Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Flash: Season 6 Episode 14: Death of the Speed Force: Review

Flash continues to deal with the fallout from Crisis, while an old enemy and alley makes their return.

Wally West coming back was great, and I'm loving how much he has grown since season 3, and I also love his chemistry with Grant Gustin. The reveal that the Speed Force was dying due to Crisis was a great twist that I was not expecting. I'm also loving that Flash wants to create his own Speed Force.

Cisco returning and helping Team Flash take down the new Turtle villain was okay. I did not like the new villain, and I wish that they would get better villains that have more of an impact, such as Captain Cold, Heat Wave, The Trickster, and the Pied Piper. Overall though, I'm glad Cisco is back.

The Iris story line finally made a some progress. Kamilla discovering that this Iris is not the real Iris was great progression. But I really hope that Kamilla Hwang is not dead, as I really like her character. If she is dead, I think that they will use that as an excuse for Cisco to leave the show, which I do not want.

The best part of this episode was when Nash Wells was possessed by Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash. His fight with Cisco was thrilling and funny at the same time, since Reverse Flash does not have his powers. Eobard's conversation with Barry and Cisco towards the end of the episode was no doubt the best scene in the second half of this season, due to the season 1 vibes I got while watching, and Tom Cavanagh's ability to switch his facial expressions while playing two different characters further cements him as the best actor on the show.

Overall, despite the lackluster new Turtle, Flash arguably delivered the best episode of the second half of this season due to its great plot reveals, return of Wally West, progressing Iris' story arc finally, strong humor, plenty of thrilling moments, the long awaited return of Eobard Thawne, and strong performances from Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Keiynan Lonsdale.

Out of a 10 I would give it..

9.0 out of 10

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