Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 15: Enemy at the Gates: Review

 What have you done to Godspeed?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Here Godspeed has arguably one of the best story lines in comic book history, and the writers have butchered him ever since he was introduced in season 5!!!!! Will the real one ever show up?!?!?!?! Will Godspeed's identity be a big one?!?!?!? Or will it just be a lame generic villain with no tie to team Flash whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only reason why this episode is better than last week's was because it featured a brief cameo by Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora West-Allen/XS.

Will it be a Flash war in the last 3 episodes? This better pick up and very soon!!!!!!!!!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

3 out of 10

Friday, June 25, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 9: Bounty Lost: Review

 Episode 9 of the Bad Batch is another excellent example of what happens when they continue to advance the story line, and what happens when they have Clone Wars references. I loved seeing Cad Bane vs Fennec, and they name dropped Boba Fett!!! Please bring him back soon.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 8: Reunion: Review

 Episode 8 of the Bad Batch is easily the best due to the long awaited return of Crosshairs, stellar action scenes, setting up an intriguing new arch, and the surprising return of Cade Bane. Hope Boba Fett shows up at some point, that would be awesome.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 11: A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events: Review

 While I thought it would be a pure flashback episode with barely any plot advancement, the episode advances the story line in ways I couldn't imagine.

The flashbacks to Clark becoming Superman were perfect. Tyler Hoechlin absolutely crushed it in this episode. I loved how the world became aware of him.

The reveal that Morgan Edge was just messing with his head to find out what he was truly up to was amazing. The argument between Morgan, Clark, and the hologram of Jor-EL was the best scene of the series in my opinion. Adam Rayner has killed it as the villain.

Sarah and Jordan officially becoming a couple was a longtime coming. The chemistry between Alex Garfin and Inde Navarrette is outstanding, and I hope they continue to write it well. They are one of my favorite couples in the Arrowverse, though Oliver and Felicity still top them in my opinion.

Morgan having a brief heat ray battle with Jordan was neat. Jordan will be very strong once he masters his abilities. Looking forward to seeing how Jonathan and Jordan help in the last 4 episodes.

Morgan Edge's brief flashbacks to how he built his fortress of Solitude had a Star Wars feel to it. I loved it!!!!

Superman agreeing to help Morgan Edge in exchange for the safety of his family was shocking. I still think that Superman has something planned and that he is just buying time for now. Lois giving John Henry Irons a call at the end has me excited. I really hope that Steel ends up battling Morgan Edge or his second in command.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

One of the greatest episodes of a tv show I have ever seen. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 14: Rayo De Luz: Review

What the heck!!!!!!!!!!! So boring. Only good thing about the episode was Sue, and the ending with Killer Frost and Chillblaine.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

1 out of 10

Worst episode of any show I have ever seen.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 10: O Mother, where Art Thou?: Review

 This show never ceases to amaze me.

The backstory on Morgan Edge was brilliant. I am so glad that they did not make him Zod. The reveal that he was hated upon arrival was a brilliant story line, due to the fact that it was an opposite Superman arriving on Earth story line. Adam Rayner absolutely crushed it as Morgan.

Lana having to turn into Lara Lor-Van (Superman's mother) was totally unexpected. Emmanuelle Chriqui nailed her performance. The writing continues to stun me.

Sarah learning the truth as to what is happening with her father, and Morgan Edge was finally revealed, and I loved it. I also liked that she reconciled with her dad, and with Jordan. 

Superman turning everyone in Smallville back to their normal selves should be interesting due to the fact that Superman has been knocked out of commission, and that Morgan Edge wasn't upset about it. Morgan has a master plan in place, and it should be interesting as to what will happen. I also hope Steel returns very soon.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 13: Masquerade: Review

 While the character development on Cecille and Chester rocks, the humor is spot on as well, Sue making a surprising return is a treat, and the cast in on the point, the episode is too predictable, the Flash continues to feel totally useless throughout this entire season, and the feel of a filler episode stinks.

Godspeed still has to show up. Please make it happen very soon!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6 out of 10

Friday, June 11, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 7: Battle Scars: Review

 While the lack of Crosshairs and some advancement of the Empire hunting down the Bad Batch is hurting the show, episode 7 of The Bad Batch picks up the pace a lot, due to the return of Captain Rex, setting up an intriguing next episode, and characterization of Omega and Wrecker.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Superman & Lois: Season 1 Episode 9: Loyal Subjekts: Review

 The plot unravels more and more.

Jordan getting sick due to the side effects of the Kryptonite was a great story line. I feel so bad for his character, every time he starts to get close to Sarah, something happens. I hope that doesn't become a recurring theme. I really want them to get together.

Morgan Edge sending brainwashed soldiers after Lois and Jonathan was great. It was so satisfying watching General Lane using Kryptonite on the villains. It was also funny watching Jonathan firing Steel's weapons at them. I was stunned when Kyle Cushing was revealed to be exposed. Hope they don't kill him off, as I really like his character.

Morgan Edge being revealed to be a Kryptonian didn't surprise me. What did absolutely stun me, was when he revealed to Superman that he is his brother. I am wondering if they will change some stuff, and make him Zod, or if he is a new character altogether. Should be interesting. Adam Rayner has done a very good job as Morgan, looking forward to seeing him progress more and more. 

I cannot wait for Steel to team up with Superman and the Army. They will make an excellent team, and the action scenes should be stellar.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 12: Good-Bye Vibrations: Review

 The Flash says goodbye to one of the best and most consistent characters on the show.

The main story line involving Cisco and Team Flash trying to stop Rainbow Raider 2.0 was solid. I loved the humor in the episode, even if the lack of good action scenes is starting to get annoying. Carlos Valdes and Grant Gustin's acting while being made to be happy was one of the funniest scenes on The Flash ever.

Cisco bidding farewell to team Flash was very emotional. I loved the flashbacks to all of his favorite memories while with the team. I have watched the show since day 1, and it was perfect how they sent Cisco off. Barry, Cisco, Joe, and Caitlin listening and singing and listening to Poker Face had me dying, great callback to when Barry awoke from his coma after being struck by lightning.

Cecille has an interesting new story line. Hope it is good. My bet is that it has something to do with the Thinker's chair, when she sat in it. Should be interesting.

Godspeed, XS, Impulse's upcoming story arch should be interesting. If they are following Godspeed's story line from the comics where he is an anti hero, this will be the best arch on the show. It would not bother me also if Godspeed is Eddie Thawne.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 6: Decommissioned: Review

While not without its moments, and raising a question as to who the person on the hologram was at the end (I personally think it was Mace Windu), the series continues to have too much filler, and the lack of Crosshairs and the Empire is getting irritating.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6.5 out of 10

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 8: Holding the Wrench: Review

 Episode 8 opts to focus on drama, and boy does it work.

The reveal that Lois suffered a miscarriage when the boys were only 18 months old was an excellent story line, largely due to Elizabeth Tulloch's outstanding performance. The scene where she yelled at Jonathan was a very sad scene, due to how realistic it was.

Superman fighting a soldier, who is possessed by a Kryptonian warrior was another great story line. The action scene actually worked surprisingly, hope they continue to keep it up. I really hope that they will end up using the Kryptonite on the bad guys.

John Henry Irons' story line is not quite finished yet in my opinion. I really hope he shows back up very soon, and helps Superman and Lois take on Morgan Edge, mainly because I want to see him wield the hammer again.

Sarah Kushing's story line was one I didn't expect at all. Inde Navarrette's performance was stellar, and she has a beautiful singing voice. Inde's chemistry with Alex Garfin (Jordan Kent) is adorable as well, and I really hope that the writers put them in a relationship either by the end of this season, or early into season 2.

They really need to give Jonathan either powers, or have him get a girlfriend. I really feel bad for him, due to the fact that he feels completely useless.

I am also curious as to what will happen to Lana and Kyle Kushing. I wonder if Lana will figure out that Clark is Superman, and I also have a gut feeling that one of them will not make it out of this season alive. My bet is mainly on Kyle, but Lana wouldn't surprise me either.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 5: Rampage: Review

 While the humor is funny, and the action scenes are well done, episode 5 of The Bad Batch suffers from failing to advance the story line.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

5.5 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...