The team having to protect Joseph Carver was a great story line due to its action scenes, humor, and performances from its cast. Efrat Dor delivered another great performance, and she was able to get under my skin very easily, no villain has ever done that on this show.
Ralph and Sue had a good story line as well. The chemistry between the two actors is great, and I'm looking forward to seeing them together in the next season, especially considering how her story line ended.
Iris and Kamilla's story line was great as well. Iris starting to have the same symptons as Eva due to her exposure to the Mirror Dimension was shocking. I am so mad I have to wait till next season to figure out what happened to Iris, and why she disappeared.
I really do not see where Caitlin's story line is going. While Danielle Panabker has come out and said that she is not leaving the series, it really feels like she is. I know this has something to do with the reveal that her mom has the same kind of ice powers as her back in season 5, but they have made no progress with it. This was the only thing a didn't like about the episode.
Eva killing her husband Joseph was a shock for me. I really did not expect him to die until next season. Eva blaming his death on Sue adds a lot of intrigue for me also, and it should be interesting to see where Sue goes from here. I'm also looking forward to seeing how they advance her relationship with Ralph next season also.
Overall, season 6 of the Flash ends on a great note due to its stunning ending, plenty of shocking plot reveals, surprisingly well done action scenes, setting up an intriguing 7th season, and strong performances from Efrat Dor, Hartley Sawyer, Natalie Dreyfuss, and Grant Gustin. And I am very excited for when this show comes back.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
9.4 out of 10
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