Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 7: Shiva Part One: Review

A lot of things are happening for me right now, so I am going to have to start writing small reviews until I can get some free time.

More secrets are uncovered in episode 7 of Stargirl, and they are great. Dragon King and his daughter Shiva are revealed and they are perfectly written, and I loved the reveal that the Janitor is a member of the  original JSA. Courtney got her butt handed to her, and she needed it. Henry King Jr. begins to develop his father's powers more, which offers plenty of intrigue. And I loved the interactions between Jordan and Courtney, Icicle and Jordan, and the dialogue in this episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 6: The Justice Society: Review

More ISA members are revealed, while the JSA is finally formed.

The opening with Sportsmaster and his wife Tigress' opening scene with them killing a coach was a surprisingly brutal opening, but it made you realize how much of a threat they are.

Pat and Courtney arguing about her recruiting members for a new JSA was a well acted scene from the both of them. Luke Wilson needs to keep having these kind of moments on the show, as he is arguably the best actor on the show.

The battle between the JSA and Tigress and Sportsmaster was a very well done action scene. The way they shot it and the choreography was flawless. The villains are a dangerous duo, and it makes you wonder how much stronger other members are.

Mike and Amy bonding at the science fair was a nice moment for both characters. They could not have chosen a better actor to play Luke Wilson's son, as he looks and sounds just like him.

Pat arriving and saving the JSA was a cool moment also. The team also realizing that they need his help was a great moment for all the characters. Pat also agreeing to train the team was great. I am looking forward to see him step into the mentor role more.

The final scene with the ISA was the best scene in the episode. I love how certain members of the group can't stand each other, which was able to create some hillarious dialogue, such as Sportsmaster calling the Fiddler Mozart (That quote had me in stitches). I am also very intrigued by what their plan is, hope that they start spilling information on it soon. 

I really hope Brainwave returns very soon, as his presence will only make the show better. And it will be great seeing most of the ISA in a meeting. I am also curious as to what they need Brainwave for, and I wonder if they will end up using Brainwave Jr. instead to help with their plans. Should be interesting.

Overall, the sixth episode of Stargirl advances the story line well, while still keeping you guessing at what they plan on doing, and features some well written dialogue, and strong performances from its cast.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, June 15, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 5: Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite: Review

The new JSA continues to form, while the Injustice League's plans continue to unfold.

The opening flashback with Hourman and his wife had a different feel to it. It reminded me a lot of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise, in a good way. Solomon Grundy arriving and killing them was a shock.

Beth Chapel becoming Dr. Mid-Nite was a surprise as well. I loved the personality of the character, and the actress does an excellent job as this character.

The new Hourman is an interesting character. He could easily end up becoming a villain. I hope that they try to develop him into a more interesting and likeable character, as he was kind of annoying in this episode.

Brainwave's son Henry King Jr. getting his fathers powers has so much potiential. They could either have him follow in his fathers's footsteps, or become a new member of the Justice Society of America, either way I am really excited to see what they do with him.

I am really interested to see who the final members of the JSA will be. Green Lantern's ring being shown was a great twist, and I am looking forward to Pat confronting Courtney about trying to recruit new members behind his back.

The ending with a shipment coming into Blue Valley that is for the Injustice League is interesting. I really hope that they revela what their plan is very soon, and who the other members of the Injustice League are.

Overall, Stargirl's fifth episode is another great one, and it continues to advance the plot very well, while keeping its intrigue at the same time.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 4: Wildcat: Review

This review will be brief, due to the fact that I am battling allergies.

Episode 4 of Stargirl makes you sympathetic towards the new Wildcat and has some great character development for her also, it also asks more questions as to who will be part of the new JSA, and who else is involved with the Injustice League. This is once again a great episode, and the show manages to keep me intrigued.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, June 1, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 3: Icicle: Review

Icicle arrives and quickly makes the show more serious.

The opening flashback to Icicle's wife dying was pretty sad, until I found out that she knew that he was a villain. I know that they mentioned that she was exposed to some kind of chemical, but I am hoping we get a flashback to what happened.

Icicle telling Wizard that Brainwave was attacked and is in a coma was a great scene as well. Icicle also having the scene with Stargirl's mother was a good scene as well. I am genuinely interested in what his plans for America are.

The fight scene between Stargirl, S.T.R.I.P.E., and Icicle was shocking. Icicle nearly destroying a school bus, and then killing Wizard's son made my jaw drop. I was really liking Joey to, and when Joey's parents found out that he died, it made the scene even more sadder.

Courtney visiting the hall of Justice at the end, after Pat took her there, and getting ready to recruit her own Justice Society of America is going to backfire on her. She is very arrogant going into this, and I have a feeling that one of her teammates is going to get killed due to her arrogance. The hall of Justice was a great scene, due to its many Easter Eggs.

Wizard arriving at Icicle's house to kill him was another shocking scene. I was sure that Icicle was going to tell Wizard that Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. killed his boy, so he could make Wizard more powerful. Icicle killing him made my jaw drop, as did the reveal that Icicle's parents know that he is a villain, but don't care. Another reveal that shocked me, was that one of the students that took a liking to Yolanda Montez, was Icicle's son. Another plot twist I did not see coming!!

I prediction I have is that Stargirl's mother is going to separate from Pat, and will end up having an affair with Icicle. The reason why I say that is because it looked like Icicle was flirting with her during their scenes together, and the way he admired her ideas only adds fuel to the fire in my opinion.

Overall, episode 3 of Stargirl ups the stakes and produces another fantastic episode due to its darker tone, Easter Eggs, fantastic writing, incredible direction, jaw dropping plot twists, stunning deaths, and strong performances from Neil Jackson, Joe Knezevich, and Will Deusnir.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...