback that featured older Bruce Gordon and Eclipso revealed so much. Eclipso has major influence due to the power that he has, and he reminds me of the Emperor from Star Wars, and a much more evil Venom. The reveal that Gordon was in love with Dr. McNider's wife, and revealing that Eclipso killed McNider's daughter to have her fall back in love with him was twisted, but was an excellent twist. Nick Tarabay (even though it was just him voice acting for the most part) once again knocked it out of the park with his performance.

Eclipso going after Barbara was a great scene, mostly due to the return of Neil Jackson as Icicle. Neil Jackson absolutely knocked it out of the park with his performance, even though it was a just Eclipso making Barbara see what he wanted her to see. What shocked me though, was when the Shade somehow helped Barbara overcome the vision. Where is the Shade? I think he is probably still trying to heal himself somehow.

Eclipso targeting Mike's guilt over the role he played in Icicle's death was a great scene that actually had me question for a second if Cameron was actually there! Even though it was just a vision, Hunter Sansone showed that he can really bring out a dark side to his character. Hope he is used more either towards the end of this season, or next season.

Eclipso reminding Pat of how they stopped him in the past was a great overall story line. John Wesley Shipp making his debut on Stargirl as Jay Garrick/The Flash was so satisfying, as was seeing the original Wildcat, the original Hourman, and Starman. The Shade revealing that the only way to stop Eclipso is to kill Bruce Gordon revealed the dark secret that Pat was keeping from Courtney. Starman and the JSA killed a human being, something they vowed they wouldn't do. 

Pat opening up to Courtney about what the JSA did, and how it tore their team apart and they went there separate way, due to their guilt over killing a person was a very well acted scene by Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson. The reveal that the only reason the ISA defeated the JSA all those years ago, was because they still struggled with their guilt over killing a human being, just confirmed what the first season had always hinted at, the ISA can never win because they cannot get along. 

Courtney lashing out at Pat and Barbara was a scene where I understood both sides. I understand that Pat is just trying to protect Courtney, and doesn't want her to know that the JSA broke their rules. But I also side with Courtney as well because Pat hid very useful information, in terms of how to stop Eclipso, and because Mike killed Icicle (Albeit accidentally) and they didn't care, and also because they could have helped Yolanda with her grief more. In the end, I ultimately side with Courtney, because Pat was kind of being a hypocrite in terms of keeping secrets.

The end with Eclipso looking outside the Whitmore-Dugan house, and having a smug smile on his face was so agitating. Like Dr. Wells told Zoom, I hope they wipe that smug expression clean off of his face. I hate Eclipso more than any of the other villains from season 1.

It was weird not seeing Rick, Beth, and Yolanda at the same time. This was the first time since the first 3 episodes where they did not play a huge role. We need to get the team back together soon, because I miss the chemistry between all of the actors. The one character I am especially missing though, is Yolanda.

The Thunderbolt should be returning soon, as should Sportsmaster, Tigress, Artemis, Green Lantern, and Cindy (I know she is not dead). And I hope they have a vicious showdown with Eclipso soon.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10  

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...