Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 3: Review

Spoliers Ahead!!!!

The 5 week wait is going to be very long wait.

Henry Allen from the 90s Flash show, Black Lightning, Lucifer, and Ryan Choi showing was a huge surprise. Even though they did not have that much screen time, they made a huge impact in terms of the emotion.

Mia, John Constantine, and John Diggle going to purgatory in the spirit world to save Oliver's soul was odd. I really have no idea why Oliver did not go with them, and I really hope that they explain why, who the heck that was who showed up and convinced Oliver to stay dead.

The return of Vibe was great as well. The Monitor not putting up with Cisco's complaining was hilarious also.

The sacrifice that Flash made stunned me to no end. I did not expect Henry Allen from the 90s show to make the sacrifice. It made me sad when they showed a scene in the 90s show when he was talking Tina. I have watched a few episodes of that show, so I got a sense of nostalgia from that clip.

The ending where the Anti-Monitor showed up, because he was possessing Lyla, and destroyed Earth 1, and killed the Monitor, and most of the team blew me away. Batwoman, Supergirl, The Flash, Ryan Choi, Kingdom Come Superman, Sara Lance, and Martian Manhunter, survived because Nash Wells/Pariah saved them by fulfilling his destiny.

As to where they are right now, I have no idea. Lex Luthor then rewrote destiny, due to the book of destiny, and took Superman's place. I laughed when he said "Now What?" Because that was my same reaction as well.

Overall, While still not living up to the first episode of this crossover, part 3 of Crisis on Infinite Earths delivered on the emotion, jaw dropping ending, great cameos by many other characters from different shows, raising the stakes, a sense of nostalgia, and strong performances from LaMonica Garrett, Ruby Rose, John Wesley Shipp, Jon Cryer, and Tom Cavanagh to keep the crossover on a hot streak.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.2 out of 10

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