Finally, a good episode.
Diggle returning and helping the team trap a Godspeed was epic. I loved the voice actor for the Godspeed drone. I have know idea who he is though. The Godspeed drone spilling the truth on why they are there was one of my favorite moments in the series.
Diggle having constant headaches was interesting. I loved the fact that the Green Lantern ring was references as well. I wonder is he will be getting his own show or something. I also know that he will be showing up in Superman & Lois very soon.
Allegra's cousin's story arch wrapping up was surprising. I did not expect her cousin to die at all, good twist. I am glad that her arch is finished though, now let's finish strong.
Joe and Kramer's arch finishing up was long overdue. This was the only part of the episode that I hated. It literally added nothing to the story line.
The official return of Nora West-Allen had me excited. But Bart Allen/Impulse arriving as well made me freak out. I am so glad that they finally arrived. Looking forward to seeing Jessica Parker Kennedy's chemistry again with Grant Gustin and Candice Patton.
So while I was correct in there being a Flash war, it didn't happen as I thought it would. I thought it would be like Flash, XS, Impulse, Jay Garrick, and Accelerate Man Vs Godspeed, Reverse-Flash, Zoom, and Savitar. But I am okay with this story line, due to the amount of potential that it has.
The official arrival of August Heart should be interesting. While I wanted Jensen Ackles to play Godspeed, with how they have decided to write him this season, I am glad they went with a no name actor. I hope the payoff is good in the last 2 episodes. Please do not disappoint.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
9 out of 10
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