Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Flash: Season 6: Review

When it comes to writing a full season review, I'm going to make it brief.

While it had to end early, it was still an overall solid season, but one that should have been better.

The first half of the sixth season benefited from its humor, tone, characterization and writing of Dr. Bloodwork (Who was one of the best villains on this show since Zoom, and one of the best villains in the Arrowverse since Prometheus), some surprisingly well done action scenes, incredible CGI, some genuinely creepy moments, well written dialogue, and strong performances from Sendhill Ramamurthy and Grant Gustin.

While the second half of the season suffered from its confusing narative, and pacing, it heavily benefited from its strong emotion, well done new characters, an overall solid villain in Mirror Master, return of Eobard Thawne (even if it was only two episodes, he was more fun to watch in some ways then Mirror Master), well done dialogue, and strong performances from Hartley Sawyer, Efrat Dor, Natalie Dreyfuss, and Candice Patton.

Out of 100% I would give the season...

79% out of 100%

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