Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 8: Holding the Wrench: Review

 Episode 8 opts to focus on drama, and boy does it work.

The reveal that Lois suffered a miscarriage when the boys were only 18 months old was an excellent story line, largely due to Elizabeth Tulloch's outstanding performance. The scene where she yelled at Jonathan was a very sad scene, due to how realistic it was.

Superman fighting a soldier, who is possessed by a Kryptonian warrior was another great story line. The action scene actually worked surprisingly, hope they continue to keep it up. I really hope that they will end up using the Kryptonite on the bad guys.

John Henry Irons' story line is not quite finished yet in my opinion. I really hope he shows back up very soon, and helps Superman and Lois take on Morgan Edge, mainly because I want to see him wield the hammer again.

Sarah Kushing's story line was one I didn't expect at all. Inde Navarrette's performance was stellar, and she has a beautiful singing voice. Inde's chemistry with Alex Garfin (Jordan Kent) is adorable as well, and I really hope that the writers put them in a relationship either by the end of this season, or early into season 2.

They really need to give Jonathan either powers, or have him get a girlfriend. I really feel bad for him, due to the fact that he feels completely useless.

I am also curious as to what will happen to Lana and Kyle Kushing. I wonder if Lana will figure out that Clark is Superman, and I also have a gut feeling that one of them will not make it out of this season alive. My bet is mainly on Kyle, but Lana wouldn't surprise me either.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

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