Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 6: The Justice Society: Review

More ISA members are revealed, while the JSA is finally formed.

The opening with Sportsmaster and his wife Tigress' opening scene with them killing a coach was a surprisingly brutal opening, but it made you realize how much of a threat they are.

Pat and Courtney arguing about her recruiting members for a new JSA was a well acted scene from the both of them. Luke Wilson needs to keep having these kind of moments on the show, as he is arguably the best actor on the show.

The battle between the JSA and Tigress and Sportsmaster was a very well done action scene. The way they shot it and the choreography was flawless. The villains are a dangerous duo, and it makes you wonder how much stronger other members are.

Mike and Amy bonding at the science fair was a nice moment for both characters. They could not have chosen a better actor to play Luke Wilson's son, as he looks and sounds just like him.

Pat arriving and saving the JSA was a cool moment also. The team also realizing that they need his help was a great moment for all the characters. Pat also agreeing to train the team was great. I am looking forward to see him step into the mentor role more.

The final scene with the ISA was the best scene in the episode. I love how certain members of the group can't stand each other, which was able to create some hillarious dialogue, such as Sportsmaster calling the Fiddler Mozart (That quote had me in stitches). I am also very intrigued by what their plan is, hope that they start spilling information on it soon. 

I really hope Brainwave returns very soon, as his presence will only make the show better. And it will be great seeing most of the ISA in a meeting. I am also curious as to what they need Brainwave for, and I wonder if they will end up using Brainwave Jr. instead to help with their plans. Should be interesting.

Overall, the sixth episode of Stargirl advances the story line well, while still keeping you guessing at what they plan on doing, and features some well written dialogue, and strong performances from its cast.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

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