Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Flash: Season 6 Episode 10: Marathon"

Flash's long awaited return sets up a potientally great new story arc.

I was mixed about Flash and Diggle's trip to Lian Yu. While I was hit with the emotion surounding Oliver's death, I wish there would have been something major there. The moral of it though was solid, and I'm glad that we took one last trip to Lian Yu.

Iris' story line was great, due to the intrigue that is surounding the new villain, Mirror Master. Candice Patton arguably gave one of her best performances in this episode. It was neat seeing how they are trying to make Iris more useful in this show, and I think that they are doing at great job at it. Keep it up!

Cisco and Caitlin's story line was heartfelt. I'm really mad though that they killed Harry and Jesse Wells, as these were two of my favorite characters from the show. I'm curious as to what Cisco is going to find out there, and I cannot wait to see what it is.

Nash Wells' huge reveal at the end that Allegra Garcis has a connection to him, either as his daughter or his wife, stunned me. I am very interested as to what how this will tie in to the upcomming story arc.

Iris getting kidnapped by Mirror Master left me dropping my jaw. I was not expecting that, what a way to introduce the new villain. I really hope that they bring back old supporting villains such as Godspeed, Gorilla Grodd, Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash, Dr. Alechemy, and Savitar to show how much more of a threat the new universe is.

Overall, despite somewhat of a letdown from Barry's story arc, and the reveal of Harry and Jesse Wells, tonight's episode of the Flash deliveres on the intrigue, setting up the new story arc in the best way possible, some surprising new plot twists, the new season villain revealed, opening so many new possibilities, and a strong performance from Candice Patton.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.9 out of 10

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