Friday, July 30, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 15: War Mantle: Review

 While the censoring is getting annoying, episode 15 of the Bad Batch delivers on the action, humor, the arrival of the Storm Troopers, and a great ending that reunites Crosshairs and Hunter. Should be interesting as to what the last 2 episodes will do. I really think most if not all of the Bad Batch will die at the end.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Friday, July 23, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 13: Infested: Review

 While the humor is good, and the return of the Pikes is interesting, the episode is another predictable filler, that adds nothing to the story line.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

5 out of 10

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 13: Fail Safe: Review

 Quick review, very tired right now.

Tonight's episode of Superman and Lois is definitely a very sobering episode. While some of the drama could have been handled better, the episode's emotion, well done humor, surprising plot reveals, making me actually feel for the villain, and strong performances from the cast still make this a very good episode.

Wonder what will happen to the Cushings? Really hope that they do not leave Smallville, mainly due to the fact that I like the characters of Kyle and Lana, and I do not want the show to lose Jordan and Sarah's chemistry.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 18: Heart of the Matter Part II: Review

 This finale has me hopeful for the 8th season.

Godspeed explaining his origins to Barry was an excellent scene. Karen Oberoi absolutely crushed it as August Heart/Godspeed. The fact that Godspeed had all of this planned out had me stunned. I loved that they made him a genius.

Flash, XS, Impulse, Jay Garrick, Speed Force Nora, and Iris taking on the Godspeed clones was spectacular. The visual effects in that scene looked so good. The fact that they showed off each of their skills was spectacular. Well done writers, well done.

Barry agreeing to give Godspeed real speed force had me mad. While I thought this was a horrible idea, the fact that Barry planned for this had me stunned. 

The best part of the episode though, was the Reverse-Flash returning and helping Barry defeat Godspeed. That fight scene between the three of them was spectacular. Best fight scene on the Flash ever.

Reverse-Flash trying to kill Barry had me excited. While letting Reverse-Flash go is going to be a big mistake, I cannot help but love it, due to the fact that it means Reverse-Flash will be potentially returning a main villain for season 8 has me excited. Tom Cavanagh absolutely stole the show despite his limited amount of screen time. Though I hope that Matt Letscher will return as Reverse-Flash soon.

The reveal that Kramer has powers stunned me to no end. They have something huge planned for her next season. I also wonder if Joe will return to the police force next season.

While I was overall disappointed in this season, the final story arch has me hopeful for season 8.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Best episode of the Flash ever! No contest!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 12: Rescue on Ryloth: Review

 Episode 12 of The Bad Batch is definitely a good one, due to the character development on the Clone force that is on Ryloth (I did not think it was possible for Clones to turn without getting their chip removed), exciting action scenes, well done humor, tying into Star Wars Rebels, and the ending with Crosshairs coming after the Bad Batch.

Only small tine problem that I had was that I found Omega insufferable in this episode. She is becoming more and more irritating for me.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 12: Through the Valley of Death: Review

 Superman and Lois returns, and it still has not lost a beat.

Tal-Rho trying to have General Zod take control of Superman's body was shocking. Tyler Hoechlin and Adam Rayner absolutely crushed it. I do not think we have seen the last of Zod or Tal-Rho's father.

David Ramsey returning as John Diggle was interesting. I loved the fact that Diggle now knows about the multiverse still being around. I really think that Stargirl coming to Earth-1 is their next big crossover, should be interesting.

Jordan using his powers to find his dad was neat, due to the dynamic and words of encouragement between the 2 brothers. I really hope that Sarah and Jordan reunite soon, as their chemistry was missed in this episode.

John Henry Irons returning was great as well. I loved the character development on John. Wole Parks has given a very underrated performance as John Henry Irons. Irons helping Superman in the end was excellent, great writing. I hope we haven't seen the last of him as well. 

Tal-Rho has something sinister planned due to the smirk he gave at the end. I believe that it has something to do his assistant, who we haven't seen in the last 2 episodes. Adam Rayner has crushed it as Tal-Rho, and based on the trailer for the next episode, he will continue to do so.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 17: Heart of the Matter Part 1: Review

 The penultimate episode of the Flash is on point.

Barry and Iris meeting Nora and Bart was amazing. The chemistry between the 4 actors was outstanding. I loved the reason why Godspeed and Bart have it in for each other. The humor between the West-Allen family had me laughing so hard as well. Jessica Parker Kennedy has not lost her charm as Nora either.

Cisco and Jay Garrick returning stunned me. I am so glad that these two returned, as Cisco has been missing lately, and it was also neat to see Jay back, I love John Wesley Shipp's performance and mentor presence as Garrick.

Allegra dealing with the fallout of her cousin dying was bittersweet. While it is good that they did not just sweep it under the rug, I'm still upset that it did not get resolved at all. They need to finish it up, and very soon.

Joe and Kramer's story line is very interesting. I want to know what in the heck is going on with Kramer. Is she a Metahuman also, or is something darker going on? Guess we will find out next week.

Barry meeting Godspeed inside of his head should be interesting. While I was apprehensive about who they casted as Godspeed, the actor has surprised me. I hope they do not mess it up.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 11: Devil's Deal: Review

 The tie in to Star Wars: Rebels was very unexpected, and it was also neat seeing old characters from Star Wars Rebels as well. The themes in this episode were very unexpected as well. Only small tiny problem that I had, was that the Bad Batch only had one scene, but this did not affect the episode very much.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 16: P.O.W.: Review

 Finally, a good episode.

Diggle returning and helping the team trap a Godspeed was epic. I loved the voice actor for the Godspeed drone. I have know idea who he is though. The Godspeed drone spilling the truth on why they are there was one of my favorite moments in the series.

Diggle having constant headaches was interesting. I loved the fact that the Green Lantern ring was references as well. I wonder is he will be getting his own show or something. I also know that he will be showing up in Superman & Lois very soon.

Allegra's cousin's story arch wrapping up was surprising. I did not expect her cousin to die at all, good twist. I am glad that her arch is finished though, now let's finish strong.

Joe and Kramer's arch finishing up was long overdue. This was the only part of the episode that I hated. It literally added nothing to the story line.

The official return of Nora West-Allen had me excited. But Bart Allen/Impulse arriving as well made me freak out. I am so glad that they finally arrived. Looking forward to seeing Jessica Parker Kennedy's chemistry again with Grant Gustin and Candice Patton.

So while I was correct in there being a Flash war, it didn't happen as I thought it would. I thought it would be like Flash, XS, Impulse, Jay Garrick, and Accelerate Man Vs Godspeed, Reverse-Flash, Zoom, and Savitar. But I am okay with this story line, due to the amount of potential that it has. 

The official arrival of August Heart should be interesting. While I wanted Jensen Ackles to play Godspeed, with how they have decided to write him this season, I am glad they went with a no name actor. I hope the payoff is good in the last 2 episodes. Please do not disappoint.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Friday, July 2, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 10: Common Ground: Review

 This episode's biggest problem is that it is a filler episode, but thanks to its themes, character development for Cid, and plenty of strong humor, the episode is one of the rare watchable filler episodes.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.0 out of 10 

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...